


General Information on Cat Fleas

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Cat fleas are pests that can provide discomfort for your pet cat and for your family. They can become quite troublesome, and most cat owners will have to deal with this kind of problem with their feline pets at some point in time. You should know how to identify when your cats have fleas and how you can get rid of those pests.
Scratching themselves is one thing that cats usually do. However, if you observed that your cat is scratching more than usual, then you should try to see if he or she has fleas. Try checking for flea droppings along the spine of your cat. You find flea droppings along the area which consists mainly of dried blood if your cat has fleas. Because cat fleas feed on your cat's blood, anemia is one of the many problems that can possibly arise.
Flea bites leave behind red marks on your cat's skin which can be extremely itchy. This causes your cat to scratch excessively on those spots. Continuous scratching on the flea bites can cause it develop into a rash and ultimately into a sore. When this happens, it can easily get infected which can result to allergic dermatitis. This can damage your cat's skin and its coat.
Since fleas are parasites which can transfer from one cat to another, they can carry other diseases and microorganisms with them as well. This can include viral and bacterial infections, and even tapeworms.
Fleas have an average lifespan of 6 months, but can survive on a host for two years depending on the conditions. With this time, they can lay hundreds of eggs which will hatch and become adults themselves in 3-5 weeks time. They strive most in humid conditions. They transfer from one animal to another by jumping since adult fleas don't have wings. They can also transfer on humans and can serious problems for you as well.
It is best that you treat your cat's flea problem early before the situation aggravates. If you have other cats which are not yet infected, it would be wise to separate them from the one with flea infestation. Fleas can drop on the floor, carpets, and curtains or even on your furniture. From there they will lay and hatch their eggs. If you allow your cat to sleep in a cat bed, then make sure that you separate it from your other cats.
In treating cat fleas, you don't only treat your cat, but your entire home for the matter. Since fleas can lodge into different areas in your homes, they can still cause a problem to you even if you treated your cat.
There are several treatments available for cat fleas. You can try consulting your vet for a suitable flea shampoo that you can use to bathe your cat with. However, you should make sure that you get a shampoo that is suitable for cat use and not those that are made for dogs. Bathe your cat with the cat flea shampoo for two weeks in order to get rid of the flea infestation on your cat.
Another treatment method is by putting a flea collar on your cat. This can help protect your cat and reduce the infestation. However, it may be risky if you have small children at home who are fond of playing with your cat. Flea collars have chemicals which can be harmful to your children if they touch it and place it in their mouths.
Ella Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat beds and cat bed as well as a host of additional products.

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