


What Is a Hypoallergenic Cat?

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The definition of a hypoallergenic cat is a cat which is less likely to provoke an allergic reaction in humans. Although there is some debate regarding the existence of a truly hypoallergenic cat, there can be no debate over the fact that some breeds cause more of a reaction in humans than others. Hairless cats such as the Sphynx certainly cause little allergic reaction in humans. It is also widely believed that Siberian cats produce less of the allergy causing protein Fel d 1 than most other breeds.
Cat Allergens
According to medical research, there are a total of five cat allergens. These include the two biggest problems for humans, Fel d 1 and Fel d 4, Fel d 2, Fel d 3 and finally cat IgA.
Fel d 1 Explained
Fel d 1 is a protein in cats that is largely produced by their saliva. It is the main cause of the allergies a number of people suffer when coming into contact with cats. The function of this protein is not know but when coming into contact with humans, it can cause either an allergic or asthmatic response. Female cats produce a lower level of Fel d 1 as do castrated male cats. This had led to the assumption that Fel d 1 is hormonally regulated by testosterone. The protein is quite sticky and clings to a number of surfaces in the home. There are measures you can take to reduce the amounts present including frequent washing of clothing, use of HEPA filters as well as washing the cats themselves.
Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds
Cats with little or no hair are considered to be the most effective when trying to select a breed which will help you to avoid the symptoms associated with cat allergies. The Sphynx is the most popular and well known hairless breed of cat and a very identifiable one at that. They are very intelligent cats and their very individual looks are actually quite appealing to some pet owners.
Of the varieties of cats that do have hair, the Siberian is believed to be the most hypoallergenic available. This particular breed has been around in Russian for many years and in tests have produced a lower level of the allergy causing protein Fel d 1 than other breeds. As female cats also produce lower levels of this allergen, a female Siberian cat is likely to be a option well worth considering for allergy sufferers.
Hypoallergenic Cat Resources
Get further information on hypoallergenic cats from the excellent Hypoallergenic Cat site
It's the leading resource on the web for hypoallergenic cat information and on how to fight the allergies associated with cats.

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