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It's dinner time in your home, everyone's seated at the table ready to enjoy the wonderful meal you prepared, and here comes your cat. Your feline friend rubs against your leg as you begin to eat, and although you have already feed him/her, or their bowl is filled with food waiting, your cat continues this begging ritual that includes a bit of leg rubbing and a dose of meowing.
As cat owners we sometimes find pleasure in sharing our meals with our beloved cats. Although this sharing process can be a bonding moment and our felines definitely enjoy when we share, the meals that we prepare for ourselves and our family isn't healthy cat food. Some of the ingredients that we use to prepare our meals are toxic to cats. Commonly use seasonings and vegetables such as; garlic, onions, garlic powder, and onion powder, can all cause serious health problems in cats if consumed. Both onions and garlic contain a substance called N-propyl disulphide. This substance destroys the red blood cells in cat's which results in an illness called anemia.
There are also other vegetables and spices that help to make our meals tasty, but that are not beneficially to your cat's health, salt is a major one. Most people use salt in their meal preparation, even an amateur chef knows that it helps to bring out the flavor in your food, however salt, consistently consumed overtime, causes electrolyte imbalances in your cat. A cat who experiences an electrolyte imbalance will begin to lose weight, vomit and excessively urinate, this illness can be fatal.
Cats need specific vitamins that our foods do not provide them. Although the meal that you prepared may be healthy and meet you and your families nutritional needs, your cat's food contains essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, such as taurine, that their body needs to stay active and healthy. Taurine is an essential amino acid that your cat's body does not produce, but is consumed through their food. The lack of taurine causes central retinal degeneration which can result in blindness.
It is also important to remember that cats have a very sensitive digestive system, some more sensitive than others. Feeding your feline food prepared for human consumption, can sometimes upset their sensitive system resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. Most cats are lactose intolerant, so any meals that contain dairy products can cause stomach craps, and diarrhea.
Sharing your meals with your cat in addition to their regular food can cause our unhealthy weight gain. Cats are just like humans when it comes to weight gain and lose, if they are consuming extra calories more than they are using, they will gain weight. Cats that are over weight are more susceptible to certain health problems such as diabetes. Although your cat may enjoy sharing your meals with you, and it may sometimes be tempting to indulge them, it's our responsibilities as cat parents to make sure our feline friends are eating their own premium high protein cat food.
Kerry-Ann and her husband have been cat owners for over twenty years. They have two beautiful healthy cats, ages 18 and 2. They are also the creators of To read more about how to choose healthy cat food for your cats visit
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