


The Sleeping Habits of a Cat

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When it comes to sleeping, cats are the king of almost all mammals. They usually sleep between 13 to 16 hours a day and in turn spend about 2/3 of their life sleeping. The amount of time your cat will spend sleeping depends on their age, health, hunger, and the current weather. During their sleep cycle, cats go through both REM and non-REM sleep very similar to the way a human does.
Approximately 75% of this sleep is considered light or non-REM, while the other 25% is considered heavy or in other words REM. It is believed that cats dream during this deep REM sleep cycle and some ways you can tell is by watching to see if their whiskers twitch or look to see if you can notice their eyes moving behind their eyelids.
The reason that cat's break down their sleeping habits like this is based on their natural instincts. In the wild, cats would have to sleep lightly in order to make sure that they could escape from predators or defend themselves against intruders. This is where we get the term "cat nap" from. House cats will tend to sleep most during the night because they are receiving constant stimulation by humans during the day. This means that your cat is not in fact a nocturnal creature like most people think, but they are actually what is called "crepuscular" which means that they are most active during dawn and dusk. This is because in the wild, a cat's prey is most active at these times.
When your cat goes to find a sleeping spot, it will depend a great deal on the temperature. If it is very warm, they will try to find a cool or shaded spot where they will not overheat. However, if it is very cold outside, a cat will try to find a warmer place such as a heater or maybe even your feet. Your cat will also try and find a place that makes them feel safe before they doze off. If you really want to build a strong bond with your cat, you can let them sleep in your bed with you.
Make sure that you observe your cat's sleeping habits and see what is normal for them. If you notice that they may be sleeping more than normal or if they are sleeping less than normal, it may be a good idea to consult your local veterinarian to have them checked out. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
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