


What to Look for in the Cattery

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There are several things that you should look for in the cattery that will let you know that the breeder is responsible and the kitten is likely to be well-adjusted. These include:
Cleanliness - Make sure that the cattery is clean and comfortable for the kittens and the adult cats. Primarily, this shows that the breeder is caring for the animals and running a respectable business.
Secondly, the cats will be healthier, happier and better adjusted if they are raised in a hygienic and comfortable environment. It is true that the cats may need to be kept in pens or cages at some stage at the cattery, especially when there is controlled breeding involved. If this is happening at the cattery that you are visiting, then you should check to see that the pens are spacious enough for the cats to be able to move around freely, and that they are cleaned on a regular basis. The cats should also be given time outside the pens so that they can stretch and play.
Human contact - The cats should have regular human contact in the cattery. Having this regular contact with humans makes them comfortable and confident as pets, and will increase the likelihood of them settling into their new family home with you. If the kittens are raised in cages and left to their own devices without regular human contact, then they are more likely to be wary of humans or even unsociable. This can make them very difficult to tame and train the cat to living in your home. Regular handling is vital in the early years of a cat's life and failure to do this can severely impact upon their future suitability as a pet.
Stimulation - Young kittens are learning constantly about their environment and they are extremely playful. The breeder should be encouraging their development and activity by providing toys, games and a scratching post to keep the kittens entertained. They should also be spending a lot of time with the kittens themselves, firstly to get the kittens accustomed to human contact and secondly so that they are able to accurately monitor any health problems or other reasons for concern. The breeder should be able to demonstrate specific knowledge of the characteristics of each of the kittens as a result of watching them develop.
Show quality - If you are interested in showing or breeding from your kitten then you will obviously be interested in all the particular strengths and weaknesses of that kittens bloodlines. Find out how its ancestors have gone in cat shows in the past, ask specific questions about the breed standard and how that kitten satisfies the specific elements. The breeder should be able to give you an honest appraisal of whether or not the kitten will be suitable for showing or breeding. Obviously, you will need to have a bit of an understanding of the breed standard and the showing and breeding requirements for this to make any sense, so do your research before visiting the cattery and speaking to the breeder.

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