


Number of Litter Boxes Per Cat

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When it comes to owning your cat, it is important to make sure that your cat is happy with the environment they are living in. One of the key aspects that must be considered is whether or not you cat has enough litter boxes to keep them happy. If they aren't kept happy, then this can lead to cat box complications and proceed to having your cat use your house as their bathroom instead. Here are some things you should consider when choosing how many boxes you should have.
Many cats do not like to urinate and defecate in the same location. For this reason, it is important to have one litter box per cat and then one extra, to allow them to go to a different location to do their business. Also, this can help in case your cat does not like one of the places where it is located and will allow your cat to go to the bathroom in a different location. If your cat does not seem to like the locations you have currently, try and put them in an area that is quiet and that has low traffic.
Depending on where you live, you may have one or two stories, or maybe more. It is important that you keep at least one cat box on each floor. This will give cats an outlet in case they are pretty far from their normal litter box and will prevent them from using your carpet instead.
In addition to the number of cats that you should have per litter box, some important things to remember are to not change the litter or the location of a box once you have it in place. Cats do not like change and if they don't like the change that is made, they will stop using the litter box and start going to the bathroom in other places. Also, choosing the right cat litter is also very important because cats have very sensitive paws, so they mostly like cat litter that is fine grained.
These are just some of the main things that should be considered when deciding how many litter boxes you should get, but if you find that these don't work for you, as long as your cat is using their litter box, that is all that matters. But in the end, if you find these tips do not help your cat use the litter box, it might be a good idea to speak with your veterinarian or another professional.
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