


How To Identify and Stop Cats From Spraying Urine In The House

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Do you feel like correcting this spraying problem is a losing battle? Do you wish you had a bird, dog, or ferret? After going on the internet and trying suggestions do you still have a cat spraying in the house? Don't feel alone because any of us who had a feline spraying has said yes to the above questions. There is no easy or quick remedy for this problem.
If the cat has a physiological (organic) problem then the veterinarian can usually take care of this and you are one of the lucky few. The rest of us are dealing with psychological issues which are more complex and difficult to fix. Usually the organic issues are corrected by treating the urinary infections with antibiotics or performing sterilization to stop the problem. On rare occasion, (and I own one), the cat will continue to spray after being fixed.
Here is a list of tips that will help in dealing with a cat that is having psychological problems.
· Spend at least a half hour a day playing, massaging, combing, and petting your cat. If your cat is spraying personal items then it is likely upset with you about something. I like to split up the contact to several times a day but do what you can to have some quality time with your cat.
· If the cat is fixed and is marking randomly on walls, doors, speakers and furniture then it is likely upset about others things. Such as other pets in the house, litter box maintenance, change in routine, change in furniture, changes in access to rooms, and even issues with having company for a week or two. Cats are strange about change, they do not embrace change, and will fight it tooth and claw.
· If the cat is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors this is likely due to another animal on the property. This is occurs regularly with indoor cats who get excited about other animals potentially invading their territory. An indoor/outdoor cat will likely put up a confrontation first and if they lose, this could create anxiety and they start spraying doors and windows.
· If the cat looks like it is trying to pee in the litter box but nothing happens and shortly later you find a puddle elsewhere this is an organic problem and the veterinarian needs to exam your cat.
Here is a list of tips you need to get started on when you first notice the cat is spraying inside the house.
· Purchase a strong (100 watt or more) portable black light. Ultraviolet light will make urine and most other organic things fluoresce and be visible. The house should be dark for the black light to work. Since the lights are off use coins or painters tape to mark the locations. Go everywhere and in every room including above cabinets and counters and accessible entertainment centers. Don't forget the garage if your cat has access there.
· Pre-rinse all locations with water and a rag. Apply 50/50 water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, (you can use this for pre-rinse as well and wash twice). After drying off you can spray with enzyme active washes such as "Natures Miracle". Try the vinegar first and the enzymes as a last resort. Carpet should be cleaned with the vinegar and add baking soda last to the damp area and let air dry before vacuuming.
The goal is to have a clean house free of cat urine because cats tend to spray areas that are previously marked when the scent starts to fade. So getting your house in clean order is a start.
· This tip I receive the most complaints and arguments about because so far you have cleaned the house. The litter box duty has improved and you are spending quality time with your cat but you still have to show authority to get a behavior change. If kitty is still spraying then you must catch it "in the act" of spraying. This means spending a weekend or so following a cat which is not the most exciting or productive thing to do, but necessary to start a change in behavior. You need to catch the cat in the act of spraying. I like to clap very loud and use a water spray bottle as effective means to change their behavior.
Letting your cat know that you are not pleased with their spraying is a must. What you should be careful of is no physical violence or extreme yelling. The last thing you want to do is create a condition where the cat now has anxiety about you. If possible when you spray the cat with water do quickly hide the bottle so it is not certain that you did it. Often a loud clap works because the cat is not sure what makes that noise.
Most people would abandon or have their cat put down because of emotional spraying. This is not a simple problem to take care of and you need to be very strong and determined to change your cat's behavior. To those brave souls who are willing to take up the challenge I commend you. Most folks don't bother.
I have been a pet owner all of my life and for the last thirty years my wife and I have raised over a dozen cats. My website is your information source for "all about cats" their disposition and health. The blogs cover the basics of making your own cat toys and condos. The website also has many links, books and cat products in the blogs and the store. I also offer a condensed version of the blog posts in a mini e-book that can be found on the offer page at There are two expert interviews in the blog pages that are must reads because they will answer most of your questions and concerns about cat health and diet that is best for your cat. Also please visit me on Facebook and Twitter.
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