


Kitty Grass Is Beneficial For Your Cat

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Does your cat try to eat your plants? Is your cat strictly limited to being an indoor kitty? Does your feline friend even know what grass is? Should your cat eat grass?
First and foremost, you should never allow your cat to taste your plants. While some plants remain safe for kitty consumption, most indoor plants can be harmful if not fatal to your fur baby. Plants should be removed from your kitty's reach and instead offer kitty grass for your cat to eat.
We have one cat that has never been outdoors and aside from window watching has no idea what the outside world has to offer. Our house plants were given away to friends upon adoption of our cats. Grass is important to help your cat eliminate hair balls. We introduced some kitty grass to our indoor kitties. The cat that has never been outdoors, not surprisingly he did not know what grass was or what he was supposed to do with it. He watched the other cats eat it and rub themselves on it but all he would do is look at it. This sounds kind of funny but we actually had to push his face into the grass several times before he figured out that it was worth a taste. Once he tasted it he loved it! We now have a supply of grass growing for constant availability for all of them to munch on.
If you have ever observed a cat that goes outdoors, you will have seen them eat some grass. My grandmother used to say that when a cat eats grass it means they have a tummy ache! Well close, but cats actually eat grass to help them digest food and other things that they have consumed. Grass consumption helps your kitty's stomach to reject the contents that they are unable to digest (hairballs for example). We humans don't really relish the cleanup of hairballs, but it is necessary for your cat to rid their stomach of hairballs and not pass them through their digestive system and possibly cause a blockage.
Once again, grass helps your cat to rid their stomach of indigestible things such as hair balls. Cats like the taste of grass as well, making a healthy snack for them. Your cat will benefit from eating the grass (specially formulated for cats) that you can grow yourself quite easily. Kitty grass comes premixed (without any harmful ingredients) all you need to do is add water and place in indirect light. It starts to grow in as little as a few days. Once you see the grass, you only need to mist it with water to keep it alive and fresh. Very easy to grow and maintain, kitty grass is good for your cat.
Don't take our word for it, on your next visit to the Vet, go ahead and ask about the benefits of your cat eating grass. Kitty grass is a healthy (and beneficial) snack for your fur baby to enjoy.
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