


Top Male Cat Names

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Has your new kitten arrived and you're struggling with what to call him? In 2010 some names were so popular that they were voted the top ten male cat names.
Maybe you want to be different and choose a unique name to call your kitten. Just bear in mind whatever you decide to call your new furry friends, they each have their own unique meaning and origin and you may want to find out the kittens personality and nature before making a bold choice which doesn't relate to your new family addition at all.
Max took first place in 2010 and was a firm favorite amongst dog and cat owners for that year. It means the greatest and is of Latin origin. It really is the perfect choice for any new pet.
Second place went to Lucky. This means fortunate and is of English origin. This choice is usually given to pets that have been rescued and given a second chance of a good life.
Oscar came third and while it means lover of deer and is of Gaelic origin, it still remains a firm favorite for 2011.
In fourth you have Toby; this means goodness of the Lord and is of Hebrew origin. Toby remained a top choice for both cats and dogs in 2010 and is steadily climbing the ladder for 2011.
Fifth place went to Tom. While some people chose this because they had a male cat which is known as a tom cat, others chose it because it means honesty. It is of Hebrew origin and is a great easy choice for any pet.
Sixth place went to Rocky. While Rocky remains a great choice for all types of pets it actually means famous ruler and is of Tentonic origin. Most people choose Rocky from the famous Sylvester Stallone movie.
Pepper is in seventh place and is of English origin and means what it is pepper. You often find mottled kittens with this name.
Gizmo was the cute creature in the Gremlins movie and comes in at eighth place. While Gizmo is actually a gadget and is from American origin, most people choose it from the movie.
Bailey is the ninth choice for 2010 and was a favorite for both cats and dogs for the year. Coming from Middle English it actually means Bailiff. It is doubtful that when people choose male cat names and pick Bailey they realize what it really stands for.
In tenth place is Dusty. Dusty is really a shortened version or nickname for Dustin and is of English origin. You find brown kittens are often called Dusty due to their dusty appearance.
When your new kittens arrives home and before choosing male cat names, take the time to get to know your new pets traits, personality and nature before calling them something which doesn't relate to their personality at all.
Finding the right name with meaning for them ensures that your new family addition is called something that suits their personality and traits, it also gives you added information you can give people when they ask about the pet.
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