


Want to Stop Your Cat From Peeing on the Bed? Toilet Training May Be the Solution

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If your cat is peeing on the bed, you can bet that he is trying to communicate a problem to you.
As irritating as this behavior may be, for some cat owners, it is a blessing in disguise. Instead of re-training your cat to use the litter box, consider training your cat to use the toilet bowel instead.
My name is Elise Grayson and I am an avid fan of cats. I've owned cats for over 10 years and have become accustomed to their behavior, but, it wasn't always easy. I acquired my the foundation of my knowledge about cat behavior from a trusted friend and animal behaviorist, Kaylee Brennan.
First, you should take your cat to the vet in order to rule out any physical causes for inappropriate cat peeing. It is also important that you understand the reasons why your cat is peeing in the house (I'll provide a resource at the end of the article). Once you receive the green light from the vet and you understand the reasons behind your cat's behavior, it's time to start toilet training your cat.
The good news is that indoor cats of all ages can be successfully trained to use the toilet.
There are many perks to toilet training your cat. I've listed a few of these benefits below.
1) No more dreaded cleaning - Scooping smelly cat litter is not a job that anyone enjoys. Once your cat is toilet trained, all you have to do is flush the waste away!
2) Save money on litter - Even if you can afford the self-
cleaning litter machines, you still need a constant supply of litter, which adds up quickly and can become quite expensive. Toilet training will eliminate the need for litter in the long run.
3) Stay bug free - Toilets reduce your risk of coming in contact with infectious diseases and parasites such as toxoplasmosis, ringworm, or tapeworm from cat feces. This is especially important for expectant mothers, as toxoplasmosis can cause birth defects that range from eye infections, an enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), pneumonia. mental retardation, severely impaired eyesight, cerebral palsy, seizures and death.
4) Less candles and air freshener sprays - No more air neutralizers or candles to cover up the litter smell in your house. The money that you save from buying less candles can be put towards eating out more often or buying a nice bottle of wine.
Cat behaviors to keep in mind while toilet training your cat:
Cats, on instinct, bury their waste to hide it from predators; litter encourages this behavior. Putting a small scratching post next to your toilet will solve your cat's urge to scratch after they've gone to the bathroom.
Generally speaking, cats, can be slaves to routine and are especially resistant to rapid change. This is why it is important to slowly and gradually introduce these changes into your cats daily life.
As I mentioned above, it is very important to first understand the reasons behind your cat peeing outside the litter box. Understanding these reasons will help you to rule out other issues that can cause cat urination. You don't want to go through the process of toilet training only to find out that your cat is peeing in your bed because of another underlying issue.
My name is Elise Grayson and over the years I have learned how to better care for my cats, Bailey and Brody, from my friend, animal behavior expert and therapist, Kaylee Brennan.
Visit her site to read more about the reasons behind why your cat is peeing on your bed and in your house.

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