


Beauty Secrets of Pregnancy

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One of the things I love about being pregnant is how beautiful my skin gets, especially in the second half of pregnancy. My hair also seems to acquire new life and shine. But the truth is that this does not happen at all. For some women pregnancy can mean spots or acne on the face, while the myths about dyes and hair chemicals cause stress and difficulty making decisions. In this second article of our series we will focus on some beauty secrets of the skin and hair during pregnancy.There are many products that are safe during pregnancy and is most likely not need to change those who already use or alter your routine cleaning and moisturizing. Avoid using products with retinol (very common in products to fight wrinkles and signs of aging) and benzoyl peroxide (used for acne creams). Although not proven that these products are harmful, nor is found safe, so it is recommended to avoid them only by prevention. It is best to choose products based on lactic acid or fruit products that contain natural ingredients.Normally, acne and skin blemishes disappear after delivery so there is no need for treatment during pregnancy. However, if you have acne and you can not resist, try to fight it from inside and outside. Start with your nutrition: avoid chocolate, fatty foods and many spices, and drink lots of water, fruit juices and vegetables. Some natural masks as oat and honey, or lemon and sugar, can also help. If you want to prevent or reduce spots on the face, always use a sunscreen that blocks UVB and UVA, and avoid sun exposure during times of excessive heat, between 10 am and 2 pm. If necessary, resort to makeup!, Just avoid those containing mercury.During pregnancy our hair is usually thicker than usual, and does not fall much. This may be due to hormones or additional vitamins we consume. Normal and dry hair are often better during pregnancy, greasy hair need only a very mild shampoo often used because they get a little greasy. You probably have hair as beautiful during your pregnancy you do not need or want to change their natural appearance, but there is always worry and fear with the treatments we can or can not have.It is recommended not to use dyes or other products containing ammonia, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to possible allergic reactions to the scalp, but its absorption through the skin is minimal and there is no conclusive data on the potential danger represented or how it would affect the baby, so if you had a treatment before I knew you were pregnant not need to lose any sleep over it. There are just a precaution to avoid them.Pregnancy is not the best time to try different treatments, and most trouble with skin and hair are inevitable but temporary. Remember you can always blame your hormones and maybe the best solution is to wait a few months. Your doctor always has the last word, so do not hesitate to ask your opinion before any further processing for the face or hair.

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