


What Is Human Human Papillomavirus

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The human papillomavirus (HPV) is widespread among women worldwide. Much more common than we think, the papilloma virus is the main cause of cervical cancer, among other extra features. Fortunately, early diagnosis remains in this condition under control by avoiding future injuries.
What is papilloma virus?

The human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted disease whose disease is spread through genital contact. Tata is a very common virus, but in most cases the infection by the virus goes away on its own without leaving any consequence. It is when the infection remains in the body, major injuries can occur when, with the added difficulty that the virus incubation period can be years. There are more than 100 types of HPV papilloma with different consequences for health, but generally falls into two parts: the high-risk and low risk.
Affects of human papillomavirus

Low-risk virus usually causes genital warts or slight changes in the cervix, but at no time will lead to cancer and it's likely that virus infection caused by a low-risk papillomavirus submit themselves.

It is the high-risk viruses that may develop cervical cancer if the injuries do not stop in time. This is why regular reviews are necessary because the virus is detected in a routine cytology.

Once the papilloma is detected when testing to determine a more specific diagnosis. If a virus is low or high risk, if it caused injury to the cervix or not, or if the lesions are mild or severe.
Treatment of human papillomavirus

Treatment depends on the type of virus. The warts can be combated with a cryogenic treatment determined by the specialist. More complications presents a high risk virus that may have caused severe lesions in the cervix, in which case you will need surgery to remove the affected part.

Either way, it should be noted that infection with papilloma virus has no symptoms until long after infection, so it should not skip any gynecological examination. This meet will avoid irreversible injury. If the infection has already occurred papilloma lesions, should be most common revisions to control the injury and it does not turn into cancer.
Prevention of infection

As a sexually transmitted infection, prevention preferable, and indeed the only, is the use of condoms in all sexual relations. Although it should be noted that the condom reduces the risk of contracting the virus, but not completely prevented, since the virus can be found anywhere in the genital area.

What may make the difference between a virus that will go away and is an incurable disease in other living habits. The consumption of snuff, a high number of pregnancies, poor diet, stress and a weakened immune system creates the environment for the development of human papilloma virus.

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