


Top Four Home Remedies for Treating a Cat Urinary Tract Infection

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As a pet owner, you can usually tell when something is wrong with your cat. Changes in diet, activity, behavior and sleep patterns can all be signs that your cat is having health issues; these changes also play a key role in figuring out what the problem is. This means that if your cat is acting different, and you suspect a cat urinary tract infection, you have probably noticed things like:
  • Obvious pain when urinating, including crying when urinating
  • Blood in the urine, small amounts of urine, or no urine at all
  • Excessive grooming of genitals
  • Urinating outside the litter box
  • Spotted urine in the box like raindrops
  • Starts spraying or a puddle away from the litter box
If you have noticed that your cat is showing these behaviors, then he or she most likely has a cat urinary tract infection, and needs treatment. There are two options for treatment - you can take your cat to the veterinarian and get him or her on medication, or you can use a home remedy. If you are on a budget and your cat's UTI (urinary tract infection) does not seem too bad, then you may want to try home remedies for cats before going to the veterinarian. Following are the top four home remedies that are best for treating a cat urinary tract infection:
  1. Store bought remedies. Medications such as Better Bladder Control and UTI Free are available to purchase from pet stores for treating cat urinary tract infections, and are both safe and effective.

  2. Home remedies. Cranberry juice is effective at treating cat urinary tract infections because it stops bacteria from sticking to the lining of the bladder. Vitamin C is also effective at treating cat urinary tract infections because it strengthens the lining of the bladder and has anti-inflammatory properties.

  3. Prevention. When treating a urinary tract infection it is also important to make lifestyle changes to make sure it does not happen again. This includes encouraging hygiene by providing more than one litter box, keeping all litter boxes clean, making sure your cat gets enough exercise, and always providing bottled water. Bottled water is free of chlorine and fluoride that can be toxic to cats over time.

  4. Provide a healthy diet. Urine pH changes from your cat's diet and with certain foods can give your cat's urine high and unsafe pH levels. High pH levels lead to urinary tract infections. To avoid this, feed your cat a well-balanced diet and do not allow him or her constant access to food. Stop feeding your cat dried food because it is one of the reasons your cat has urinary tract infections. You can also try feeding your cat foods that support urinary tract health. Pro Plan, Purina and Nine Lives are just three of the many brands of cat food that sell cat food that supports urinary health. My best recommendation is to convert your cat from commercial pet foods to natural whole raw foods.
You should always check with your professional pet caregiver as to treatments and dosages for your animal. I always like to buy standardized tonics so I do not have to worry about giving it too much at one time.
I have been a pet owner all of my life and for the last thirty years my wife and I have raised over a dozen cats. Please visit my website at: is your information source for their health, diet, disposition, and exercise. We even show the basics of making your own cat toys and condos. All tips and proceeds from this website is contributed to our local animal shelter who is short of funds from the county. I have a number of recommended natural food, supplements, products and books that are in my store which will save you time hunting on the web for at There are two expert interviews in the blog pages that are must reads because they will answer most of your questions and concerns about natural cat health and diet. Please feel free to leave comments on my website where you will also find links to me on Facebook and Twitter.

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