


Thank Goodness for Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds!

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Thanks to hypoallergenic cat breeds, everyone can enjoy the affection that a purring friend can offer. It is a fact that humans live longer, healthier and happier lives when they have an animal companion. Unfortunately, allergies trouble a large percentage of the population but that doesn't mean they can't have a feline friend in their life.
What's the Difference?
If you are like many others, you are probably wondering what the difference is between these cats and the ones that make you sneeze, wheeze and give you watery eyes. Simply put, these breeds produce fewer allergens.
Fel D1 is the allergen found in a cat's saliva that causes the reaction you experience. When your cat licks his coat, allergen-laden spit becomes airborne after it dries. At this point, it looks for a warm, moist environment like your nose, sinuses, throat and eyes. Cats that produce less of this irritating allergen are considered hypoallergenic.
Hypoallergenic Cats
• Devon Rex - These cats are active, playful, intelligent, affectionate and are ideal companions for humans and other pets. The Devon Rex is easily recognized by its curly coat, large ears and a wedge-shaped head.
• Sphinx - These cats do need frequent baths because their natural oils produce a gummy buildup on their skin. Although these cats are hairless, they do still have the ability to evoke allergic reactions. The Sphinx is a hungry cat with a fast metabolism and an abundance of energy.
• Balinese - These cats certainly don't look like they would be hypoallergenic but they are! The Balinese looks like a Siamese only smaller and they have a longer, silkier tail. These cats love to hangout in high hiding places and they are considered the smartest of all breeds.
• Javanese - Playful, vocal, intelligent and people-oriented are all words to describe this breed. They are slender with blue eyes and beautiful markings.
• Oriental Shorthair - These cats demand attention and can be extremely vocal if they are ignored. They are sleek and sturdy and come in over 300 colors and patterns.
• Cornish Rex - Their very short coat has curly washboard waves. They are not truly hypoallergenic but most allergy sufferers are less affected by them. They are extremely affectionate, playful and have an average lifespan of 15 years!
• Siberian - At least 75 percent of allergy suffers are unaffected by the Siberian, despite its long, beautiful coat. The Siberian is big and powerful, athletic and energetic and possess a dog-like devotion to their human companions, including children.
Bringing a Cat Home
It is strongly recommended to spend some time with a cat before you purchase or adopt it. Just because one person is not affected by a breed does not mean that you won't be. If you have children who are allergic to cats, they should spent time with the feline first as well. It is unfair and very stressful to the animal to bring it home and then return it. Everyone should have a pet, thanks to hypoallergenic cat breeds, this is possible!
Sonia Manning provides interesting information, helpful tips and useful resources about cats and their behaviors.
Visit her website at for more topics, and solutions for problem cat behaviors. You can also receive free an 8-day Email Mini-Course on "Secrets About Your Cat's Behavior: Why He Does the Things He Does!"

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