


Problems With Your Male Cat? Neutering Can Help

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Those of us with male cats love them dearly, although they can be cunning, arrogant and demanding. But they can also display traits that are not fun to deal with including aggression and urine spraying. Neutering cannot help with the arrogant attitude and tendency to rule the household, but it can help with some other problem behaviors.
Showing Aggression
The higher levels of testosterone in the male cat make them more hostile and more inclined to show aggressive behaviors than their female counterpart. Unfortunately, this tendency can lead to him causing injury to himself, other animals or the people around him.
Neutered male cats are not likely to either start and be involved in cat fights. This can prevent costly trips to the vet to have wounds treated and infections prevented.
Males cats are likely to roam quite a ways from home if they are looking for a female in heat. Having them neutered takes away the cause of this wanderlust and keeps them from getting lost or in harm's way.
The further he strays on his little adventures, the more likely he is to encounter a situation he cannot get out of safely. And even though cats are good at finding their way back home, if he gets too far away, he may not be able to find his way back.
Neutering will not stop a male cat from wanting to make his rounds every day to let everyone know he is king of the neighborhood, but he is much more likely to be satisfied staying in his own familiar neck of the woods.
Spraying and Marking
Urine spraying and marking is common in unaltered male cats. It's natural behavior for them because it's part of their genetic makeup. A male cat will spray both inside as well as outside, and there is no place in the house that is safe from ending up as a target. The good news is that neutering may reduce the spraying by as much as 85 percent - and that really is good news!
Reasons to Neuter
Neutering your cat will not change your cat's personality but it will reduce his urge to roam as well as his natural born tendency to spray or fight. In other words, it can help to modify or completely alleviate some of the less desirable traits. By neutering your male cat, you help him in many ways, including improving his relationship with you!
One of the most important things neutering your cat does is to reduce the number of unwanted cats that are either feral or in shelters with no homes of their own. Our cats are such wonderful companions for us. Neutering them is one of the best ways that we can return their love and take care of them!
Sonia Manning provides great information on cats and their behaviors. If you are having problems with your cat, go to Problem Behaviors in Cats, and visit her website Cat Behavior Solutions where you can also receive a free mini-course on "Secrets About Your Cat's Behavior: Why He Does the Things He Does!"

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