


Cat Nutrition Guide - Maintain and Enhance Your Cat's Health

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Cats, like all other animals, need a balanced diet in order to keep healthy. They need to consume an adequate amount of water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and vitamins. If they don't, they could end up with health problems. One way to enhance your cat's nutrition starting today is by implementing a probiotic such as Fortiflora this will not only improve the absorption of nutrients your cat takes in and put them to work more effectively, a probiotic will work to support a healthy digestive and immune system.
Water: Water is the most important part of a cat's diet. Since they are so small, they can become dehydrated easily. An average weight cat should consume about 60-80 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight. This actually depends on the weather and how active the cat is; to sustain cat nutrition, you should provide him or her with moist food that contains water. You should also make sure it has drinking water available to it at all times. A drop of only 10% of the water content of a cat's body will make it seriously dehydrated, so monitor your cat's consumption carefully.
Protein: Protein is also essential for cat nutrition. It helps to build muscle, repair tissues and supply your cat with energy. Not all protein is the same; in fact many protein containing foods have different amino acid content. Your cat needs to consume all of the amino acids every day, so it's important to provide them with food that contains complete protein. Talk to your veterinarian if there are any concerns with this. It is known that dogs can survive perfectly fine on a vegetarian diet but cats cannot because their bodies do not make as many amino acids.
Fat: Even though too much fat can be harmful, the right amount will provide benefit to your cat's diet. It is also a source of energy and helps the body to absorb fat soluble vitamins. Fat insulates the organs, therefore keeping your cat warm. It is also helpful in maintaining healthy fur.
Carbohydrates: Unlike humans, cats do not require very many carbohydrates in their diet. Most cat foods, especially dry foods, contain more carbohydrates than they actually need. It can be used as an energy source, but excess carbs will be stored as fat and contribute to obesity. Some cats do not tolerate carbohydrates well, so keep an eye on yours if you feed it carbohydrate.
Minerals: Cat nutrition cannot be maintained without minerals. Minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, are needed for healthy bones. Other minerals provide the body with a number of other benefits. Most manufactured cat foods are fortified with minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine and selenium.
Vitamins: Vitamins are also needed in a cat's diet. They are involved in several bodily processes. Some vitamins are stored in the body and some are excreted through the urine. Therefore, some are needed in higher amounts than others. Most cat food are also fortified with vitamins.
Fiber: A cat's diet does not need a huge amount of fiber, however, a small amount is helpful for the colon and digestive system. Again, it is important to note that Feline Fortiflora will also encourage the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria that aids in digestive processes.
To sum it up, cat nutrition can be maintained through a proper, balanced diet. Other ways to improve their health is by making sure they exercise and live in a healthy environment. Always talk to your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your cat's health or nutrition.
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