


Cat Beds: Finding the Right One

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I have a lot of cats and have spent a lot of money on cat beds, only to find my fussy kitty didn't like certain kinds. We all know how particular cats can be, so finding the perfect bed for them can be somewhat of a challenge. Over the years I have discovered some tips that make it easier.
The first thing is to observe their sleeping habits. If they curl into a ball while napping, then a circular bed is perfect for them. It conforms to the same shape they are sleeping in and the sides give them a sense of security. Some of my cats like to stretch out and roll over, so the larger beds are good for them. I still prefer any bed to have sides to it for several reasons. The sides add warmth, make them feel protected and they also like to rest their chins on them. The cat beds with a half dome across the top are wonderful too. It gives them some privacy, but there is enough open space to keep them from feeling trapped. Cats are so leery about being confined, so this makes the bed seem safe...they have an "escape route", so to speak. These are sometimes called igloo beds and my cats love them. The cube shaped beds, that have an opening or two, are popular also. I think some of my kitties feel they can't be seen in these beds and love that feeling of being sneaky. They are also great for warmth.
Speaking of warmth, heated cat beds are fabulous. Some of my older cats are getting a bit arthritic and the heated bed gives them so much comfort. They usually come out of them much more limber than when they went in. Heated cat beds are also wonderful if you have a sick cat or one recovering from surgery. They are very therapeutic. If you live in a cold climate, your cat will need a heated bed just like you need an electric blanket. I live in the South, but still use the heated kind. I've found that with the air conditioner blasting away, my cats still love to curl up in their warm haven.
The other thing to figure out is exactly where to put the bed. Notice where your cat likes to hang out and try to put the bed there. I have them tucked away in corners, in the kitchen, in bedrooms...anywhere I know that they are comfortable. Cats spend about 15 hours a day sleeping, so their beds are important to them. Some of mine sleep with me at night, but during the day they like to go to their own bed for a long nap. Some even prefer their beds to sleeping in mine (insulting, I know!) There are so many different styles to choose from that, with some observation of your cats habits, you should easily be able to pick out the perfect bed for your furry friend.
Hi, I'm Sheila Bergquist. I have many, many cats and have for years, so I have learned a lot about their habits and likes and dislikes. I like to pass on the things I've learned to other cat lovers, hoping to make you and your cats lives easier!
For great cat beds visit my site:
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