


Comparing Cat Food Ingredients and Why This Is Important For Your Pet

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You have a gorgeous cat. She is purring and feels loved all the time. One of the favorite things your pet cat loves to do is explore and have fun. Even though she looks happy and quite healthy, underneath, she could already have that terrible kitty Leukemia or other health problems. It can be too late to heal her and save her if there were never preventive measures in the first place. This is where comparing cat food ingredients are extremely important.
Next time shopping at the store, pick up a bag of cat treats, canned cat food, bagged cat food, and catnip. Read the ingredients on the labels. What do they say? I can't pronounce the words. What does that tell you? Have you really looked at what the ingredients say? Have you looked at the tiny fine print or really read the front of the bag to see what the pet food company is providing besides food? What about the back of the bag at the top and middle? Read it carefully. Now, physically write a few of these ingredients down you cannot pronounce. When comparing cat food ingredients, if you absolutely cannot pronounce the words, how is this supposed to be healthy for your cat?
When comparing cat food ingredients come home and do some research. Go online and plug these ingredients one at a time in a search engine. What is the real meaning of the ingredients and what are they supposed to be designed and used for? Was there some scary information that was jaw dropping? See, pets are extremely popular and more and more foods and treats for cats are being introduced. But, they do not take into consideration the pets health and proper nutrition.
Cat food ingredients should not contain any by-products whatsoever. Does the products you picked up say anything about anti-oxidants or that it will help with your cat's fur, claws, teeth, and digestion? A lot of this will not and this is high brand name pet foods. They are mostly filled with fillers that taste so yummy. The cats will hog themselves because of the yummy taste and becomes obese.
It is time to change the way you think about cat food ingredients. Your cat trusts you and loves you unconditionally. How could you neglect its nutrition and simple survival? It is time to give it a big hug and learn what a cat should really need to eat for proper nutrition. In turn, you and your family will start eating properly once again. Pets are like the kids, they learn by seeing everything you do.
When it comes to your kitten or cat's nutrition, the cat food ingredients should make sense when reading the words. Use this helpful tip. The first five ingredients are crucially important. Water should not be number one. Two grains or more is way too many. The reason? Cats need proteins from animals just like the wild. Not from vegetables. Also, kitties have sensitive tummies that cannot digest this junk.
Now, by comparing cat food ingredients, you are informed and have learned the necessary steps to add more life to your pet cat's years. Every time you see her playing, you will have peace of mind that her nutritional needs are taken care of.
Josh Wallach, owner of and National Field Representative for Life's Abundance offers Life's Abundance Premium Pet Food that is veterinarian-formulated to cater to your pets' needs, puppies or kittens, adult and even senior pets alike. Visit us at or call 800-699-0870.

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