


Cats! Enough Sitting at the Window - Pet Strollers Are Here

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For years I lived with two happy cats who would go outside whenever they wanted to. They were outdoor cats. Through the cat flap they would come and go as they pleased often bringing in 'offerings' for me and the family. Those were happy days because everyone knows that cats control the family atmosphere.
One day it all ended. We had to move to an apartment where cats could not be allowed outside. Life was dreadful. The cats sat at the window all day looking out longingly, and pawing at the front door from time to time trying to escape. It broke my heart to see my two formerly happy cats reduced to a life of vicarious pleasure.
One day I went to the pet store looking for some toys or a play thing to cheer them up. There were climbing frames and cubby holes and tunnels to crawl through, but I knew they wouldn't use them. They would just continue to sit at the window and stare out at the world they used to know.
As I was leaving the pet store a woman was entering with what I thought was a baby in a stroller. I peered in to admire the infant and - "for heaven's sake" - it wasn't a baby, it was a cat! My stomach did a flip and I knew in that instant that this was the answer to my cats' loneliness. I questioned the woman about the pet stroller and complimented her on how happy and alert her cat looked. She told me there were bigger strollers available to hold two cats, or even a double-decker one with one cat above the other.
Walking home that day my spirits were high. Needless to say I ordered a pet stroller. When it arrived I stood it in the hallway (with treats in it). By opening the front door the cats were excited enough to draw near and take a look. I popped them both in and straightway wheeled them outside. They were ecstatic. I proudly walked them around the neighborhood and received both compliments and questions.
Life is now relaxed again. We've established a stroller routine and, although the cats still sit at the window sometimes, it is not sad anymore. They know they will be going out. I hope pet strollers become more and more popular and I would encourage anyone who was in my position to try one.
Now my two cats are happy and content. I proudly walk them around the neighborhood in their new pet stroller. The friendliest website that has a good selection of strollers and will deliver to your door is

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