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What is cat spaying and is it a cruel procedure? On the contrary, cat spaying or neutering, apart from being beneficial in reducing the feline population, is also important for health reasons. Once your cat become pregnant, it is important to decide never to allow her to get pregnant again. Whilst neutering your male cat will help reduce the chances proactively, it is equally important to spay your female one after it has given birth.
What exactly is Spaying or Neutering?
Cat spaying or neutering involves the removal of the reproductive organs in the cat, which in turn will help prevent reproduction as well as overt sexual behavior in cats. This is extremely important for both checking the population growth as well as to keep your pets healthy.
Advantages of Spaying or Neutering
In male cats or tom cats, neutering helps to reduce cat spraying, especially strong smelling urine, which otherwise is common amongst cats in heat. Moreover, it also reduces the territorial instinct in cats, resulting in lesser urges to fight while also reducing the urge to flee for cover. This in turn reduces the number of cuts and abrasions caused due to such fights. With respect to cat health problems, neutered cats are under a lesser risk of contracting feline AIDS or feline leukemia. Also, male cats are free from cancer of the mammary as well as testicular cancer after neutering. Spaying female cats is equally beneficial with cat spaying preventing cancer of the mammary as well as ovarian or uterine cancer along with Pyometritis. More importantly, future pregnancies are easily avoided through spaying.
It is important to note that when in heat, cats tend to roam and make loud noises. This stage is often traumatic and can be painful for your pet. This can avoided through cat spaying or neutering that removes the reproductive system, thus removing the tendencies of roaming or making loud noises in cats. Given the multiple advantages of spaying, it is best to spay your cats immediately. However, it is important to ensure that you go to a trusted veterinarian for performing this minor surgery so that your pet's health is not compromised by dubious practitioners.
Cat neutering is not a cruel procedure and is common among many cat owners today. We hope that this article gives you some insight on the benefits of this procedure and allows you to make an informed decision if you are on the fence about spaying your cat.
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