


The Ginseng Plant

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Belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae, the penthaphyllum Gynostemma, also known as Jiaogulan or five-leaf ginseng, it is easy to grow and maintain both outdoors and indoors. It has been shown that their virtues are even higher than those of the now legendary ginseng.

This herb is native to Central China, where it grows in forests and climbing. Used for centuries by local people and as a vegetable infusion, has resulted in the percentage of people over one hundred years in this region is significantly higher than elsewhere.

The Jiaogulan is a beautiful perennial herb with digitate leaves ("five fingers") bright green. Tireless climbing in three months can go around the window frame. In cold areas is a houseplant or greenhouse and in sheltered places survives even in winter. In temperate climates can grow in the garden.

It has been discovered that the therapeutic properties of this plant are superior to those of ginseng. The great advantage of this "five-leaf ginseng" is its easy maintenance and packaged plant because it can always be kept in the home garden and to harvest the leaves. The species were grown from seeds and cuttings and dividing plants. It is advisable to practice the method of vegetative cuttings for cloning ensures achieving a new plant with identical characteristics and therapeutic values. Compared with Ginseng, Jiaogulan has the great advantage that can be harvested every year, while the root of ginseng takes many years to reach harvestable size.

Of fresh or dried leaves is preparing an infusion of taste very nice. You can also use fresh leaves and shoots in salads. However, its major application is as a medicinal plant. After twenty years of pharmaceutical research, this plant has been placed discreetly in the select group of "adaptogens", ie non-toxic plants that produce medicinal benefits and almost universal "smart" based on the needs of the body, activate functions weakened body and provide a safeguard against the body superfluids. The antioxidant effect that protects cells from premature aging, is of special importance. At the same time strengthens the immune system and overall health. It also regulates cholesterol and lipid metabolism.

Note: Although no known side effects, consult a naturopathic doctor before using plant therapeutically.

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