


Cat Antibiotics and What You Need To Know Before Using Them

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A cat's immune system is a multi-faceted defense network that has evolved to protect them against invading microorganisms and susceptible pathogens. Like humans, they also experience occasional infections. Usually this problem is preventable, but when it happens a proper regimen of cat antibiotics will help ensure their speedy recovery.
Feline infections can be caused by a bacterial invasion of the normally sterile host tissues. Its diagnosis is based mainly on sypmtomatology and the presentation of some odd moods. If a cat shows signs of fever, changes in bowel and urinary patterns, inflammation, or behavioral changes they may be experiencing infection. The infection can be a result of a superficial wound or an internal problem like UTI. Either way, cats need to take antibiotics for cats to prevent infection from developing into a serious complication.
Those who have cats that are exhibiting these symptoms need to consult a veterinarian to determine the causative agent of the infection. Once determined, the veterinarian will prescribe the antibiotic suitable for the cat's condition. There are many types of antibiotics for cats such as Penicillin, Aminogylcoside, Cephalosporin, Erythromycin and Tetracycline. Each of these antibiotic groups work differently on different pathogens. Penicillin works by penetrating through the bacteria's wall and attacking it. Erythromycin, on the other hand, hinders the bacteria from creating their walls, thereby causing them to die. Aminoglycosides and Tetracyclines work by disrupting the bacteria's protein synthesis. Lacking protein renders their strain incapable of reproducing.
Antibiotics for cats also come in different forms. There are tablet, liquid, suspension and injectable forms. Most of the time, the veterinarian will ask the cat owners which method they prefer. However, there are certain antibiotics that need to be given as injection. Whichever method they use it is important that the whole antibiotic regimen be completed.
While antibiotics prove to be effective in eradicating bacteria, they can also affect the normal cell functions of the cat. This disruption will then present itself as side effects. Since each group of antibiotics works differently they also produce varying side effects; although allergies are common to all of these groups. Cephalosphorin can result in diarrhea and gastrointestinal disturbance. Prolonged use of Aminoglycoside can lead to hearing problems and severe kidney diseases while Tetracycline and Erythromycin can cause an abrupt loss of hair and visual problems.
It is also probable that the cat will have a poor immune system while on antibiotic therapy. Furthermore, incomplete antibiotic therapy can lead mutation of the pathogens into a more potent infectious agent. When this happens, the cat needs to have an increase of antibiotic intake or take a combination of different antibiotic therapies. There are many antibiotic combinations and they work effectively on resistant strains of bacteria. An example of which is the Clavamox - a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanate. This drug works by attacking the bacteria and suppressing it from multiplying further, however, combination antibiotics can cause serious of side effects. Therefore, it is important that cat owners comply with the medication regimen to prevent their cats from developing antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Another problem concerning antibiotic-resistant strains is that they can easily infect other pets and even humans. This is a serious concern that needs to be prevented.
Indeed, antibiotics are great remedies that can help cats recover from illnesses or infections but their improper use also prove to be fatal. Cat owners need to be very attentive with their cat's needs to make sure that no harm comes to them. Proper care and concern for our beloved cats will surely prevent infections from occurring.
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