


Declawing Cats Cost

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Have you already decided to have your feline pet undergo a cat declawing surgery but don't know about the real declawing cats cost yet? Well, today must be your lucky day! As we go through this list of elements below, start weighing your options and set priorities to determine whether paying for the declawing cats cost is worth it or not.
Factors Determining the Declawing Cats Cost
Physical Assessment
One big factor that will affect your over-all declawing cat cost is the result of the physical assessment. There are a bunch of felines that will not be suitable for a cheaper operation and will have to resolve into the more expensive ones. Pre-surgical assessments also involve blood tests. This will check your cat's liver and kidney status and determine whether a surgery is appropriate or contraindicated for your cat. Despite the famous quote of cats having nine lives, there's a chance that your feline friend may not be suitable to being induced with anesthesia and may result into their unexpected demise. Pre-surgery clearance may cost you around $40 to $50.
Types of Surgery
As of today, there are three surgical procedures practiced to remove the claws of your cat-Rescoe Clipper Method, Disarticulation and Laser Declawing. Surgeries that do not involve the use of a laser will usually cost you around $50-$250 while a laser declawing may be reasonably higher than that, averaging around $250 and $500. Generally, many cat lovers prefer the latter because it's safer and less risky than the first two. Also, it poses lesser risk of claw re-growth as well less post-operative complications and pain for your feline pet.
The charge of anesthesia is another factor contributing to your declawing cost. Since the weight of your cat plays a role in determining the amount of anesthesia needed during the operation, you may want to prefer having your cat operated at the age of 4 months and below. Most veterinarians also prefer declawing kittens because their bones are still soft and less robust. Therefore, it's easier for them to cut the bones and declaw your cat.
Charge for Stays in the Clinic
Your cat may have to stay for 1-3 days post-op for adequate monitoring and injection of post of medications. Depending on the vet clinic, there may sometimes be an additional charge for these stays which may be charged independently or included in the operation fee.
After the surgery, your cat may be subjected to injection of antibiotics and analgesics to eliminate the surge of post-operative complications. The cost of the medications is typically already included in the over-all surgical fee but your vet may give you options to choose cheaper or more expensive medications after giving you information about the drugs.
The declawing cats cost is one influential factor upon deciding whether to go through the operation or not. Thus, it is relevant that you know other options aside from declawing. Find out more about declawing by visiting!

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