


Things Your Cat Does You Might Not Have Understood

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Cats can be curious creatures sometimes. They do a number of odd things, some we find cute and some we find annoying, but did you ever realize why they do some of them? Here are a few of their more common quirks and the real meaning.
Bringing Presents: Many cat owners both adore and admonish the thought of their felines presenting them with a dead rat at the doorstep. From the outside looking in, it really does appear that the cat is showing its affection by means of giving something back to the relationship. However, what the cat is actually doing is not-too-subtlety suggesting that you're failing as a provider and that they can do better. By bringing home a dead critter, they're saying, "You can't do this, so let me show you how, failure." Sort of changes the dynamic a bit.
Meowing In General: The agreed-upon term for a cat's speech is the standard "meow" that we hear them make very frequently. This, however, isn't the way they usually communicate with one another. Cats will make noise to interact, sure, but much of cat-to-cat interaction is based on body movement and the freaky way they just sort of seem to read each others' minds ("Why yes, I WAS planning on smashing that vase later today, shall we do it together?"). The reason they meow is to communicate with us. How often do their meows change depending on how we meow back? They're doing what they can to imitate human speech, or at least the annoying shrill they think it is.
Learning Anything: Cats can be trained to do tricks or not to do things that you find bothersome, but unlike dogs, who much of the time learn to do it for fun and will continually learn new things, cats have a pretty set number of tricks they'll learn (roughly around 50 words total) and then only learn based on whether they feel learning said trick or command will be beneficial to them. Commonly, they'll learn something like "shake hands" pretty quickly as you're giving them treats every time they do it right, but as soon as those treats stop coming in the future, they somehow forget what you where doing in the first place. More than anything, they learn what serves them best, and a lot of times your tricks or demands don't call into that category.
Cats, despite being our cute little fuzzy friends, are always looking out for their best interests. A lot of times they just know how to play you. It still doesn't mean they don't love you of course, but they sure can be scheming little devils sometimes.
For more cat information or tips on cat training, head over to today!

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