


The Well Behaved Cat

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Cats make wonderful pets, just ask any cat owner, especially if they are well behaved. A cat with behavior problems is usually an unhappy cat. As someone who has been owned by a half-dozen of these animals over the years, I am savvy about their care and feeding, their need for companionship, and their need to be left alone at times. More than most animals, cats are creatures of habit. Thus they will notice any lack of attention and act in ways guaranteed to get a response from you.
The most important thing you should ask yourself before you decide to get one is whether or not you have the patience, time and disposition for it. Are you a cat person? Do you want a house or outdoor cat? If you live where your cat can be outdoors during the day that is a different consideration than if you live in an apartment and he runs out every time you open the door. Are you getting the cat because your child wants a one? Your child may be wonderful with the cat, but most kids soon tire of taking care of animals. These are the things you should think about before choosing to get one since these are areas where behavioral problems often begin.
Those who have no familiarity with the cat family believe the old saw that felines are solitary critters who do not need affection or friendship. Quite the contrary, most are affectionate, friendly, and, yes, loyal. Though they may not be lap-sitters, even the most seemingly aloof will often sit quietly near or beside their owners.
One of the most troublesome tasks when living with a cat, is keeping them amused. They are naturally inquisitive, and if kept as house pets, can become destructive out of boredom. To counter this, you must get your cat some toys so he can amuse himself and use up some energy playing and stalking. They love squeaky toys, scratch poles, and small fabric houses with several entrances which are inexpensive. If you can afford a cat condo with several rooms on it, your pet would love one.
If you are lucky and live either in the country or in an area where you can safely let your cat out during the day, Mother Nature will easily take care of their need to use up some energy. They can stalk small critters, run up trees, dig up the ground, and have a great time. Of course, all cats should be brought in before dark so predators, such as coyotes and others, cannot get at them.
Last but not least, one of the most common reasons for your cat to misbehave is because he is feeling stressed. They can be stressed by many things: moving to a new home, for example, is a great stressor for cats; very loud noises; strange odors, dogs, or other animals in the neighborhood; illness; and any mistreatment. Cats love and expect routine.
A well behaved cat is a joy to have around, and paying attention to basics in caring for your pet will go a long way toward keeping him healthy and happy. So often, the obvious is often overlooked.
• Don't overfeed OR underfeed your pet.
• Keep litter box clean.
• Be sure there is always fresh water.
• Make certain the sleeping area is snug and protected.
• Be sure to have a safe, confined spot for your pet if there is thunder or other loud noises.
• Make sure your pet has as much exercise as possible every day.
• Bring your cat to a veterinarian regularly, as health issues often show up first as bad behavior.
I've had lots of experience in taming the tiger in my cats and would like to help you do the same. If this is your first experience with a cat or kitten, it is important that you know something about the pet you just adopted. To learn more about cats, their idiosyncrasies and behaviors, you are welcome to visit my site at
Mary is an avid cat fancier, having lived and cared for Siamese, Persian, and Domestic cats. She is especially fond of old cats and has named her new website after one such cat. For more info on the care and training of ALL cats, you can go to her website

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