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Q: I am suffering from allergic cold for more than two years. Now my hairs also fall in a bulk while combing resulting into initial stage of baldness. Plz let me know how to overcome the problem?
A: I thought you have some type of allergy which cause cold constantly for years and may be hair loss is the side effect of that allergy. Better to visit the doctor or dermatologist as soon as possible. He will tell you perfectly about the problem and its cure and prescriptions.
Q: I often sneeze all the time for three or four years. I took lots of medicines which heel for a few weeks and then this cold comes back and I sneeze all the time. The problem seems to be worse after midnight or after having a short nap. I don’t know whether it is cold, sinus infection or any type of allergy. Can someone advice me for the same that what’s the cause and cure for it?
A: It seems you have serious sinus infection which is caused due to some type of allergy either from air or food products or cold drinks or anything else which is hard to determine. Better will be go to an allergic expert who prescribe you proper medicines and some preventions for the same. You must follow them for a week or more and you will surely get rid of it.
Q: Today morning when I wake up I felt my throat sore. I have no sneezing but have some coughing. I also notice my mucus watery and clear. Are these the symptoms of cold or allergy?
A: Remember to drink plenty of water and have rest. If your mucus is yellow it can be due to virus and if green it will be due to bacteria. Also the sore throat is the cause of any allergy with some cough. Ask your doctor for the same and she can give you the medicines after examining you and tell you about its cause and cure.
Q: Are there any precautions or remedies for allergic cold cause from pollution, cold water, moist air and some food products?
A: You must bath with lukewarm water the whole year and also drink fluids and eat products which are not cold or chilled or say refrigerated. Go for a morning walk daily for getting fresh oxygen which also helps in improving your immune system. You can also do some yoga like pranayam, alom-vilom daily for 10-15 minutes. Cover up your face with some cloth while going to polluted area. Hope all this helps you a lot. Have steam while suffering from cold two to three times a day. It will relieve you and act as a good remedy for allergic cold.
Q: What is the difference between cold and allergy? Are both the same?
A: Cold and allergy are two different things with almost same symptoms. But there is a little much difference. Normally, cold or say common cold happens for three to four days and go back with time. But allergic cold comes more often say every three to four weeks with same time period and symptoms and stay for longer. Better will be ask your health care provider about whether you are suffering from just common cold or allergic cold and cure for the same.
Labels: allergic cold, allergy, allergy in pregnancy
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