


Types Of Cat Liter

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There are several different types of cat liter on the market. As you know, cats liking what they use is important or they may find other places in the house to do their business. Training a cat to use the liter box is not difficult as long as it can be comfortable with it.
Feline Pine: It is a highly recommended liter made of biodegradable pine-lumber pellets. It can be flushed down the toilet or used as yard mulch. It is safe for very young kittens. It doesn't clump and some cats do not like the texture. It will last three times as long as clay liter.
World's Best: It is made from whole-kernel corn and clumps on contact with urine. It can be flushed down the toilet or used as yard mulch. It tends to be dusty and is expensive. Some cats like a fine-grained clumping liter better.
Tidy Cats: It is a fine-grained clumping clay liter. It cannot be flushed down the toilet. It is not recommended for kittens less than three months old. Cats tend to track it around the house requiring more cleaning.
Dr. Elsey: It is a herb-scented, clumping liter. It is a good for training kittens and older cats who are urinating outside the liter box. It is made of large particled clay making it hard for them to ingest.
Pet Gold Crystals: It is made of hard crystals that can irritate a cat's paws. It absorbs moisture and odor effectively and only needs changing once a month.
If multiple cats are in the same house, choosing one may be more challenging. Most do not mind sharing a liter box. The more you have, the more liter you will use. Cost may become a factor. Sometimes using more than one liter box with different types in each one may make it easier for them.
The liter box holds the clumping or non-clumping material. An inch or more of it in the box simulates soft or sandy soil which is used outdoors. With the box inside, the risks of loss or injury is prevented. The box is usually a plastic tray lined with disposable plastic liners. Some have covers and others have electric combing devices to remove the clumps.
Due to the many brands on the market, all to them were not mentioned. Whatever brand works and fits your budget is the one to use. Try several types to see what a cat is most comfortable with.
Frank Loethen lives with his wife and three cats, Sunny, Sinclair and Midnite, in Georgia. My wife and I recently added a new member to the house.a long haired chihuahua from a rescue shelter. If you enjoyed this article, please visit my cat products website, [], your one stop site for all your cat and kitten needs. Cat food, cat toys, litter accessories and cat treats are among the many items on the site. You can also see my three cats and the chihuahua on the site.

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