


Proper Flea Removal For Cats

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Proper flea removal for cats should consider not just the removal of fleas, but also prevent them recurring.
Fleas seem to be a problem in furry animals. They cause itching of the host and the residue of fleas can be left wherever the cat goes, creating problems inside the house. Some veterinarians claim that cats are allergic to fleas, but this is unlikely in a healthy cat.
There are a few veterinary flea removal products, and whilst they are generally effective, they are highly toxic. One cat shook herself after an application, and the drops landed on a painted door. In minutes the paint started peeling off. Other people have noticed a decline in health after these preparation are used. This is unsurprising, as typical ingredients include nerve gas.
So what can you do safely to remove fleas from cats?
First, let's examine some natural ways, ones which are effective and won't cause any harm.
  1. Adding a little fresh garlic to your cat's food is a healthy way to prevent any pests.(Please note, garlic is perfectly safe to feed to cats, despite some claims to the contrary.)
  2. Adding a little apple cider vinegar to their water, about one teaspoon to half a litre/one pint of water.
  3. Adding a little brewers yeast (must be brewers) either to the food or combed into the fur.
  4. Using the herbs pennyroyal (but use caution as this can cause miscarriage), tansy or fleabane on the bedding and in areas where they are causing a problem.
  5. The aromatherapy oils cedarwood, eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary, terebinth, lavender and mint are all helpful when diluted and combed into the coat.
However, if you can establish why your cat has fleas in the first place and rectify that, this will save you and your cat much anxiety as well as hard cash.
Cats in the wild may have the odd flea, but they will never have the infestations so common in untreated domestic cats. This points to the cause.
Diet plays a large role in determining the pH (acid/alkalinity) of the skin. When this is wrong, fleas take up residence. When this is right, they find the environment unwelcoming. By feeding your cat according to the diet she evolved on (more or less, according to ease and availability for you, the feeder), you can ensure her skin pH remains healthy and so keep fleas away.
Think outside the square when searching for proper flea removal for your cat. Don't just think of treatment. Think of cause too. In the long run it makes your life a whole lot easier.
Madeleine Innocent is a full time consultant homeopath based in Perth, Western Australia. She also coaches people, both on- and off-line, on how to use some of the common home prescribing remedies for animals and for people. For more information, visit: Diet and Homeopathy for Cats

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