


Frontline for Cats - An Effective Flea Treatment for Cats

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The cat flea might be an insignificant insect to the vast majority of us, but to any cat owners out there it can be a real thorn in the side. It doesn't take a lot for cats to contract a flea infestation. A cat only needs to go outside, maybe lie on the ground or brush around with other cats and before you know it, it's infested.
The flea cycle is really quite cunning. Fleas actually develop within the grasses and undergrowth of the outdoors. When an unsuspecting cat comes along they simply hop aboard. Here they happily feed on the blood of their host and produce eggs. When the cat goes outside, the eggs are shed over the ground where they incubate into lice and then eventually into fleas and the whole process begins again.
If your cat has any sign of fleas they must be tackled immediately, not only for the benefit of your cat but also to help stop the infestation spreading to other cats. It's easy to check your cat for fleas. Simply check throughout its fur along the back and neck and especially check their underside; a particularly favourite place for fleas to hang out. If you see any small black creatures darting in or out of their fur, scampering quickly along the skin, your cat I'm afraid, has fleas.
Thankfully there are some really effective treatments on the market that will help you tackle this problem. I wouldn't go for any of the flea powders, but what I would recommend is a "Spot On" treatment such as Frontline. Frontline for Cats will actively kill any infestation your cat may have within a 24 hour period. Not only that, but it will also protect your cat against any future flea attack for a full five weeks.
Using Frontline is really easy. Nothing requires to be taken internally; it's an external treatment so it's super safe. It comes in a small box which contains a number of pipettes. You can buy it in quantities of 6 or 3 pipettes with the 6 pipette pack usually being significantly cheaper per pipette then the latter. The pipettes themselves are foil backed blister packs containing the liquid treatment, shaped similar to that of a traditional pipette.
To administer you simply cut the top of the pipette off with a pair of scissors, part a small area of fur anywhere along the rear neck region of your cat, and squeeze all the contents directly onto the exposed skin. You must take care not to get any, or at least as little as possible, on the fur as it won't disperse and is effectively wasted. This can be a little tricky if your cat is wriggling around but if you hold him well, you should be okay.
Once done, any infestation should die within a 24 hour period. One thing that is really notable about Frontline is that is carries on working for a further 5 weeks, killing any fleas that land on your cat within a short space of time.
Frontline comes highly recommended by not only vets, but by a huge number of cat owners too!
Alice Richards is a regular blog writer and webmaster. She owns two cats at her London home who tend to get fleas quite often. Her preferred flea treatment is Frontline for Cats because of its unrivaled effectiveness.

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