


Eradication of Emotional Violence In Couples and Families

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Living in a whirlwind of psychological and physical violence, installed while your partner is a fact that some point "the awareness" I do "to do" everything positive that has been neglected in your life, canjeándolo by abuse and darkness.
This leads to be brought out emotions such as anger or fear, which often produce a whirlwind of energy that ejects out of the cycle of violence in your partner. Of course in this new path open to us, we can come and go, wanting to leave and then take some steps backwards, but it would be normal for a woman living together "for years" with an abuser.
But these feelings and emotions that are strong, such as anger and fear, radical changes that could lead you down the wrong path, where you do not control and can even be reaching the limit, a step of committing a homicide, or leaving your mind "blank" and can end the life of your abuser.
Then there must be a balance, and an important condition: namely channeling these emotions as positive forces that take you way out of the spiral of violence, and also work towards achieving combined separation from your abusive partner.
"That night, as thousands who had lived, He was kicking me throw me to the floor after he felt pain and fear, but within seconds this fear turned into tremors in my arms, my muscles tensionaban increasingly, until the hatred He took to me .. I got stronger as I could and grabbed scissors that was on the table and threw myself over him ..
I think I got hurt on his arm, but I remember it well, just remember it took me stronger in my arms and pushed me back screaming. Then I screamed louder threatening to kill him if I was hitting .. He left the house and threatening to kill me insultádome the next time you play ... This time, I fell sitting, exhausted, on the floor, and I felt a kind of pseudo joy, like a sad, yet proud momentary sense of victory ... "
She decided to leave acting to her abusive partner, begins the last movement out of the spiral of violence. And we can say that there are different types of women who act before this situación.Algunas different too, they get stronger and keep you from the other exercise more abuse on them, after that start to generate or discover resources to assert their power. How, for example? Taken up contact with family or trusted friends trust the past, have your situation and ask for help as a temporary shelter, or money, etc.. And this attitude often find it well, otherwise use your creativity (such as asking for or looking for a job that will generate the least money to live .. etc..)
Another group of women where they can not complete the separation, but the anger, anger, and fear them at least temporarily served to balance control and reflection.
When anger is experienced as a sudden conquest of power, it works to temporarily change the imbalance of power within the relationship. To express anger, whether in action or in thought, alter this reality that women's lives: they feel they express their identity and start to regain their lost self-esteem in the circle of violence.
These reactions also send signals to the abuser that "something had changed," that this woman found a powerful resource to lean to combat domain. However many times these women can not modify both things for couples to stop abusing them, but anger, anger as an affirmation of power, functions as a principle, a key to separate.
You should know that it is quite possible that the abuser will not change their behavior because of the wrath of his wife. Many times any reaction entails the risk increases as the abuser of violence, in order to retain control over his wife "has been compromised." Actually a safe way to express anger is to do along with self-protective energy that comes from fear or dread.
The self that comes with fear or fear allows the woman gradually regain control of their lives in order to separate the abuser.
Then the wrath or anger, combined with fear and self-preservation instinct, serve for women, taking courage at the time, can be used to disarm some control mechanisms applied by the abusers. So begin receiving information from friends or therapists, and begin to pay more attention to their own needs and desires.
These women begin to use step by step construction of self-preservation, or the bloom of rage or anger, to their credit, energizing every detail of his plan to separate from her abuser. Some leave suddenly and other separation project for months or years perhaps, because they settled in energy, strength, to exit the spiral of psychological and physical violence were and are living.
You have to be aware and ask for help, and let your needs and desires to surface back to being yourself, valorizarte, and seek ways to regain control of your life and be happy again.

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