


Can You Tame A Feral Cat?

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Most people think a feral cat is a stray cat, but this is not so. A stray cat is usually the result of the irresponsibility of a person.
This can normally be defined in two ways: the dumping of a cat and leaving it to fend for itself and neglecting to spay or neuter their cats.
Stray cats can be timid but can also be easily tamed.
Where as a feral cat is normally a cat that has been born to wild parents who in turn are wild themselves.
Feral cats will not have had any interaction with humans and are very difficult to train.
Because feral cats are so difficult to tame, they are totally unsuitable as indoor pets.
Rescue organizations often trap these cats, have them spayed and neutered and then release them again.
Then they will provide food for them.
Feral cats can be found anywhere, in rural areas or in the countryside, in alleys and parks and abandoned buildings. You may not even know they are there, you certainly would not be able to catch them.
However if you do happen to glimpse them you may wonder if they could be tamed and kept as pets.
Taming a feral cat will be a very difficult task because they are not used to human contact. If you do take on this task it will take a lot of time, patience and love to tame these creatures.
If you do find a cat that has been feral for years you will have little or no chance of taming it. These cats will be totally independent and would not depend on humans for companionship or food.
You will have more success with a cat that is semi-feral i.e. a feral cat that has some human contact. These cats were probably some ones pet that was abandoned.
Just remember if you want to try and tame one it can be hard work and sometimes your efforts will not take effect for months. But if your attempts are successful, the reward will be well worthwhile and you should be able to develop a strong bond.
If you think you have the time and patience to try and tame a feral, there are some things you must remember. The main one is these cats will class you as the intruder and will very likely hiss, bite, spit and claw at you. This is all perfectly normally because they will be defending themselves.
If you do manage to successfully trap a feral cat the first thing you must do is get the cat spayed or neutered and check for any other diseases they may be carrying.
Once you arrive home, you will need to let the cat adjust to you and their new surroundings. Let the cat have a small area to stay in at first and make sure you spend some time each day with it.
But remember, not all feral cats can be domesticated, but hopeful with time, love and patience your efforts will be rewarded.
I am a mother or two grown up children. I enjoy writing articles about various topics which include my pets, my hobbies which include scrapbooking. I am a member of the six figure mentors. If you would like more information please visit my website.

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