


Bengal - Personality To Be Proud Of

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The Bengal cat is one special breed that has long fascinated cat lovers and pet enthusiasts alike. Through years of careful selection, this wonderful Breed came about. Not only does the Bengal exhibit the untamed look of the Asian Leopard Cat but it also possesses the unique personality that sets it apart from all other breeds.
Most of the time, you will find yourself wondering how could the Bengal cat breeding program manage to produce such an outstanding personality. It certainly does goes to show that the genetic gamble has resulted in a winning breed. The Bengal cat personality is comprised of intangible qualities that any cat owner will definitely be proud of.
It is always a very fulfilling moment every time you or your friends interact with your Bengal on another level because of its personality traits. It is apparent that it is a breed of cat but when you get to know the Bengal on a much deeper level, you'll realize that its personality is far different from the others.
What exactly are the parts of the Bengal personality that really make it such an unforgettable breed to interact with? Read on and you'll discover just how special the Bengal cat is.
Very smart
Part of the Bengal personality is its extraordinary ability to critically think. The Bengal can figure out things and actually try to get it done on its own. The Bengal cat is a breed whose personality enables it to easily absorb information. With this, you can teach your Bengal different tricks to show everyone how smart your cat is. This aspect of the Bengal cat personality has earned the breed distinguishing labels like "dog-like cat" or "dog-cat".
Focused on you
As the immediate source of care and security, you are the cat's parent. This being a given, you and your Bengal cat get to bond a lot deeper. This cat is so attached to you that a major part of its personality is to be with you at all times. "Talking" is inherent to the Bengal cat personality. Somehow, you understand each other even if you don't really speak each other's language. The Bengal expresses itself vocally, which is another very intriguing aspect of its personality. It is the intimate connection that the two of you have that enables this verbal communication.
The Bengal also has a very active and playful side to its personality. It is one of the valuable traits that it has inherited from the Asian Leopard Cat. This breed is so fond of playing and getting into things around the house that its interactive personality often gets the breed into trouble. You just have to give this cat enough stimulation and attention to bring out and develop this side of its personality. The Bengal is at its best when it always interacts with you, your family, or with other pets in the house.
John Eagle is an expert on Bengal cats. If you would like to find out more info on Bengal cat personality then visit

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