


A Little Extra Tenderness For Your Senior Cat

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Everyone and everything ages, even our precious cats. They no longer play as much as they use to, they don't jump and roll on their cat trees. I've been told, that a cat can be in this stage between 8-12 years.
Our pets become a member of our family and we don't want to see them become older and slow down. But, I believe that there are somethings that may help slow down that process. Like us, keeping ourselves healthy by eating the right foods and getting our exercise, it will keep our bodies and minds healthier and slow down our aging.
By making healthy meal choices, seeing to your feline's needs for medications and supplements, you will have your cat with you, longer. I have a cat tree for my cat and he loves it. He doesn't even realize how much exercise, he is getting. I recently found out, there are other names that cat trees can be referred to as: 
  • Cat towers
  • House
  • Furniture
  • Condos
  • Bungalow
  • Jungle Gym
Another new toy I purchased for my pet, recently, is a stroller. It has a cover, pockets for treats, toy's and it folds-up nicely. If you knew me, I would be one of the last people you would have thought would invest in a stroller for my pet. Well, I did.
When I started reading up on them, I realized they are also great for older pets, especially the ones that are not able to get around as much as they use to. A great way to get you and your cat out of the house and for a walk. He will still be able to enjoy all the scenery and get some fresh air.
Your feline may interact with a kitten, making him feel young again. I know of several friends that got a new puppy when their dog was getting older and slowing down, it really seemed to make him more active.
In no way, am I trying to say I am an expert in the field of caring for older feline's. I just thought I would share some of the tactics I am using for my older pet, because they seem to be working for him.
I have always been a believer that the best medicine you can give to anyone is lots of love, this includes our precious pets, because they are a big part of our family.
Joanne Curtis

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