


What to Use As a Cat Urine Removal Home Remedy

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Most people with pet cats have to deal with urine odor at some point in time. Quite often, the urine in the cat box or an accident on the carpet causes an embarrassing smell that is hard to get rid of. If you are having this problem you might want to know what to use as a cat urine removal home remedy.. Well, you are at the right place as you can find some easy and effective home remedies below.
First and foremost, you have to ensure that the cat box is clean at all times. Cats are infamously very finicky when it comes to cleanliness and will spend a lot of time trying to keep clean daily, so they will not use a litter box if it's dirty. Therefore, if their normal toilet is not up to standard, you can be sure that they will urinate in other places such as brand-new carpet or even your shoes.
It is also important to note that anytime they start to use other places for their litter box they will continue. So, if those areas are not cleaned properly they will certainly urinate there in the future.
A home remedy for cat urine removal should be an economical and effective solution. Even though pet stores provide a wide variety of products for urine odor removal, these can be expensive.
The first thing that you should do when you want to remove cat urine would be to use paper towels or rags to blot the area. Do not rub! Rubbing pushes and grinds the urine further into the carpet.
Second, combine one part vinegar with three parts water and use this to saturate the spot. You can blot the area once more until it's dry.
Next, sprinkle some baking soda on the spot. After that, combine one teaspoon of detergent and three-quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide. Ensure that you test this solution on a small area to avoid discoloration.! Once this solution is placed on top of the baking soda. You can get a stiff bristled brush to scrub the area and push the baking soda further into the carpet. Allow this solution to thoroughly dry. Use a vacuum to remove the dried powdery residue.
In cases where cat urine gets on clothing, you can solve this as well with an effective home remedy. Start by adding one-quarter cup of apple cider vinegar to regular detergent as a pre-wash. This should work after the first washing cycle to remove the smell, but if not, repeat the wash with another quarter-cup of apple cider vinegar.
As you can see, even though it might be frustrating dealing with cat urine smell you can easily fix the problem. With a bit of work and an effective home remedy, you can have your house smelling fresh in no time.
Being raised with 6 cats gave me an intense education on "what can go wrong" when living with such a mix of felines!
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