


Salt, Modern Threat To Health

Particular salts are molecules formed by binding of complementary electrical charges ions. />Electrolytes are dissolved in water, fulfilling important functions in the body, such as establishing the electrical impulses of the nervous system and help absorb nutrients.Excessive consumption of salt is definitely a factor for hypertension. Both have increased dramatically in the past 30 years in the United States, bringing the average intake to 4,000 milligrams a day, twice the recommended, and 110 million Americans considered hypertensive or pre-hypertensive.The evils of hypertensionAlthough salt intake is not the only cause of hypertension, it is the principal. Other factors are the cause overeating, animal protein, smoking and drinking. Is also more likely if you have a family history, and often is linked to kidney problems, thyroid, hormonal dysfunction, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, nervous tension.High blood pressure can damage the nervous system, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, shoulder problems, heart problems and constipation. It is estimated that by simply reducing salt intake by half could save up to 1.5 trillion dollars in twenty years in medical expenses.Salt is the problem.Reducing salt intake is an extremely easy task. Over two thirds of our intake comes from processed foods, especially cheese, ham, dressing, bread and pastries. If we consume these products or produce at home, and if we become aware of the damage that salt generated in our body, we can prevent hypertension.Another part of the problem is that it is not only large amounts of salt in processed foods, but salt is processed to make it the worst quality of salt: sodio.La chloride salt is naturally rich in other minerals such as magnesium and potassium, which help the body maintain a balance of blood pressure.Meet sodium salt is not: sea salt and other healthy varieties for youAlso, table salt chemicals are added to moisten least bleach, iodine and fluorine (read about avoiding fluoride in your toothpaste), making it more harmful to health.Where does the sodium we consumeAccording to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, about 10 percent of the sodium we consume comes from water and food. Distilled water that many companies offer, low-sodium, trace minerals, it is actually harmful to health. Take two or three liters of this water, but helps eliminate excess sodium, decompensation and minerals from the body takes to multiply their kidneys work.Another 10 percent is added when we eat and when cooked, although the average varies greatly according to the habits of each person. Just one teaspoon of table salt contains all the sodium we consume in a day. Still cooking at home, many people exceed this amount in each dish.The main source of salt in modern American diet, about 77 percent comes from processed foods, many of which ingest them when we eat away from home.Sodium chloride is used in meats to prevent the formation of bacteria, and to generate texture sausages. (Read more about additives harmful to health).Much salt is enoughSalt consumption varies depending on the person and the physical, environmental and diet. A macrobiotic person has no need to add salt to your food. If anything uses it to create balance in a dish, use unrefined sea salt.Salt intake also varies according to season and food. On a diet of spring, for example, you need a little salt, but we need to use more in winter.In general, the sodium we consume should be between 500 and 2,400 milligrams per day.However, there food market exceeding this limit in a single portion. For example, some fries with ranch dressing averaged 4.890 milligrams sodium. A bagel from Dunkin Donut's salt, 4.520 milligrams. A burger Swanson goes up to 5.410 milligrams. And the list could be endless.If a single food exceed the salt we eat all day, how much salt accumulates with the rest of our food?SolutionsThese three tips are basic to life again low in sodium and free of health hazards associated with high blood pressure.

The first step is to avoid processed foods as much as possible. Especially cold meats, cheeses and pastries.
Use salt substitutes home, untreated sea salt (Celtic salt is an excellent choice), potassium-containing salt diet eliminating tender. At first find the food bland, but after a week you will find that things really have taste: desintoxicarás your palate.
Finally, try to use other ingredients instead of salt to enhance the flavor of your food. Many spices can replace the salt and give interesting flavors to your meals. Experiment with cilantro, marjoram, pepper, basil, sage, parsley, rosemary, nutmeg, tarragon, cumin ...
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Pet Health Tip#36- Skin Tumors in Dogs

There are several types of skin tumors that affect dogs.  Most of these are benign.  However, there are also some malignant tumors that can affect dogs.
The benign tumors are usually slow growing, soft, and free moving; meaning that you can grasp them and move them around under the skin.  Benign tumors include: skin tags, warts, moles, and lipomas.  The skin tags, warts, and moles look similar to the ones we get.  They are unsightly, but harmless.  Lipomas are fatty tumors that are very slow growing and soft.  They are very common in older, overweight dogs.  They typically don’t cause any problems unless they are located in an area that restricts movement; such as under a front limb.
The most common malignant tumors that are found under the skin are Mast Cell Tumors and Osteosarcomas.  Both of these tumors are usually fast growing, hard, and attached to the tissue under the skin.
Mast Cell tumors are very common and can be found in all breeds.  However, Boxers, Beagles, and Boston Terriers are the breeds most commonly affected.  These tumors can be found anywhere on the body, but are often found on the limbs.  They can change shape and size very rapidly.  These tumors are made up of cells that the body uses to respond to inflammation and allergies.  These tumors can release high amounts of the cells into the dogs body and cause damage to the internal organs.  Some mast cells remain localized, but others can metastasize to other regions of the body.  It is very important to have these tumors removed and sent for a biopsy to determine the malignancy and risk to the dog’s overall health.
Osteosarcomas are bone tumors.  These tumors are highly malignant.  They are most commonly seen at the elbow, wrist, or shoulder.  However, any bone can be affected.  Limping on the affected limb is usually the first symptom.  However, often times the tumor isn’t noticed until it become visible.  At the point that it is visible, there is a 90% chance that it has already metastasized to another area of the body, usually the lungs.  Treatment of osteosarcoma is very aggressive and usually involves chemotherapy or radiation.
In conclusion, although there are many types of skin tumors that are benign, it is important to have all tumors examined by your veterinarian, so that treatment of malignant tumors can begin as soon as possible.
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Pet Health Tip #35- "Fatty Liver Disease in Cats"

Fatty liver, also known as hepatic lipidosis, is the most common liver disease in cats.  When the body is in starvation mode, it quickly shifts fat cells to the liver.  It does this so that the liver can convert the fat into lipoproteins for energy.  However, the cat’s liver is not very good at converting these fat cells.  So, the fat accumulates in the liver.  As the fat builds up, the liver starts to lose its ability to function. 
The liver has many jobs in the body.  These include: detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of chemicals used in digestion.  The liver also helps break down red blood cells and produces clotting factors to aid in blood clotting.  Because of its many jobs, when the liver starts to fail, you will see several symptoms.
Hepatic lipidosis is usually caused by a cat’s loss of appetite.  This can be caused by illness (such as diabetes or kidney disease), stress, extreme diet restrictions by owners, or being lost.
The most obvious symptom is yellowing of the eyes and mucous membranes.  This is referred to as jaundice in people, but is referred to as icterus in animals.  Other symptoms include: anorexia, vomiting, lethargy, neurologic symptoms, and depression.
Treatment will often require hospitalization and includes: fluid therapy, diet changes, and mineral supplements.
The most important treatment is prevention by paying close attention to your cat’s eating habits.  If your cat loses its appetite, it is important to discover the underlying cause and get it treated before the liver starts to deteriorate.  Hepatic lipidosis can be life threatening, so the earlier treatment is started, the higher chance of your cat’s liver recovering.
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5 Natural Testosterone Boosters Very Effective!

5 Natural Testosterone Boosters Very Effective! After trying hundreds of herbs and supplements over the last 10 years, I discovered that 5 are the most effective in raising testosterone levels. Use all five, and bicycling regularly if you do not develop a tolerance and you will be well on the way to raise your testosterone levels for good. Tongkat Ali Tongkat Ali, also know as Eurycoma longifolia Jack is probably the most powerful testosterone and effective natural booster available. If you were just buying a supplement to raise testosterone levels naturally, this is expected. Described as the "Asian Viagra" in a May 1999 the reports in the New 
Sunday Times, this herb works by stimulating the Leydig cells of the testes to produce more testosterone. Catuaba Bark This herb is usually taken with Muira Puama. Both come from small to average sized tree found in the Amazon rainforest. The bark of these trees has been used for centuries by the indigenous people to increase libido and resistance * ow. Take these herbs and you will notice stronger erections, elevated mood, and thoughts and motivation * hich increased. Rhodiola Rosea A well-controlled clinical trial confirmed that this herb is very effective in stimulating the production of dopamine in middle-aged males.  

Dopamine increases libido just as powerfully as testosterone probably explains this is improving libido effects. When I complete with Rhodiola Rosea I feel a surge in energy, motivation, and desire * uel. Mucuna Pruriens Rhodiola As the work of Mucuna Pruriens by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. Velvet Bean also called Mucuna Pruriens came from a plant that grows in the tropical regions of Africa and India. This herb enhances mood, improves imagination, and a strong libido booster. Tribulus Terrestris Tribulus 

Terrestris is a very popular natural supplements for testosterone replacement. If you have tried in the past without success, you have probably one of two common mistakes.Or you is not cycled properly, or you have taken the wrong product. I found MANY products Tribulas to be very low quality, despite the wild claims and impressive packaging. Use a quality product, and bicycling if you do not develop a tolerance, and this quickly turn your favorite supplement to raise testosterone levels naturally.
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Pet Health Tip #34- Liver disease in dogs

There are a wide range of causes of liver disease in dogs.  The most common causes are:

Bacterial infection
Viral Infection- Most common in unvaccinated puppies
Toxins-Most common are insecticides and arsenic
Drugs- Most common are NSAIDS used to treat arthritis

Early symptoms of liver disease include: weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased thirst.  In most cases, if the underlying cause of the liver damage is found and treated during this early stage, then the liver will heal and return to normal function.

Symptoms of liver failure include: icterus (yellowing of the eyes or gums), ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdomen), spontaneous bleeding, and neurologic symptoms (disorientation, head-pressing, dullness, and seizures).  Once the liver has advanced to the stage of liver failure, the chances of regaining liver function are very slim.  However, many dogs can survive with treatment, such as IV fluids, medications, and a special diet.

The most important factor in liver disease is to prevent the underlying causes by having your puppy properly vaccinated, keeping your pet away from potential toxins, and using therapeutic drugs according to your veterinarian’s instructions.  Additionally, if you suspect that your pet has been exposed to toxins or has overdosed on NSAIDS, it is important to seek treatment as early as possible.
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An allergy (also called hypersensitivity reaction from) occurs when the body's defense system, the system inmunolgico, overreacts against one alergnico exposicina.

ste can reach these tissues by direct contact with the skin, mucous membranes or the blood circulation travs after absorption

Alergnicos Examples are pollen, plants, dust (expensive), the cosmetics, and hair of animals, vaccines, and medicines. Also, fsicos agents such as heat, sunlight froy can cause allergy and, equally, variety of foods such as oranges, milk, eggs, wheat, fish and other sea foods, chocolates, tomatoes, and strawberries.It is important to know that the symptoms of an allergy does not appear the first time I came into contact with a alrgeno as an exhibition continuing need for the system to start considering inmunolgico that substance as harmful and generate a defense response.Among the most common symptoms of allergy are:

Nasal Congestion, coughing, sneezing.
Shortness of breath,
Headache, fatigue,
Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea,
Eye redness, watering, burning,
Itching, hives, swelling,This response may be sneezing followed a cutnea eruption, stomach problems or a runny nose.

Folk RemediesAllergy Remedy # 1: Garlic is an excellent natural remedy for allergies so it is recommended that people who suffer so much in your meals consumed especially in salads.

Allergy Remedy # 2: In some coastal areas of Amrica, is widely used by alrgicos sea salt. To do this, dilute half teaspoon of sea salt in water and then vacuum filtered, for 20 seconds, a little of the water first in one of the nostrils by covering the other, repeat this procedure with the other nostril and then must expel water from his mouth.If alrgico bothers suck water directly, you can use a dropper which must enter into the hole slightly

In this sense, grandmothers decan sea beams that are beneficial and also positive for people alrgicas sanation andwith sinusitis.Allergy Remedy # 3: If a alrgico ducts have a stuffy nose, can chew a clove of garlic and quickly note that Guests may breathe easier.Allergy Remedy # 4: A natural remedy is to rub really curious ears until they feel warm to uncover the nose.Allergy Remedy # 5: Another home remedy is to chew a piece of honeycomb for ten minutes to decongest sinus of alrgicos.Allergy Remedy # 6: the cooking bag flower combat itching, redness and inflammation of the skin often caused by allergies. To do this, boil water and nothing else out of the fire aadimos 3 tablespoons flower bag and let stand for 1 minute. You should take this infusion vapors, quel relieve nasal Congestion, but especially to be applied, an hot, with a moistened cotton on areas of the skin where the itching have gone out of the alergay the irritation disappear instantly.Allergy Remedy # 7: Mix equal parts, eyebright, nettle and boneset llantn greater. Place 1 teaspoon in a cup of water. Boil for 3 minutes, leave in infusion, cover and filter. Take three hot cups a day.Allergy Remedy # 8: People who suffer from hay fever allergic rhinitis or hay fever, can develop this juice which contains ingredients like, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 1 cup water, a jet of radish juice and a splash of lemon which should be mixed to a glass and taketh given during 5 days.Allergy Remedy # 9: Mix 1 cup of bran in a quart of water and apply this on the Preparation area where the allergen cutnea.Allergy Remedy # 10: Pour in 1/2 liter of boiling water est, 1 tablespoon sage, rosemary and 1 1 nettle. Cover, drain and let cool. Take this infusion given over.

Herbal remedy for allergen control available in our store

Recommendations:There are some very useful recommendations to avoid, prevent allergies contolar and which are described continuacin:Environmental recommendations

Install an air conditioner (both at home and in their automobile) and keep clean the filters often enough
Install a humidifier which help in combating pollen and mold.
Do not smoke, as the smoke of snuff can worsen alrgicas responses in adults and children with conditions alrgicas.
Avoid irritating odors, gas, paint, smoke and perfumes.
Breastfeeding for at least six months if possible. this helps prevent allergy
Keep the house clean and dust free.
Remove the things that are usually expensive as carpets
Clean with damp cloth and vacuum the table tops and floors in the room in the area where NIOO plays.
Keep weeds cut if you have a garden
Save the magazines, books and papers in closed shelves to prevent dusting.
Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible
Having, as pets, fish tanks ONLY
Use a facial mask (as used by doctors and nurses in the operating room) when doing tasks especially home gardener by polno whether to use the vacuum, as est may shed large amounts of dust.
Seal with plastic protectors, pillows and the colchny hot water wash linen and covers, at least once a week, to eliminate expensive.Dietary Guidelines

Make a diary of everything you eat to identify alrgeno.
Do not eat the following foods to determine whether or not they alrgico:
meat, caffeine, chocolate, fruits Generators, corn, eggs, man, oats, processed products, tomatoes, salmon, strawberries, wheat ygrmenes
Avoid products that contain artificial colors,
Take plenty of water to thin mucus and ease expectoracin,
Consuming soy milk, tofu, and soy meat if it alrgico to milk, cheese and meat, as they have a high protein content.If you have some of these symptoms in a fit of allergen, you should consult with your doctor:

A whistle when breathing
Congestion in the chest that makes your breath
An attack that does not respond to OTC medications
Increase in number and size rpido of hives all over the body which can indicate a crash anafilctico.
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Efficient handling of ADHD in toddlers

Your child is a handful in the best case, however, if it turns out to have ADHD, they will undoubtedly make you at the end of the wits. It may even surprise a lot of people that children can develop this disorder one, we usually think of as a disorder for girls and older boys.So knowing what to look for can help greatly with treating ADHD in toddlers, spotting the signs and symptoms and provide the necessary support.To determine if a toddler has ADHD can be a difficult task, we all know that most toddlers may have some of the symptoms of ADHD, however, does not mean they suffer. Usually only the most serious correctly determined

A little warning sign commonly found in toddlersInattention is one of the most common symptoms that a toddler will have to deal with when they have ADHD. All young people have a particularly short attention span, but add ADHD and it becomes even shorter. Even with a mix of tasks or games they can play, they can easily get bored and still is when you need to worry about that then begins misbehavior.Hyperactivity is a component of the very young child, they have so much energy to get rid of ADHD and again it will become amplified. Always rushing, falling and essentially want to destroy everything in their path is a typical indication of ADHD in toddlers.Also, once they are irritated, it takes several hours to calm the added issue with them getting too excited over that could result in their becoming aggressive, hitting and screaming uncontrollably.The final symptom we take a look impulsivity is once more quite typical. They seem not to have any fear of anything and can do a lot of risky things on impulse without concern for their own or someone else's safety. From large structures is common, racing in the street, etc.. are the types of things normal children have a bit worried beforehand, not with ADHD in toddlers.Get enough sleep is an issue too, their hyperactivity means that their brain is still working a hundred mi / h, which means that they can not sleep much time exercising just turn into a vicious circle: the day after that toddlers can play even more do not receive enough sleep.If you suspect that your toddler can have ADHD, advice on the best and most obvious would be to go to the doctor as the first point of call, inform the symptoms you've noticed, and then will be able to diagnose if in fact your toddler has ADHD. When it is confirmed the doctor will start you provide as much information on the management of ADHD in toddlers.Regarding medication for a child so young, we strongly recommend that you avoid. Look at some of the totally 100% natural herbal supplements, regulate diet and provide the necessary support. I hope that you will see many improvements in the disorder of your young child.
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Kids Sports Gear

The brain is the major coordinating body for a human body. An injury can lead to malfunctions other important organs in the body and can even be fatal at times. Bad headaches permanent brain impairment, injury management costs much. Safety gear and cap play a major role in the current era, where more than 6 accidents lake are expected to occur annually, including matters related to the concussion form the majority.The human brain can be divided into several parts. Each party plays an important role in the functioning of the body in one way or another. While the cerebral cortex controls thinking and reasoning, the cerebellum is responsible for coordination and locomotion. All parts and all the senses of the human body are placed at risk during a head injury. Therefore, even a minor one attack parts of the brain can be extremely dangerous.A study by the Centers for Disease Control found that nearly 3 million concussions related cases are reported each year in the country. Drowsiness, headache, memory loss, dementia and loss of consciousness can occur as a result of head trauma normal, while those more serious can act as a fatal blow.Children, especially those who are enthusiastic about sports and riding, often land hurting while running race. Sports gear for children proves to be a useful material for all children excited because it prevents head injury during a fall or hit.

Caps are made of thick pads to prevent the pressure of an attack affecting the skull and brain. They can be worn inside a helmet while driving and also while engaging in dangerous sports. This equipment meant to prevent security head nearly 90% of the thrust felt on the head in an accident and helps great damage. They play the role of savior in many cases where a fall or blow to the brain can lead to serious consequences.There are many companies on the market that offer security equipment to customers. Products include safety glasses, face mask, cap, first aid products and kids sports gear. However, before buying from the market, it is advisable to check their certification. The metal used in the manufacture of safety equipment should be durable and long lasting. They must be heat resistant to wear during the summer do not cause inconvenience to users.Kids sports gear and skull cap that provide protection for the head, come in different colors and designs, in pace with the latest trends and can be worn as fashionable. Renowned companies provide equipment at an affordable price, given the same priority. It is recommended to wear caps during riding or play and to ensure that the smaller ones are provided with safety gear when they / they want to enjoy their time.
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Tips to minimize your acne attacks

If you suffer from acne, it is sometimes difficult to know what you can and can not do to prevent these potential crises. In fact, there are indeed effective products to fight acne but what many people forget is that there are a number of preventive measures that you can take to minimize your future risk of acne ...Avoid the sun

You've probably noticed when you expose your skin to the sun, it seems that your acne problems will diminish. However, as soon as you expose a little less acne regrowth generally more beautiful and more important than before.This is due to the fact that the sun with its rays, will clog your pores and prevent the sebum from escaping naturally, resulting in an increase in acne.To avoid this problem, always use a cap or hat when exposed to sunlight.Eat HealthyAlthough it has not yet been able to demonstrate the link between poor diet and acne, we must recognize that healthy eating and balanced manner certainly can not hurt you. So avoid foods too fat or too salty and take care of your body, if you do not want to have too big acne problems.Play sportsIn adolescence, acne is mainly due to an increase in the work of sex hormones. Out, it has been shown that intensive practice of a sport can precisely regulate these surges of hormones.Make sure you play a sport on a regular basis and to allow your body to naturally reduce acne mounted.ConclusionNot to have too many problems with acne, it is not only essential that you use a suitable product but you live a more healthy and conscientious in order to limit future rises of acne!
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During pregnancy and lactation, many drugs should be avoided because they can affect the health of baby and mother. So many people are turning to natural remedies. Know that you agree, and also those remedies that should be avoided during pregnancy.
1. Vitamin B6

This vitamin is not harmful and can be used during pregnancy to treat nausea problems. It is naturally found in sweet potatoes, as well as chicken, beef and liver. Aid in the production of amino acids and red cells. It also helps maintain the correct level of alkalinity in the body.

Addition of vitamin B, a remedy used in Japan is the umeboshi plum. If you are pregnant and get an oriental market, take it regularly. A plum umeboshi morning fasting can help detoxify the blood and is important source of iron, calcium and magnesium.

2. Folic acid

Folic acid, also called vitamin B9 committee, is very important for heart health and for proper brain functioning. It is used to treat hernias and anemia.

Women of childbearing age should eat daily between 400 and 1,000 mcg of folic acid as this is essential for the formation of the baby's heart in the first weeks of pregnancy. If you have a deficiency of this nutrient and make up after learning they are pregnant, the baby's heart is already formed.

In nature called folate is found in abundance in green leafy vegetables, roots, avocado and salmon.
3. Lactobacilli

Lactobacilli during pregnancy and lactation reduces the risk of the baby suffering from eczema. It has also been shown that consumption of vegetable oils and margarines during the last month of pregnancy increases the risk of the baby suffering from eczema in early life.
4. Vitamin D

Although it is increasingly common to find envitamina D rich foods, the best source of this is the sun, as it is synthesized in the skin and the body is like the best advantage.

A study reveals that consumption of vitamin D-which can translate to spend an hour a day in the sun, in pregnant women reduces the chances of a baby to have asthma or other respiratory problems.

Similar results were obtained in women who regularly consumed omega-3 during pregnancy.
5. Ashwagandha

It's called Albufera, but also used its Sanskrit name: ashwagandha. This remedy of Ayurvedic medicine is used to promote balance, treat muscle problems and as a treatment for whooping cough.

It is known as Indian ginseng during pregnancy is used to promote sleep and relieve stress. Although its application is regular in India, in the West asks pregnant women to refrain from using it because it is considered a spasmolytic.
6. Pineapple

Consuming pineapple fruit has been controversy about its use during pregnancy. It is an excellent natural diuretic and is also an important source of vitamin C. Furthermore, it helps to combat inflammatory and microorganisms.

However, the enzyme that gives many of its properties, is contraindicated. Winter is the pineapples on a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, not to exceed one cup a day, and avoid juices and concentrates.
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Food for Pregnant Women

The diet for a pregnant woman should be, above all, more nutritious. Although we know that the baby will cause imbalances in the complex maternal nutritional spectrum, people commonly believe this is solved simply by eating more or taking multivitamins.
But a woman carrying a baby and a mother who breastfeeds her child, just get an overload of carbohydrates or dietary supplement if you have no control over the quality of the food they eat.
Most important nutrientsIn the early months of pregnancy, nutrients for baby's cognitive development are essential. Therefore, mainly folic acid and Omega 3 should be present in the daily diet of all fertile women, and that a deficiency in these and other nutrients before the results of a pregnancy test can have irreversible consequences.
It is important to know the nutrients and natural remedies recommended for pregnant women as well as those that can be dangerous for the baby or the mother during pregnancy.
Nutrients that have more impact on the health of the child and the mother are:

fatty acids
vitamin A
B complex
The Omega 3 stands out as an essential nutrient in the welfare of the mother, since the development of the baby's neurological system, it is absorbed through the placenta, and can deplete the mother, leading to osteoporosis, cholesterol and other diseases. Today, Omega 3 consumption has decreased significantly, partly because marine pollution (known on other toxic elements in your diet)
Food habits during pregnancy
Here I present some general tips on how to be your diet during pregnancy:

More variety than quantity. The more variety of vegetables and fruits you consume, the more likely you are to cover the entire spectrum nutrition your baby needs. Seven servings of fruits and vegetables with five different colors usually cover all the daily nutritional needs.

 Your line is not the most important. Is it possible to live without losing a pregnancy figure and not take months and months to get healthy? Absolutely, but this should not be your first target. Do not exercise that may endanger your health or the baby, or follow restrictive diets can cause you malnutrition.

Eat as natural as possible. In a world full of chemicals and processed foods, it is best that you offer to your baby and your body whole foods, organic, fresh and local.

 Avoid drastic life changes. Find the best way to quit smoking and alcohol, but do not change your eating habits drastically vegetarian or macrobiotic diets, or will give up soon. Try to follow a progressive plan with plenty of nutrients, and you can handle nine months.

Kitchen with various techniques. Foods lose or profit depending on how they are cooked. Use different techniques to the same foods, sauces, soups, raw, boiled, fried, baked, fried, pressed, pickled, fermented ...

Prepare your desserts. Pregnancy is a time when many women prefer sweet foods. Avoid sugar overdose and conservatives who are in the food prepared and lean for fruit and homemade desserts.

 Take care of the quality of the fat you eat. Fats are very important, but they should be of the best quality fats to prevent cholesterol and other consequences of a poor diet. We recommend eating 30 to 40 grams (6-8 teaspoons) of fat per day. Also be sure to avoid trans fats.

 Preferred vegetable protein for animal feed, which is easier to digest. May your pulse amount is equal to or greater than that of meat you eat.
Searching alternative sources of calcium. Calcium is recommended during pregnancy, but prevents the cow milk rich in casein and lactose, which is the source of calcium healthier. Try to use other sources of this nutrient, such as almonds, sesame seeds, spinach, broccoli, kale or sardines.

 Control your weight. Typically, a pregnant woman gains weight. That's healthy and you should not seek help or alarmed when it happens. You should expect your weight increase of the sig. form:
At the end of the first quarter, between half a kilo and two kilos
From 4 to 9 months, between one and two kilos each month

A woman of normal weight should gain between 11 and 16 kilos throughout pregnancy. If she has weight problems, this range will vary and pregnancy should be supervised by a physician.

What to eat in each group
Then I present the foods recommended for a woman who does not have health problems or weight. Special considerations must be taken into account for women who suffer from diabetes, hypertension or other condition.
For further reference, a fruit cup may refer to a half cup if dehydrated. In the case of vegetables, green leaves are minimum recommendations and can be eaten without restriction.
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Gifts for healthy hair

Any woman likes to look beautiful hair, healthy and manageable, so go wrong if you give a gift related to hair care. This Christmas I invite you to give beauty. And best of all, there are products for all budgets, from a set of shampoo and conditioner in small packages for travel to a powerful hand dryer or a water filter for shower. Check out these gifts I found at Sephora.
 There is no point buying the best products for hair stylist and visit the most famous of the city if every time you wash your hair you hurt through the chlorine and other chemicals containing drinking water. Although other shower filters on the market, the T3 Source Hand-Held Shower Filter test has dramatically improved skin and hair of those who use it. In addition to filtering the water free of chlorine and leave this unit has eight different water jets to create a relaxing atmosphere in the shower. According to its maker the power to remove the water to 95 percent of chlorine allows the hair color to retain more, they reduce the frizz in your hair as much as 64 percent and increase the hair's natural shine even in 28 percent. It should be noted that these changes will begin to notice the hair after the tenth wash. Price $ 150.
 With hectic day that all women live to no home should be without a dry shampoo for a time of "emergency" where you have to go right hair and makeup but have no time to wash your hair in the shower. This spray is transparent so it looks good on any hair tondo. As soon as you apply it to the hair away any bad smell of sweat and instantly gives volume to the hair like you've finished washing and drying with a blow dry. Those who go to the gym love this product because it does not have to wash their hair daily. Price $ 11.00

 If you have a friend or relative with gray aquerer gonna give him a lot more after the concealer of Rita Hazan, a product extremely popular these days. This is a color spray to use when you do not time to touch up your hair dye and have all the light gray. The best thing about this product is that it stays in your hair until you wash it again, but does not stain the pillows or bedding. Nor disappears if you sweat while jogging or when you go to the gym. Available in four shades from light blonde to a dark brown and black. Price: $ 24.00
 A cocktail of luxury, so I dare to describe this gift that costs only $ 10. And is that just as the name says this game is made of caviar, which provides instant shine to any type of hair after a wash. And if your loved one has split ends or burned, this set of shampoo and conditioner will help moisturize the thread so that the hair does not split more. It is also an excellent test size if you want to experience before investing nearly costing $ 50 shampoo and conditioner regular size.
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After his father’s tragic death, sixteen-year old Ben Sharp is living a life of solitude in a one room cabin in the woods.  He is lonely and restless but cannot see a way to change his situation.  His life takes an unexpected turn the day two horse thieves ride up leading a stolen stallion.  When the two outlaws attempt to rob him, Ben is able to turn the tables.  His successful capture of the men opens up his world to the life of the bounty hunter.  Ben sets out on a journey that will transform him from a boy into a man.  This coming of age tale is full of action, adventure, humor, and romance.

BOUNTY HUNTER: THE BEGINNING is the first book in the Bounty Hunter series.

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Pet Health Tip#33- Seizures

Seizures in pets can be caused by a number of underlying issues.  The most common causes are:

Idiopathic Epilepsy
Kidney Failure
Liver Failure
Toxins- Insecticides, chocolate, and antifreeze
Brain Tumors
Heat Stroke
Encephalitis- Inflammation of the brain usually caused by an infection such as Distemper

There are several types of seizures.  A grand mal seizure usually begins with a period of altered behavior such as staring, restlessness, and crying out.  This is followed by the symptoms we usually associate with seizures, such as loss of consciousness, paddling, urinating, and defecating.  This part of the seizure usually only lasts 1-2 minutes.  It is followed by a period of confusion and incoordination.
Seizures can also be localized in the brain and cause a more localized reaction such as muscle twitching, blinking, and chomping.

Diagnosis is often made based on historical information, such as exposure to toxins, age of the animals, recent illness, etc.  Blood work will also be done to check for liver function, kidney function, and blood sugar levels.
During the seizure, the first impulse is to reach out and comfort your pet by talking to him and petting him.  However, it is best to turn out the lights, keep quiet, and not to touch him.  Sensory input can prolong the seizure.  This includes the period of disorientation that follows the main part of the seizure.  Once the seizure has ended, it is important to get your pet to a veterinary for a diagnosis.
Treatment is usually based on treating the underlying problem.  For epilepsy, the treatment is based on the frequency and severity of the seizures.  It is important to keep track of when seizures occur and how long they last.
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Learn all about the grades and types of acne

Acne, also known as acne vulgaris is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused by a bacterial infection thereof due to changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland) and is a congregation of matter.
Acne is classified in different degrees related to the severity of the injuries, fundamental for treatment:Mild acne: no major injuries are inflammatory.
The papules and pustules may appear, but they are small and few, usually less than 10.Moderate acne: there is a greater number of papules, pustules and comedones between 10 and 40.
The trunk can also be affected.Moderately severe acne: numerous papules and pustules between 40 and 100, usually deep infiltrating nodular lesions. The affected skin areas extending beyond the face, chest and back.

Severe acne: this group belongs nodulocystic acne and acne conglobata nodular lesions characterized by many large, painful pustules, along with many small papules, pustules and comedones.
Acne Types
Acne vulgaris: is one that is characterized by the presence of comedones, papules, pustules, cysts and nodules on face neck upper trunk and shoulders. Is typical of adolescents, and according to the intensity of the lesions is talk of various types.Comedo or comedonal acne: Only appears seborrhea of ​​the skin with numerous comedones. It is the mildest form. Papular acne: Lots of many inflamed comedones. Or do not appear in small number of lesions with pus. Atrophic Acne: Sometimes a papular acne, especially if severe, leaving small cavities evolves and skin scarring
Acne conglobata: It is characterized by the presence of numerous large comedones, some double or triple major abscesses with fistulas that communicate, inflammatory cysts and nodules.
Premenstrual Acne: Refers to acne lesions that appear or worsen during the period prior to menstruation in women. Is due to hormonal changes which occur in this period of the menstrual cycle.
Acne neonatorum or newborn acne.
Keloidal Acne: It is characterized by the residual scars. It is more common in black and oriental breeds.
Tropical acne: Variety particularly intense acne that occurs in tropical regions with warm, humid climate. It is characterized predominantly affects back, buttocks and thighs, respecting the face.
Acne contact: Call to skin contact, on a voluntary or involuntary, of substances that promote the formation of comedones. This is the case of workers in some industries that are in contact with chlorinated hydrocarbons (chloracne), petroleum oil or resins.
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