


Burning Plastic Causes Cancer, Sexual Orientation Problems, and Respiratory Diseases

Grass Allergies

The smoke of burning plastic contains toxic particles; these toxic particles can cause cancer when inhaled. When these burnt particles fall back to the ground, they contaminate the soil for many years and may render vegetables and fruit harvested from gardens in these areas unsafe to eat.

Grass Allergies

Separate plastic from other rubbish that is to be burnt and dispose of safely. Pigs, goats and chickens eating grass or food scraps contaminated with dioxins from the burnt plastic will pass it on to humans when these animals are then eaten.

Grass Allergies

Open burning of plastic waste is simply dangerous to your health and the health of the environment. Plastic such as PVC (polyvinylchloride) is common in such products as: bottles, jugs, plastic packaging and plastic bags from the supermarket. When these plastics are burnt, carbon monoxide, dioxins and furans are released into the air. Studies have linked dioxins and furans to cancer and respiratory diseases, most especially in children as their respiratory systems may not be fully developed. It also causes birth defects in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems when inhaled by a pregnant mother.

Grass Allergies

Dioxin is a toxic organic chemical that contains chlorine and is produced when chlorine and hydrocarbons are heated to high temperature.


These toxic components inhaled with smoke from burning plastic materials can cause hormonal and sex behavioral orientation problems with your newborn child, as a result, the child could begin exhibiting behavior in total contrast to his or her sex - a male acting female or vice versa.

Researchers have established that inhaling burnt plastic materials have altered sexual characters of some birds (from male to female). They have also revealed the same defects can easily occur in human beings. Plastics should never be burnt in the open air, there are recycling options available for disposal of these waste products.

Dioxins and furans can also cause impotence, asthma and a myriad of other allergies in humans. Medical reports show exceptionally low sperm counts in young men in comparison to previous generations. Testicular cancer has increased by 55 % between 1979 and 1991 and fewer boys are being born in areas where burning plastic is practiced. Some girls are achieving puberty earlier than earlier generations, this can also be a result of inhaling dioxin and furans.


STOP BURNING PLASTIC NOW! If your neighbour is burning plastic, report them to your health department.

Burning Plastic Causes Cancer, Sexual Orientation Problems, and Respiratory Diseases

Grass Allergies

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Allergies in Dogs

Grass Allergies

Allergies are one of the most common complaints among dog owners. Truly, not too many puppies have allergies their first year but many are already becoming sensitized to things in their environment. If your puppy already shows signs of allergies, and some do, don't hesitate to get it treated. You may head off a lifetime of trouble if you get a handle on it early. Allergies get worse every year if left untreated.

Grass Allergies

Allergies usually materialize in the form of small skin eruptions, rashes, hair loss, itching, moist or oozing dermatitis, and ear infections. Dogs will over wash themselves, chew, scratch, and rub to alleviate the sensations which in turn makes them worse.

Grass Allergies


Grass Allergies

Allergies are such that your dog may be exposed to a pathogen one year and show no outward signs of ailment...this time. Next time he comes in contact, it will create a reaction, maybe small at first, but each time he is getting more sensitized and each time the reaction will be a little, or a lot worse. We often hear owners saying, "he never had this problem before". Yeah, we know, that's how it works.

Dogs can develop allergies to any number of things such as grass, trees, shrubs, dust mites, molds, and most commonly...fleas. If your dog has an allergy to something, it will take very little to set of a histamine reaction in his body. Dogs are most commonly allergic to things their skin touches rather than something they inhale. They may be allergic to pollen but it is usually a contact problem, not an inhalant one like with people.


Fleas are the most common cause of allergies by far. You may not even think your dog has fleas but it could only take one bite to set him off. One of the most important things you can do is protect him against fleas. Protect him aggressively and often. There are excellent products on the market now such as Advantage, Frontline, Revolution, and Sentinel. A couple of these require simple blood tests before they can be used because they also protect against heartworms. You must always make sure your dog is not infected before starting on heartworm medication.


It is also vital that you treat not only your pet but also his environment as best you can. Fleas can live anywhere. They reside quite nicely in your yard, grass, sand, dirt, carpet, bedding and anywhere else you can think of. And the are resilient. Persistence is a must. One study showed fleas that were found in Arctic Turns nests which were thawed out and found to be still viable after having been frozen for a long time.

The fleas life cycle must be broken to gain any sort of advantage at depleting their population. Treat the house, the yard, and your pets. Make sure you use products that are safe for all your pets. Cats and other small animals can be very sensitive to toxins. Please NEVER use over the counter products unless they are recommended by your veterinarian. Many of the products sold in stores are very dangerous and can be deadly, especially to cats.


There are many ways to treat your dog if he develops allergies. If it is not too bad you may only have minor flare ups in the summer which can be treated with oatmeal baths and antihistamines. The dogs who really suffer often require year round treatment, or at least aggressive treatment through their sensitive times of the year. A regimen may include injections of steroids, antihistamine and steroid tablets, a special diet, flea products, and frequent soothing baths.


Less that 10% of dogs who have allergies are allergic to what they eat. We often make that leap on our own because there are so many allergies with the human population. Not so with your dog. While it is quite possible. It is not usually the best place to start looking for solutions. Many dog food companies have created diets for those dogs who are sensitive to their diets however. Hills and Nature's Recipe are among the leaders. They make a variety of foods with ingredients that your dog won't have come in contact with. They may include venison, duck, whitefish, lamb, rice and potato.

The trick to ruling out a food allergy is to eliminate everything else they may put in their mouths and it will take up to 60 days to clear everything from their system. You must only change their diet but also eliminate treats unless they are just hand outs of the same biscuits he gets at meals. You must have him eat from stainless bowls. You must remove any chew toys, like rawhides, and cows hooves. This sounds easy but it must be maintained without hesitation or fail or else it will all be for not. Any contact will set you back to the beginning.


Dogs and usually allergic to more than one antigen. Most will react to varying degrees to a number of different things the come in contact with. While dogs are often allergic to pollens, it is not usually due to inhalation, but due to contact with the skin. If your dog has a severe sensitivity to grass for instance, you may need to wash off his feet every time he comes in from outside. Even just rinsing them will help prevent further involvement. He may need baths several times a week but only with specific types of treatments and direction from the veterinarian. The wrong things could aggravate instead of help the problem.

Dog allergies usually come in the form of dermatitis, some form of skin inflamation, itching, redness, hair loss, scratching, oozing, and ear infections. The animals are truly miserable and inconsolable. If you can get by with a few treatments in a season you should consider yourself lucky as allergies go. If you have a dog who is sensitive to something all year or hyper sensitive at certain times of the year you may need to explore allergy testing and injections.


Allergy testing is the best way to determine what exactly you are battling and how best to handle it. The tests are done either in the form of skin testing where part of the dog is shaved and tiny amounts of possible allergens are injected under or applied to the skin to see what he might react to. The areas are checked regularly for signs of reaction. Another is a blood test where the dogs blood is drawn and sent to a special laboratory who just does this type of blood work. The results can take a week or two but the answers come without further insult to the dogs skin.

An blood test will tell you not only what they are allergic to, but HOW allergic they are. It will show a titer, or a number out of normal range to help you and the vet understand how severe it is. The test will cover 20 or more different possible pathogens which are prominent in your part of the country and test the blood to all of them. You can also test for food allergies this way.

One other benefit of blood testing is that you have not only the vet and his experience but you also have the laboratory to help guide him with their vast and focused expertise. The labs will guide you through the many types of treatments that may be done at home and by the vet.


Once the blood work has determined what the dog is allergic to, the lab can make an antigen therapy which the dog will undergo to begin de-sensitizing him. The antigen vial will contain an injectable and sterile form of what the dog is allergic to. Tiny amounts are injected under the skin and regular intervals and strengths to allow the dogs body to start to build a tolerance to it. This can take months and may have to be done every so often to maintain the effect but it is the most promising form of treatment.

If your dog has severe allergies you and your vet will become well acquainted so make sure you and your dog are comfortable with them and their office. Allergies can be expensive, infuriating, frustrating, and time consuming but they can almost always be alleviated.

Allergies in Dogs

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Family Friendly Ways of Getting Rid of Fleas Without Chemicals

Grass Allergies

Our whole world is so full of pesticides and toxins that we seem to be bathing in them and when it comes to our pets, they often literally are. We're a society of quick fixes and we want quick and permanent relief from pests that annoy and irritate us. It's only natural that when our pet brings home an infestation of fleas, we want to turn to chemical insecticides to rid the house of the pets quickly and thoroughly.

Grass Allergies

However, it isn't necessary to soak your household with chemicals and toxic products to get rid of fleas. Chemical products are marketed by advertisers who want you to believe you must use their product to be flea-free. They are not going to tell you that there are safer, family-friendly ways to remove fleas from your pet and home that don't place your family's health at risk. It's up to us to become a bit wiser and to realize that the way we think about these things is largely the result of clever marketing over time.

Grass Allergies

You can avoid insecticidal or chemical treatment soaps and sprays and still rid your pet and home of fleas. They aren't necessary for flea removal. After all, what did people do before this chemical age? Regular soap is perfect for killing fleas, so you can wash your pet once or twice with pet shampoo to rid it of the pests. The soap suds act with the water to drown the fleas, others will be washed off by the flow of the water and if outside will often drown in the puddles created. When your pet is dry, comb it well with a flea comb to remove eggs.

Grass Allergies

To prevent re-infestation, you will need to get them out of your home before your pet comes back in. If your throw rugs and blankets are small enough, toss them in the washing machine and wash with laundry detergent in hot water. If your washing machine is too small, most bath tubs will be large enough to completely cover them with soapy water and drown the fleas. Any fabric item that your pet likes to rest on also needs to be washed thoroughly. If your pet enjoys sleeping on a pile of your clothing (cat owners will understand this), those shirts and pants will need to be washed as well.

Carpets can crawl with fleas which love to hide in the tiny fibers. It is therefore essential to completely clean your carpet to remove all fleas. Vacuum first. Vacuuming can remove fifty percent of the fleas on a single pass. After you vacuum, your carpeting can be washed with soapy water, but soak it well. A token scrub with a soapy rag isn't going to be enough to kill fleas or eggs. A steam-cleaning job by a professional is probably the best way to go to clean carpets and rid them of fleas.

Once you have thoroughly cleaned your carpets and rid your home of fleas, it is necessary to vacuum often and wash your pet regularly in soapy water using a flea comb afterwards, in order to prevent re-infestation. This care, however, will be worth it to you in time and trouble and of course, family and pet health.

Family Friendly Ways of Getting Rid of Fleas Without Chemicals

Grass Allergies

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Causes Of Sore Itchy Scalp

Tree Allergies

There can be many causes of sore itchy scalp problems. In rare cases it can be put down to a lack of hygiene, though that is generally not the case for most people and it can in fact more likely be attributed to excessive washing or the use of harsh shampoos and conditioners that cause the scalp to dry out and leave the follicles open to infection (folliculitis). Many of today's shampoos and conditioners contain a number of toxic chemicals which dry out the skin, stripping it of its natural oils and thereby causing a sore, itchy scalp. Without these essential oils the skin is open to a number of infections and yeast organisms like Melassezia Globbosa (the fungus which causes dandruff) or Pitysporum Ovale - which result in dandruff and flaking of the scalp. An example of one of these toxic chemicals is Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLS) which is an aggressive cleaning and foaming agent commonly used as an engine degreaser. Although proven to strip oils from and prematurely age your skin, damage eye membranes, retard healing, inhibit hair follicle growth and more, it is added to 90% of shampoos on the market. Silicon is also often added to conditioners as an artificial shine enhancer.

Tree Allergies

Some other possible causes are:

Tree Allergies

A skin condition, such as acne, which can occur for a number of reasons - often hormonal, but also via infection, ingrown hairs and blocked pores, or incorrect diet.

A fungus like Ringworm (tinea capitis). This is a superficial fungal infection of the scalp and is caused by mould-like fungi called dermatophytes. It is more common in children and the symptoms include red, itchy patches on the scalp, which cause hair loss and leave bald areas. The skin might itch and be red and peel or be scaly, have swollen blisters or a rash (that can spread) and looks like black dots. The rash is highly contagious, and I would highly recommend seeing your doctor or dermatologist as soon as possible to get further advice and prevent it from spreading further.

A cyst, such as an epidermal or sebaceous cyst, a sac beneath the outer layer of the skin that is filled with a greasy white material. These cysts most often appear on the scalp, ears, face or back and are caused by plugged ducts at the site of a hair shaft.

An allergic skin reaction (contact dermatitis). This usually comes in two forms - Irritant Contact Dermatitis and Allergic Contact Dermatitis. The former is normally a reaction caused by the direct effect of an irritant substance on the skin, while the latter is a hypersensitivity reaction, acting through the body's immune system, due to a particular substance or group of related substances. This goes back to what I mentioned above about the harsh irritant chemicals that you find in many of today's shampoos and hair products.

Stress - brought on by exhaustion, work pressures, emotional tension. Stress can also cause acne to develop.

Viral infections, such as chickenpox and shingles

Tree Allergies

(Please note that every case is different and if you have an extreme case of scalp problems or are worried and uncertain about anything I would highly recommend you consult your doctor or dermatologist).

To soothe the itching on your scalp there are a few things you can do. Natural oils such as Lavender, German Chamomile, Eucalyptus, and Avocado Oil are excellent at relieving the itchiness. Simply mix them together and add water (4 parts water to 1 part oil), then apply locally to the affected areas on your scalp for relief. This mixture can also be added to your shampoo or conditioner to give your skin an extra boost (try to use a pH neutral shampoo with natural oils such as Tea Tree - this will stop your scalp from drying out further and will help to prevent any infection).

Neem oil is an excellent dandruff preventative and is also great for relieving psoriasis and eczema. As above, it can be added to your shampoo to soothe and aid your scalp problem.

(As with all oils, consult your doctor first if you are pregnant. It is also recommended you patch test all oils/formulas before application or addition to your shampoos).

Causes Of Sore Itchy Scalp

Tree Allergies

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Adrenal Burnout

Grass Allergies

Adrenal burnout has become a common disorder in today's stressed out, over-worked, emotionally exhausted society. As more and more people appear to suffer from perpetual fatigue, experiencing physical, mental, and chemical stress; affecting the body's chemistry on a cellular level and it is the cells in the adrenal glands that take the brunt of these stresses. All illnesses start with fatigue. The body is like a new car with power steering, power brakes and power windows. When the power goes down, the entire car stops working right. Burnout is a serious medical problem, although symptoms may be vague and unrelated to a specific disease. The adrenal glands, which produce stress hormones, are affected by xenobiotic compounds (chemical compounds that are foreign to a living organism) more than any other organ.

Grass Allergies

Over the years, prolonged episodes of stress can cause the adrenals to become fatigued and are unable to regulate all the constituents of a healthy body. Sometimes the adrenals, in a weakened state, are referred to as insufficient, and as the progression of adrenal breakdown continues, it leads to adrenal burnout as termed by the late Dr. Paul Eck who researched adrenal function and tissue analysis for decades.

Adrenal Burnout is a very debilitating malady that can cause life-changing disruption. In severe cases the adrenal activity is so acutely diminished that people have difficulty getting out of bed for more than a few hours per day. In each increment of reduction in adrenal function, every organ and system in the body is more profoundly affected. Changes can occur in the carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance, heart and cardiovascular system, and even the sex drive.

Grass Allergies

Prolonged stress keeps the body in a constant and heightened fight or flight' state; if allowed to continue it would eventually compromise the adrenal function. The adrenals are the glands that sit near the top of each kidney. The inner part (the medulla) secretes hormones, including adrenaline and corticosteroid that control blood pressure, heart rate and sweating. They also act as chemical messengers; initiate immune responses; regulate blood sugar levels and produce much of the digestive juices used in breaking down foods. As they respond to stress the hormones raise blood sugar and blood pressure, and promote energy production. Adrenalin or epinephrine are used in emergencies, when the adrenals become depleted, the body is unable to handle stress and this can lead to serious illness.

Grass Allergies

Symptoms of adrenal burnout can be weight gain, chronic infection especially respiratory problems such as influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia; impaired digestion, allergies, high blood pressure; high and low blood sugar levels, cravings for sweets; multiple chemical sensitivities, PMS; irritability and depression and even anxiety may occur.

The condition is also called adrenal hypofunction, exhaustion or insufficiency. Unlike fatigue, energy levels do not return after a good nights rest; it is a common misconception that the body is unable to regenerate energy during slumber; waking up tired after 8-10 hours of sleep is a primary symptom of burnout, like a dead battery, the body cannot recharge itself during sleep. Burnout is a more serious derangement of the body's energy system.

Adrenal burnout syndrome is rarely diagnosed by physicians and can be wrongly identified as Addison's disease which doctors consider incurable. However recovery from adrenal burnout is definitely possible.

Burnout can develop slowly or may be caused by a single trauma. It was famously noted that John F. Kennedy experienced burnout during World War II when his patrol boat was rammed by a Japanese destroyer, killing most of the crew. He never recovered from the shock. For the rest of his life, he needed replacement adrenal hormones. If he had found the right practitioner, perhaps they would not have been needed.

A disproportionate amount of stress can be an important cause of burnout which can be derived from many sources. Chemical toxicity and nutritional depletion are among the physical causes; Mental, emotional or spiritual stress can be a major factor and overwork, financial and family problems; noise in the cities and electromagnetic pollution; mobile phones, microwave towers and household or workplace appliances that emanate strong electrical fields.

Nutritional Deficiencies are also a common cause. When the body is under stress, there is a greater need for nutrients. Carbohydrates, when excessive in the diet, stress the adrenals. Diets low in protein may also create deficiencies. Inadequate or poor quality water affects oxygenation of the tissues.

Most diets are deficient in nutrients that are required by the adrenals. These include B-complex vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, manganese, zinc, chromium, selenium and other and other trace elements. The majority of cheap supermarket food in today's consumer society is grown in depleted soils. Further processing and refining reduces nutrients even more. Bad habits like eating in the car or while on the run can further diminish the value derived from food. Also, allergic reactions to foods such as wheat and dairy products can damage the intestines and reduce the absorption of nutrients.

Toxic metals and chemicals can also contribute to adrenal burnout; as exposure to a multitude of chemicals in the air, water and food is becoming increasingly prevalent in today's society. Dental materials; skin contact with chemicals; over-the-counter and prescribed medications are also conducive to the body's toxic load.

Toxins can be generated within the body due to impaired digestion. When food is not properly digested, it either ferments or rots in the intestines, producing many harmful substances that are absorbed back into the body.

Chronic infections can also purvey to the toxic load. For many, the elimination organs refrain from functioning at optimal levels; resulting in a build up of toxic substances within the body; leading to adrenal burnout and many other health conditions.

Many stimulants such as caffeine, sugar and alcohol can damage the adrenals as they incite the glands into action. Less obvious stimulants can include anger, rage, arguing, hatred, loud music, the news and movies full of suspense; vigorous exercise, sexual preoccupations and the use of stimulants. Artificial stimulants can appear alluring in the midst of fatigue, providing a temporary energy surge or buzz. It is an appeal of the drug culture, both legal and recreational.

Unhealthy responses to stress such as worrying, becoming angry or afraid can induce a burnout. Particularly high strung, nervous individuals and those with very active minds are especially prone to adrenal burnout. Unfortunately, many with adrenal burnout function on anger and resentment. These act as adrenal stimulants, providing a negative energy with which to function.

Secondary to adrenal exhaustion are glandular imbalances, hyperthyroidism and more often hypothyroidism. The adrenal glands produce estrogens and progesterone, the main source of hormones post-menopause. Premenstrual syndrome and hot flushes are also indicative to weakened adrenal glands.

The side effects of adrenal burnout can be depression and apathy to friends, family and work. Anxiety and Irritability can also occur, as the inability to handle even minor stresses confounds. Compulsiveness and OCD are also associated; precipitating addictions of excessive exercise, sex, loud music or other forms of excitement. The unconscious goal is always the same, to stimulate the adrenals into activity.

When the adrenals are weak, copper builds up in the body. Elevated copper enhances emotions. Panic attacks, bipolar disorder, mood swings and schizophrenia are related to copper imbalance. As energy levels decline, other toxic metals build up as well. Mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, beryllium and others contribute to hundreds of physical and emotional symptoms. Elevated copper and low zinc levels can impair the immune system and chronic infections can occur. The stage is also set for the development of degenerative conditions such as Cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases are end-stage results of toxic accumulation and energy depletion

The condition can be classed as psychological as stress engenders the burnout which in turn affects the emotions and behaviour. But, burnout is biochemical as recovery involves improving emotions and dealing with psychological issues. However, it also involves rebuilding body chemistry because it is a physical condition as well.

Adrenal burnout is more prevalent with women than men; mainly due to lifestyle changes and sluggish oxidisation rates. However it is just as common in men. Many children are also born with weak adrenals due to their parents nutritional deficiencies. Minimal brain dysfunction, chronic ear or other infections, crib death, failure to thrive, ADHD and anti-social behaviour may all be symptoms of burnout in children.

Burnout can occur in all groups in society, regardless of occupation, income or educational level. It is recognised that many homeless people are victims of burnout. Accounting for why they may give up hope or be incapable of holding a job or supporting a home. Burnout affects every area of life; family, work and relationships; apathy everyone and everything. Friends, family and employers are often unaware of the condition, which can exacerbate the situation.

Burnout can occur due to a single shock; traumas that occur together or a combination of factors. Whether it is derived from an illness, accident, divorce, overwork or other stress depends very much on one is ability to handle stress, rather than the absolute amount of stress. When the burnout manifests, vital minerals can become depleted and toxic substances replace and become part of the structure of enzymes, body organs and glands. Even after a change of diet, lifestyle, attitudes or behaviour, the toxins can remain.

Often, burnout does not even develop until several years after a trauma, illness or injury as depleted and damaged cells proliferate. Even though many change their diets and get over their traumas, most people never recover from burnout, or make only a partial recovery.

The accumulation of toxins that occurs as the body and the inability to eliminate them can contribute to burnout. Elimination is very important, however energy is required to release toxins. If the energy system is weak, just fasting or cleansing will not be enough. One must rebuild the entire energy system by balancing body chemistry and providing nutrients as well. A one-month or even six-month cleanse is nowhere near adequate. It can take a year just to replenish one mineral. For those in burnout, extreme detoxification programs such as fasting, raw foods or even chelating agents can be dangerous. This is because the body lacks the vitality to properly eliminate toxins, the eliminative organs are compromised and toxins may be redistributed in vital organs. A gentle, complete program of rebuilding and nourishing the body must accompany any efforts to eliminate toxins. In fact, as vitality improves, toxin elimination will proceed of its own accord.

Diet is an extremely important factor in the road to recovery. Protein should be eaten with every meal, eggs, natural meats and poultry are among the best sources; toasted almond butter, goat's cheese and nuts are other alternatives. It is advised to avoid vegetarian diets. At meal times try and east at least three different vegetables; it is advised to rotate proteins and vegetables, so not to consume the same thing every day.

Complex carbohydrates are allowed but wheat and spelt should be avoided as sensitivities to gluten (found in rye, barley and oats) can occur. Excellent starches are root vegetables (turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, carrots, onion and celery root), blue corn, brown rice, quinoa and others.

It is recommended to reduce all sweets and fruit. Avoid sugar and cows milk dairy products (except butter); vegetable oils except for olive oil; isolated soy protein as it is of poor quality and contains many anti-nutrients; junk food; juices as they can be too sugary and can concentrate food toxins, upset blood sugar levels and weaken the adrenals. Use sea salt rather than table salt; eat regular meals of an excellent quality and switch to organic food whenever possible.

Green foods like kelp, barley grass powder and various coloured vegetables are highly recommended. Cooking with coconut oil is excellent as it aids weight loss, Candida Albicans infection and energy. It is also advised to drink high quality water such as distilled or spring and to avoid tap water.

Food supplements are indispensable. Kelp granules and nutritional yeast are excellent as they are rich sources of nutrients and assist in detoxification. Other nutrients that are important for adrenal activity are vitamins A, B, C, E, pantothenic acid (B5); Zinc, calcium and magnesium; digestive aids such as pancreatin and ox bile and an adrenal glandular substance. Other nutrients may be needed dependent on levels of toxic metals and other symptoms or deficiencies. Hair mineral testing is a reliable way to detect deficiencies within the body. Liquorice is also highly recommended for adrenal burnout or fatigue as it acts on the blood pressure in the body; the active ingredient in liquorice is glycyrrhizinic acid - a plant steroid that mimics one of the prescription drugs given to treat low blood pressure irregularity. Liquorice also enhances the action of corticosteroids, the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Other naturopathic remedies include goldenseal and Pau d'arco tea which can eradicate Candida; probiotic supplements to rebalance the gut flora and herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion to support the liver.

Adrenal Burnout

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Red Bull Energy Drink and Its Side Effects

Tree Allergies

Consumers are now interested in the composition and effects of what they consume. As with most things in life, moderation is the key to consuming the Red Bull energy drink. Red Bull energy drink side effects become a problem in cases where a consumer is drinking the Red Bull energy drink in excess, or fails to combine their consumption of the Red Bull energy drink with an adequate daily diet.

Tree Allergies

The Red Bull energy drink side effects are a combination of the mixing of the herbs contained within the Red Bull energy drink with other substances, or medications. Although the herbs contained within the Red Bull energy drink are not enough to cause difficulties within themselves, they can prove harmful when combined with a prescribed medication.

Tree Allergies

The most common prescriptions to cause Red Bull energy drink side effects are acne prescriptions and antibiotic prescriptions. Normally, your doctor will warn you of what to avoid while you are taking your medication, however, Red Bull energy drink side effects are only now being recognized.

Tree Allergies

Some of the herbs and vitamins that are included in energy drinks include, ginseng, gingko, biloba, echinacea and Vitamin B. In energy drinks, these herbs and vitamins are usually said to have health benefits, which encourages people to drink in excess of what they otherwise should. If consumed in excess with other medications, these herbs and vitamins can be potentially harmful.

Red Bull energy drink contains both herbs and vitamins. Vitamins should only be taken to substitite a vitamin deficency in the body, or during times when you are undergoing laots of physical training where the body consumes more vitamins, fats and carbohydrates.

Red Bull energy drink contains sugar, taurine, glucuronolactone, B-complex vitamins and caffeine. Although Vitamin B is important for the human body to help maintain an effective defence system in order to prevent disease, it is usually only required if a person is ill, or deficient in that particular vitamin.

Overall, the Red Bull energy drink should be consumed in moderation and more than one, or two drinks a day is not recommended. The risks posed through high consumption of Red Bull include the raising of the energy levels within the body to dangerous proportions, medical complications and allergic reactions.

Red Bull Energy Drink and Its Side Effects

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Help, My Dog is Vomiting

Grass Allergies

Vomiting in dogs is a very common occurrence and can arise from a wide variety of causes, from simple gastritis to complex diseases of other body systems. Not only is it very distressing for both the dog and owner, it also provides a challenge for the veterinarian. This article explains the multiple causes of vomiting in dogs, including adverse food reactions, and the range of treatment options available.

Grass Allergies

What is vomiting?

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Vomiting is the expulsion of food, fluid or debris from the stomach or small intestine due to coordinated movements of the gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It is important to differentiate this from regurgitation, which is a passive process rather than a coordinated effort like vomiting.

Grass Allergies

Regurgitation is a sign of disease in the esophagus, such as obstructions (foreign bodies such as a stick, bone or toy, or a stricture), esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) or megaesophagus (dilatation of the esophagus due to weakening of the smooth muscle). The main difference between regurgitation and vomiting is that regurgitation is effortless, while vomiting is accompanied by strong abdominal contractions.

How can I tell vomiting and regurgitation apart?

Sometimes this is not easy to do. Generally speaking, if it happens immediately after eating it is more likely to be regurgitation (though vomiting can still occur then). If the content of the material expelled appears to be completely undigested food, this also supports regurgitation. If the presence of bile can be confirmed though, it is more likely to be vomiting.

Causes of vomiting

The most common causes of vomiting are dietary related, either through dietary indiscretion (e.g. overeating, eating overly rich or spoiled food) which causes acute (sudden) vomiting, or adverse food reactions (food allergies) which can cause chronic (long term and intermittent) vomiting.

However, there are a huge number of other causes arising from either the gastrointestinal system itself (stomach and small intestine) or secondary to disease elsewhere in the body (e.g. liver or kidney disease). Within the stomach, possible causes include:

1. Gastritis (inflammatory disease)

2. Stomach ulceration

3. Stomach cancer

4. Obstruction (foreign bodies, telescoping of intestine)

5. Hiatal hernia (part stomach herniating through the diaphragm)

Possible causes within the intestine include:

1. Infectious diseases (e.g. parvovirus)

2. Worms

3. Inflammatory bowel disease

4. Intestinal cancer

Secondary causes of vomiting that are due to disease elsewhere in the body include:

1. Pancreatitis (infection or inflammation of the pancreas)

2. Peritonitis (infection in the abdominal cavity)

3. Hepatitis (liver inflammation)

4. Kidney failure

5. Pyometra (infection of the uterus)

6. Hormonal deficiencies or excesses (e.g. Addisons disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Septicemia, Calcium imbalance)

Other potential causes that do not fit into the above categories are drug reactions (e.g. digoxin, chemotherapy drugs, NSAIDs) and neurological disorders.

Treatment of vomiting

Vomiting is a symptom, not a disease in itself. Whether or not treatment is appropriate depends upon the individual circumstances. If the dog is only vomiting occasionally, is bright and otherwise normal on examination, treatment is probably not necessary. Some dogs with sensitive digestive systems will vomit once or twice a month regardless of any treatment, and if they are otherwise well this should be ignored.

For acute vomiting cases, the first step should always be to starve the dog for 24 hours (while keeping plenty of water available ad lib). After the period of starvation, the dog should be offered small portions of a very bland food, such as chicken and boiled rice, for a few days. Meals should be fed as smaller portions several times a day, rather than one larger meal.

Though treating the symptom itself will often improve patient demeanor and comfort, it is no replacement for making a correct diagnosis of the underlying cause, and certain drugs can be harmful if given blindly (for example, giving metoclopromide to a dog with a gastric or intestinal obstruction). Certainly cases of acute and severe vomiting require immediate treatment, as dogs can become rapidly dehydrated, develop electrolyte imbalances and aspiration pneumonia otherwise.

Managing the vomiting dog

There are 2 goals when dealing with a vomiting dog:

1. Identify the underlying cause

2. Stop the vomiting in a safe and effective manner

In many cases, anti emetic therapy (the technical term for vomiting is emesis, and therefore drugs used to treat it are called anti emetics) is instigated immediately while the cause is being established.

A veterinarian will start by taking a full history, focusing especially on normal diet, recent medication, vaccination status and the description of the symptoms. He or she must first make sure that the dog is genuinely vomiting and not regurgitating, which has a completely different set of underlying causes. It is also important to get a graphic description of the material expelled, and whether it contained bile, fresh blood or what appears to be coffee granules (partly digested blood).

The next step is a full clinical examination, including carefully feeling the abdomen, taking the dogs rectal temperature and assessing the hydration status. Once this is completed, a veterinarian will have a slightly narrowed down list of differential diagnoses in mind. If the dog is not dehydrated, bright in demeanor, and both vital parameters and feeling the abdomen were normal, the veterinarian will often (and rightly so) make a presumptive diagnosis of gastritis, or gastroenteritis if diarrhea is present too, and prescribe antibiotics to combat the likely bacterial infection. The owner is then likely to be sent home with instructions to starve the dog for 24hrs and give bland food for a few days, alongside the antibiotics. The owner is instructed to monitor the dog closely, and return immediately if there are any signs of deterioration, or 2 to 3 days later for a routine check up.

If there are any findings in the clinical history or the physical examination that trigger concern, then further tests are necessary. The first of these is usually blood tests for hematology and biochemistry profiles. Urine and feces may also be analysed, the latter for either nasty bacteria or parasites. Additional laboratory tests may be required in certain circumstances, such as bile acid stimulation testing if liver dysfunction is suspected, or an ACTH stimulation test to look for adrenal disease.

The next stage of the work up involves imaging. The most useful is abdominal radiography (xrays), but ultrasonography and endoscopy can also be very important. Radiography and endoscopy both have to be carried out under general anesthesia, while ultrasonography can be performed conscious. If the imaging does not reveal the underlying cause then biopsies may be taken, either endoscopically guided or via exploratory surgery. Histopathology of these samples (studying the tissue microscopically) can give vital clues as to the cause, particularly by differentiating between inflammation and cancer.

The final diagnostic option is the therapeutic trial. If the dog gets better on the medication prescribed, then it must have been a certain type of disease that responds to that drug. By this rationale, wormers, antibiotics or an exclusion diet trial may be chosen.

Drugs used in the treatment of vomiting

1. Stomach protectants and antacids

These medications are useful when stomach ulceration is suspected. Examples include sucralfate (acts like a band aid over the ulcer), H2 antagonists (reduce acid production) and omeprazole (also reduces acidity).

2. Metoclopromide

This drug blocks a neurotransmitter in the brain called dopamine, which prevents activation of the vomiting centre in the brain (known as the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone). It is only partially effective in doing this though, and has the additional effect of increasing forward motility of the gut. This means it must never be given to dogs that might have a stomach or intestinal obstruction. It can also cause mental changes such as hyperactivity and disorientation.

3. Phenothiazines (e.g. Acepromazine, ACP)

These are effective at blocking the dopamine receptors mentioned above, in addition to other receptors involved in the vomiting reflex. They are usually used when metoclopromide has failed, but also have undesirable side effects such as low blood pressure and sedation.

4. Antihistamines

Histamine receptors are also present in the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone, the part of the brain that controls the vomiting reflex. Antihistamines are effective in blocking vomiting that is due to motion sickness, but are little use against other causes.

5. Domperidone

Domperidone has a similar action to metoclopromide in that it blocks dopamine receptors and secondarily blocks serotonin receptors, but it does not have the promotility effects of metoclopromide. However, side effects include vulval enlargement and possible effects on fertility.

6. Maropitant

This is a new drug that is a Neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor antagonist. It can be given orally or by injection, and is extremely effective at stopping vomiting by working both on the vomiting centre in the brain and on the stomach itself. It is deemed so effective at stopping vomiting that veterinarians must be careful to properly investigate potentially dangerous underlying causes, that could be masked fatally by this drug.

Help, My Dog is Vomiting

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Scalp Infections - Symptoms, Causes & Natural Options For Fast Relief & Treatment

Tree Allergies

There are many definitions and symptoms commonly described as "scalp infections". There are in fact quite a few quite different reasons why your scalp may be sore, itchy, inflamed burning red or infected. If you are like many people with chronic scalp issues - it may be driving you completely up the wall and not knowing what it is or how to treat the problem effectively after many unsuccessful attempts to eliminate it can make it seem far worse - like you are never going to get to the bottom of the problem. Well that need no longer be so! It can be simple to diagnose and treat it now and for good.

Tree Allergies

So if you are dealing with any of these symptoms lets first identify the problem and then some of the underlying causes.

Tree Allergies

Firstly, if you want to get to the root of your problems, so to speak, you need to be able to identify what your problem actually is. Of course, many scalp infections & conditions look alike, so here is a brief description of some of the most common scalp conditions:

Tree Allergies

Red burning itchy scalp can be characterized as any tingling,burning, prickly, and sensitive to the touch or a fiery hot sensation. Often associated with an allergy, sunburn, chemical burn (sensitization of the scalp),or fungal infection.

Dandruff as most of us know is the process of continual shedding of skin cells on our scalps. Often the cause of dandruff is simply the result of toxins, pollutants and products that have built up on the scalp particularly products like silicone- a cheap commonly used artificial shine enhancer in conditioners sold in supermarkets.

When the natural balance of our scalps is disturbed, this creates the perfect environment for the yeast fungus Melassezia Globbosa to move in and thrive. This is when the natural process of shedding our cells gets a little out of hand resulting in an unsightly condition known as "Seborrhoeic Dermatitis" (fancy name for dandruff) and we see the highly visible tell-tale signs of flaking and crusting.

The accompanying itch and urge to scratch are often made worse by the multiplication of the fungal yeast pityrosporum-ovale (having one big party on your scalp). Another follow on effect of this is that the relentless scratching by the sufferer can cause small lesions which weep and ooze or become infected resulting in scalp infections.

Lumps bumps and sores are also common when the scalp is highly irritated or sensitivity has been aggravated. Candida can be an underlying cause of yeast infections of the scalp.

Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitols) is a superficial fungal infection of the scalp. Scalp ringworm is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes. Ringworm infection occurs when a particular type of fungus grows and multiplies anywhere on your skin, scalp, or nails. It is far more common in children and symptoms include red, itchy patches on the scalp, leaving bald areas. The skin might itch and be red and peel or be scaly, have swollen blisters or a rash (that can spread) and looks like black dots. The rash is highly contagious. It is normally treated with over the counter products containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or similar. Sometimes prescription anti fungal skin medications, such as ketoconazole are needed to clear it up. There are also products direct from nature's factories that can aid the healing process and act as natural antibiotics, although it must be said that ringworm is an aggressive fungus which needs to be monitored closely and treated accordingly.

Dry scalp can feel "tight", a sensation that is sometimes accompanied by flakiness. It is often the result of natural oils being stripped from our scalps by the frequent use of shampoos, hair dyes and or other hair products.

Dermatitis of the scalp (Seborrheic dermatitis) is an inflammatory disorder affecting areas of the head and body where sebaceous glands are most prominent. It can vary from mild dandruff to dense flakey and greasy scale. Once again it is often an accumulation of toxins and products built up on our scalps that our body is trying to rid itself of.

Eczema of the scalp similar in appearance to Seborrheic dermatitis but instead has the name Atopic dermatitis.

Scalp Psoriasis commonly occurs on the back of the head however multiple areas of the scalp or the whole scalp may be affected. Scalp psoriasis is characterized by thick silvery white scales on patches of very red skin and can extend slightly beyond the hairline. Scalp psoriasis, despite being partially hidden by the hair is often a source of social embarrassment due to flaking of the scale and severe 'dandruff'. Scalp psoriasis may be extremely itchy or on occasion have no itch symptoms. It can also cause temporary baldness on the affected areas. It is a common, chronic, inflammatory skin disease and is associated with increased risk of melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma.

Folliculitis of the scalp is a superficial bacterial infection of the hair follicles. It is characterized by pustules around the hair follicles and symptoms include painful brushing of hair and tenderness when rubbing your scalp around the hair follicle sites. Treating with antibiotics for the particular bacteria is the usual course of action but can eventually cause resistance to the antibiotic used. Options include applying Evoclin Foam which is topical. Folliculitis is commonly caused by staph bacteria which also reside inside the nose and sinus cavity. Natural oils such as tea tree and lavender have good antibacterial properties and can also be used to treat this condition.

If you have a bump or lump under the skin (commonly a lump behind the ears with no broken skin or rash developing, then this could be a cyst. Cysts are liquid filled pustules which can be painful when they become infected. If you have such symptoms I recommend seeing a doctor to be safe. Doctors can also treat cysts with antibiotics if they have become infected or incise them as a further but uncommon procedure if the antibiotics are not sufficient.

Stress Related Itching Stress can contribute to or worsen scalp itching as it plays havoc with our immune system and hormones which have an effect on production of sebum from your sebaceous glands. Although it can contribute to the problem it is still somewhat of a myth. It may appear that you have a"stress rash", but it is more likely that the problem was already there in a less noticeable way, then aggravated by increased stress levels making it harder for your body to deal with the problem on its own and eliminate the problem. Many of the treatments below include stress relieving properties - like Lavender oil for example which calms the mind and soothes the body.

Solutions - what YOU can do about it

Going to your doctor may be the best way to get an accurate answer to diagnosing your problem, but I understand that many of you may have already done this, been prescribed some form of medication of cream (even "heavy duty" cortisone based ones where the cortisone potency may need to be increased after time).

Often the problem either doesn't go away from the start - or seems to subside but comes back with full a vengeance later leaving you wondering with more unanswered questions and a VERY unhappy scalp! Well the good news is if you don't like using these expensive and often impotent products- or even want to help them along you can use natural remedies and essential oils known to be super effective anti-bacterial busters such as tea tree oil for instance to inhibit or stop the growth of the infection and assist healing/re balancing of the scalp.

Something that is also important to understand in curing scalp conditions and scalp infections - a factor that is missed by so many doctors, and something not disclosed by companies who sell hair products and treatments is the number of people who are allergic or sensitive to commonly used ingredients in shampoos, dandruff treatments and other hair products. In fact MOST hair products (as many as 90%) contain at least one ingredient that is used in engine degreasers, another is a common ingredient in antifreeze.

These ingredients are cheap to produce foaming agents that make shampoo foam up, and do a fantastic job of stripping dirt and oily build up from hair. Problem is that they sometimes do SUCH a good job that they remove all of the natural oils and sebum from the scalp thus removing the scalps natural against bacteria etc. Another little known fact is that the most common ingredient (Sodium laureth sulphate) is used to induce skin irritation in test patients by drug companies to test the effectiveness of their itch relief skin creams. When first produced and for year's afterwards manufacturers did not know that skin was not a barrier but an absorber of ingredients & that they caused skin irritation in so many people.

So sometimes the beginning of a scalp condition can have originated from something as simple as an imbalance to the skins (scalps) sebum or an allergy to an ingredient that can easily be rectified.

Like your immune system, if your skin has an opportunity to rebalance itself and not be subjected to "incoming foreign matter" and the daily stripping of its natural oils that further aggravates the problem you can allow your body to re balance and heal itself. Obviously buying products that do not strip your hair and scalp is an obvious step in the right direction.

Fortunately there are a lot of manufacturers such as Aveda and Akin (Purist Company) who know what consumers are suffering from these issues so have addressed this problem. They have applied this knowledge to produce some amazing products with all of the benefits of natural ingredients, with none of the side effects at a price we can afford (Akin especially). It need not be difficult, nor expensive to make these choices and a move to healthy hair and scalp long term.

So yes you can eliminate harsh shampoos containing sodium sulphates and go for natural Sulphate and paraben free shampoos that contain ingredients such as macadamia, wheat germ or jojoba oils. These oils mimic our natural sebum to some extent to help to re moisturize and nourish our scalp.

Then there are lavender, rosemary and tea tree oils which contain antibacterial, healing properties. Neem oil great for its antiquing and stops itching. You can apply these topically to your skin for fast relief, to assist healing as well as looking out for shampoos with these natural ingredients in them.

Lavender calms the skin (as does chamomile tea cooled and used as hair rinse).

As well as buying quality shampoos containing these ingredients, you can

create your own combinations of remedy or remedies to soothe your scalp.

You can also help it along by using natural remedies to treat your scalp such as this scalp treatment containing natural oils to assist healing, detoxify and stimulate hair growth: (Add to

water (4 parts water 1part oil) and spray onto scalp and you can add to your shampoo and conditioners also).

Oils To Relieve Itching: Lavender, German Chamomile and Eucalyptus Oils

(Mixed together and dabbed locally on effected areas has a soothing effect).

Neem oil is also a very good dandruff preventative which can be added to any of the formulas detailed below and is excellent for psoriasis and eczema & scalp infections.

Scalp massage with lavender oil (not scented - the real oil) is another

wonderful way to relieve the tension from a sore scalp as well as treat the

issue. It also helps to re grow hair and repair the damage done to your

follicles by chemicals in shampoos causing thinning hair. (Lavender is known to stimulate hair growth too).

There are many more powerful scalp remedies you can use to treat your scalp as well as many shampoos that are excellent value, contain no nasties to aggravate your scalp and hair follicles. It can be really simple to treat scalp problems by treating yourself to your own pampering session using natural oils to help heal your scalp infection. And then be kind to your hair and scalp by using only products that nourish your hair and scalp such as Aveda or Akin brand shampoos. You can assist the healing process and help restore balance back to your scalp and you hair will appreciate and reward you for it too by becoming less brittle, stronger and shinier.

As with all natural remedies please patch test first. It is not intended for this information to replace a doctors medical advice, so please see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The responsibility of obtaining doctors diagnosis and using remedies is yours.

Scalp Infections - Symptoms, Causes & Natural Options For Fast Relief & Treatment

Tree Allergies

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Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know in 2011

Grass Allergies

Walgreens, CVS or Rite-Aid: Which Tenant Is Best in 2011?

Grass Allergies

There are 3 major drugstore chains in the US: Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. Below are some key statistics about the 3 major drugstore chains as of July 2010:

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ranks #1 with market cap of .33 Billion, .25 Billion in revenue, and S&P rating of A+. According to Walgreens, 75% US population lives within 3 miles from its stores. On Oct 1, 2009, Walgreens opened its 7000-th store in Brooklyn, New York. In April 2010, it acquired 258 Duane Reade drug stores in New York Metropolitan area.
ranks #2 with market cap of .09 Billion, .1 Billion in revenue (CVS revenue alone is less than Walgreens if revenue from its Caremark group is taken out), and S&P rating of BBB+. CVS opened its 7000-th store in Little Canada, Minnesota on October 5, 2009 and currently operates 7025 drug stores..
Rite Aid
ranks #3 with market cap of 9 Million, .53 Billion in revenue, 4780 drug stores and S&P rating of B-.

Grass Allergies

Investors purchase properties occupied by these drugstore chains for the following reasons:

The drugstore business is very recession-insensitive. People need medicine when they are sick, regardless of the state of the economy. Both rich and poor people in the US have access to medicine. Some even argue that low-income people use more medicine due to free or low-cost drugs offered by government-assisted programs. So the tenants should do well during tough time and have money to pay rent to landlords.
The drugstore business has a good prospect in the US:

People are living longer and need more medicine to sustain longevity, e.g. Actonel for osteoporosis, Aricept for Alzheimer's symptoms. Older people tend to use more medicine than younger ones as they often have more medical problems. As the 78 million baby boomers are getting closer to retiring age starting from 2008, the drugstore chains anticipate the demand for medicine to increase in next 20 years.
The drug market continues to expand as the US population will continue to grow. More and more Americans suffer from various diseases. The number of Americans suffers from seasonal allergies doubled in the last 15 years to 37 million people per Fortune magazine. They spent .4 Billion in 2009 for allergy drugs. As their waist lines balloon (75% of Americans are forecasted to be either overweight or obese by 2020), more Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol at younger and younger ages. In addition, doctors also recommend treating various diseases sooner than later due to better understanding about the diseases. For example, doctors now prescribe antiretroviral drugs for patients soon after infected with HIV virus instead of waiting for the infection to become AIDS. More doctors combine insulin with oral medicines to treat type-2 Diabetes instead of just oral medicines alone. All these factors increase the size of the drug market.
Advance in genetic engineering has introduced various new genetic DNA testing kits which allow the genetic diagnosis of vulnerabilities to inherited diseases and disorders. Genetic testing is currently the highest growth segment in the diagnostics industry. Some of these genetic tests will probably transform into direct-to-consumer testing kits available in drug stores in the near future. Upon FDA approval, these new products will potentially bring in additional revenue for drug stores.
The passage of Health Care Reform Bill on March 23, 2010 provides insurance coverage to an estimated 33 million more American. This is a major present to the drugstore industry.
There are new drugs to treat previously untreatable illnesses, and new diseases, e.g. Viagra for men's unhappiness, Zoloft for depression, Avastin for colon cancer, Herceptin for breast cancer, Nicotine patches for smokers to kick the habit, Tamiflu for a potential bird flu pandemic, vaccine for swine (H1N1) flu pandemic, Tekturna/Rasilez for hypertension and various new drugs for AIDS and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). The new medicines are very expensive, e.g. a year's supply of Avastin costs about ,000. Eli Lilly has sold about .8 billion of Zyprexa in 2007 for schizophrenia and yet most people have never heard of this medicine.
There are existing drugs now approved to treat new illnesses and thus increase their sales revenue. For example, Lyrica was originally intended to treat pain caused by nerve damage in people with diabetes. It is now approved by FDA to treat Fibromyalgia which affects 5.8 million Americans per WebMD.
Big advances in genetics, biology and stem cells research are expected to produce a new class of drugs to treat diabetes, Parkinson's and various rare genetic disorders. For example the new drug Ilaris from Novartis targets genetic causes of an inherited disorder that there are only 7000 known cases worldwide. However, Novartis hopes to gradually broaden its drugs to a blockbuster drug to more common disorders caused by similar genetics.
Technology and modern life introduce and require new products, e.g. pregnancy test kits, Lamisil for stronger clearer toe nails, Latisse for longer & thicker eyelashes, Premarin for menopausal symptoms, diabetic monitors, electronic toothbrushes, contact lenses, lenses cleaners, diet pills, vitamins, birth-control pills, IUDs, nutrition supplements and Cholesterol-lowering pills (Americans spent nearly B in 2006 on Cholesterol medications alone per IMS Health, a Connecticut-based consulting company that monitors pharmaceutical sales.) There are also more surgeries: C-sections, Kidney transplants, open-heart triple by-pass, and breast augmentations. More surgeries mean more medicines are needed such as Vicodin for pain management and Warfarin to prevent blood clots in surgeries.
Before the customers can get to the medicine aisles or pharmacy counters, they have to pass by chocolates, sodas, digital cameras, watches, toys, dolls, beers and wines, cosmetics, video games, flowers, fragrances, and greeting cards. Drug stores hope you use the one-hour photos services and exchange your liquid propane tanks there. The stores also carry seasonal items, e.g. Halloween costumes, and "As Seen on TV" merchandise, e.g. Shamwow. As a result, customers buy more than their prescriptions and medicine in these drugstores. Rite Aid sells more 28,000 non-pharmacy items in its stores while Walgreens has 22,000 different items on store shelves. CVS reported that non-pharmacy sales represented 30% of the company's total sales in January of 2007. The figure for Walgreens is 34% and 37% for Rite Aid. Many pharmacy locations are in effect convenience stores especially ones that are in residential or rural areas. And so Walgreens hopes that customers also pick up WD-44, and screw drivers at its stores instead of at Home Depot; Thai Jasmine rice, and fish sauce to avoid a trip to Safeway or Kroger Supermarkets. During the recession, sales of these non-drug items are down as customers buy what they need and not what they want. Walgreens tries to reduce the number of items by 4000. It also introduces its own private label which has higher profit margins.
There are more and more generic medications on the market as a number of enormously popular brand-name blockbusters will lose their 20-year long patents, e.g. Lipitor (best selling drug in the world to lower cholesterol) in 2010, Viagra (you know what it's for) in 2012. Drugstores prefer to sell generic drugs to customers due to higher profit margins than the brand-name medications.
Some people are addicted to pain killers, e.g. Hydrocodone and consume a large amount of medicine, e.g. 30-day dosage in a day to get high. According to testimony from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, US retail pharmacies dispensed nearly 180 million prescriptions in 2007 for opiates, e.g. Hydrocodone. A high percentage of these prescriptions are probably not used for any legitimate medical purposes.
This author estimates that at least 10% of the dispensed prescription drugs are not used at all and sit idle in the medicine cabinets. They are eventually expired and thrown away.

These companies sign very long-term, NNN leases, guaranteed by their corporate assets. This makes the investment in the underlying property fairly low risk, especially for Walgreens with an A+ S&P rating. In fact, these properties are sometimes referred to as investment-grade properties. Once the drugstore chains sign the lease, they pay the rent promptly and timely. This author is not aware of any properties leased by one of these drugstore chains in which the tenants failed to pay rents. Even when the stores are closed due to weak sales (Walgreens closed 119 stores in 2007), these companies may sublease the properties to other companies and continue to pay rents on the master leases.

A typical Walgreens lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 8-10 five-year options. During primary term and options, there will be no rent increases in most of the leases. This is the main disadvantage of investing in Walgreens drugstores.
A typical CVS lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 4-5 five-year options. The rent is normally flat during the primary term and then there is a 2.5%-10% rent increase in the in each 5-year option.
A typical Rite Aid lease consists of 20-25 year primary term plus 4-8 five-year options. The lease often has a rent increase every 5-10 years.

Investment Risks: Although the pharmacy business in general is recession-insensitive, there are risks involved in your investment:

The main downside about investing in pharmacies is there is little or no rent bump for a long time, e.g. 20-50 years, especially for Walgreens. So the rent is effectively reduced after inflation is factored in. This is one of the main reasons these properties do not appeal to younger investors.
The 3 drugstore chains now have a new formidable competitor, Wal-mart. Wal-mart sells prescription drugs in more than 4000 Wal-mart, Sam's Club and Neighborhood Market stores in 49 states. The retail giant is known for launching in 2006 a highly-publicized generic prescription drug program which now sells 350 generic medications for a 30-day supply. The actual number of medications is less as the medications with different strengths are counted as different medications. For example, Metformin 500 mg, 850 mg, and 1000 mg are counted as 3 medications. Wal-mart probably makes very little profits on these medications if any. However, the marketing campaign--created by Bill Simon, the President and CEO of Wal-mart US, generates a lot of publicity for Wal-mart. Wal-mart hopes to draw customers to its stores with other prescriptions where it has higher profit margins. In an unscientific survey with just one brand-name prescription of Lyrica, this author finds the lowest price at Costco, the highest price at Walgreens and Wal-mart at the middle. Other drug chains try to counter Wal-mart in different ways. Target now offers the same 350 generic medications for for a 30-day supply. Walgreens has a Prescription drugs club with membership fee which offers 1400 generic medications for as little as /week. CVS says it will match any offers from its competitors.
Chief Business Correspondent Rick Newman from US World & News Report predicted that Rite Aid might not survive in 2009. While Rite Aid is still around in 2010, dire predictions continue. The study by Audit Integrity gave Rite Aid about a 10.5 percent chance of filing for bankruptcy in 2010.
Drugs are also sold in thousands of supermarkets, Target stores, and Costco warehouses. However, there are no drive-thru windows at these stores or Walmart to conveniently drop off the prescriptions and pick up medicines. Customers will not be able to pick up their prescriptions during lunch hour or after 7PM at Target stores or supermarkets. They need to have membership to buy medicines at Costco. Others may not fill their prescriptions at Walmart because they don't want to mingle with typical Walmart customers who are in lower income brackets. And some babyboomers don't want their prescriptions filled at Target or Walmart because there are no comfortable chairs for them to sit down to wait for their medicines.
Many leases in areas with hurricanes and tornados are NNN leases with the exception of roof and structure. So if the roof is damaged, you will have to pay for the expenses.
The tenant may move to a new location down the road or across the street when the lease expires. This risk is high when the property is located in small town where there is low barrier for entry, i.e. lots of vacant & developable land.
The tenant may ask for rent concession to improve its bottom line. The possibility is higher if the tenant is Rite Aid and if the store has low sales revenue and/or higher than market rent.
More Americans are walking away from their prescriptions, especially the most expensive brand-name medicines. This may have negative impact on the sales revenue and profits of drug stores and consequently may cause drug store closures. According to Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solution, a health-care data company, nearly 1 in 10 new prescriptions for brand-name drugs were abandoned by people with commercial health plans in 2010. This is up 88% compared to 4 years ago just before the recession began. This trend is driven in part by higher and higher co-pays for brand name drugs as employers are shifting more insurance costs to their employees.

Among 3 drugstore chains, Walgreens and CVS pharmacies in general have the best locations-at major intersections while Rite Aid has less than premium locations. Walgreens tends to hire only the top graduates from pharmacy schools while Rite Aid settles with bottom graduates to save costs. When possible all drugstore chains try to fill the prescriptions with generic medications which have higher profit margins

Walgreens: the company was founded in 1901 by Charles Walgreen, Sr. in Chicago. While the company has existed for more than 100 years, most stores are only 5-10 years old. This is the best managed company among the three drugstore chains and also among the most admired public companies in the US. The company has been run by executives with proven track records and hires the top graduates from universities. Due to its superior financial strength--S&P A+ rating-- and premium irreplaceable locations, properties with leases from Walgreens get the highest price per square foot and/or the lowest cap rate among the 3 drugstore chains. In addition, Walgreens gets flat rent or very low rent increase for 20 to 60 years. The cap rate is often in the low 6% to 7.5% range in 2009. Investors who buy Walgreens tend to be more mature, i.e. closer to retirement age. They are looking for a safe investment where it's more important to get the rent check than to get appreciation. They often compare the returns on their Walgreens investment with the lower returns from US treasury bonds or Certificate of Deposits from banks. Walgreens opened many new stores in 2008 and 2009 and thus you see many new Walgreens stores for sale. It will slow down this expansion in 2010 and focus on renovation of existing stores instead

CVS: CVS Corporation was founded in 1963 in Lowell, MA by Stanley Goldstein, Sidney Goldstein, and Ralph Hoagland. The name CVS stands for "Consumer Value Stores". As of 2009, CVS has about 6300 stores in the US, mostly through acquisitions. In 2004, CVS bought 1,200 Eckerd Drugstores mostly in Texas and Florida. In 2006, CVS bought 700 Savon and Osco drugstores mostly in Southern California. And in 2008 CVS acquired 521 Longs Drugs stores in California, Hawaii, Nevada and Arizona for .9B dollars. The acquisition of Long Drugs appears to be a good one as it CVS does not have any stores in Northern CA and Arizona. Besides, the price also included real estate. It is also bought Caremark, the largest pharmaceutical services company and changed the corporation name to CVS Caremark. When CVS bought 1,200 Eckerd stores, it formed a single-entity LLC (Limited Liability Company) to own each Eckerd store. Each LLC signs the lease with the property owner. In the event of a default, the owner can only legally go after the assets of the LLC and not from any other CVS-owned assets. Although the owner loses the guaranty security from CVS corporate assets, this author is not aware of any incident where CVS closes a store and does not pay rent.

Rite-Aid: Rite Aid was founded by Alex Grass (he just passed away on Aug 27, 2009 at the age of 82) and opened its first store in 1962 as "Thrif D Discount Center" in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It officially incorporated as Rite Aid Corporation and went public in 1968. By the time Alex Grass stepped down as the company's chairman and chief executive officer in 1995, Rite Aid was the nation's largest drugstore chain in terms of total stores and No. 2 in terms of revenue. His son, Martin Grass, took over but was ousted in 1999 for overstatement of Rite Aid's earnings in the late 1990s. Rite Aid is now the weakest financially among the 3 drugstore chains. In 2007, Rite-Aid acquired about 1,850 Brooks and Eckerd drugstores, mostly along the East coast to catch up with Walgreens and CVS. In the process, it added a huge long term debt (currently owes over .69 Billion) and is the most leveraged drugstore chain based on its market value. The integration of Brooks and Eckerd did not seem to go well. Revenue from some of these stores went down as much as 20% after they change the sign to Rite Aid. In 2009, Rite-Aid had over 4900 stores and over Billion in revenues. The figures went down in 2010 to 4780 stores and .53 billion in revenue. On January 21, 2009 Moody's Investor Services downgraded Rite Aid from "Caa1" to "Caa2", eight notches below investment grade. Both ratings are "junk" which indicate very high credit risk. Rite Aid contacted a number of its landlords in 2009 trying to get rent concession to improve the bottom line. In June 2009, Rite Aid successfully completed refinancing .9 Billion of its debts. However, it continues to struggle in 2010 as same store sales decreased 2.5% in June, 1.7% in May, 1% in April,.1% in March, 3.2% in February, and 2.1% in January..

Things to consider when invested in a pharmacy

If you are interested in investing in a property leased by drugstore chains, here are a few things you should consider:

If you want a low risk investment, go with Walgreens. In stable or growing areas, the degree of safety is the same whether the property is in California where you get a 6% cap or Texas where you may get a 7.5% cap. So, there is no significant advantage to invest in properties in California as the property value is based primarily on the cap rate. In 2010, the offered cap rate for Walgreens seems to come down from 7.5%-8.4% in 2009 to 6.5%-7.5% for new stores.
If you are willing to take more risk, then go with Rite-Aid. Some properties outside of California may offer up to 10% cap rate in 2010. However, among the 3 drug chains, Rite Aid has 10.5% chance of going under in 2010. Should it declare bankruptcy, Rite Aid has the option to pick and choose which locations to keep open and which locations to terminate the lease. To minimize the risk that the store is shuttered, choose a location with strong sales and low rent to revenue ratio.
Financing should be an important consideration. While the cap rate is lower for Walgreens than Rite Aid, you will be able to get the best rates and terms for Walgreens. A 7.25% cap Walgreens with 5.25% interest rate on the loan will generate more cash flow than a 10% cap Rite Aid with 9% interest rate (if you could find a lender for Rite Aid).
If you are not a conservative investor or risk taker, you may want to consider a CVS pharmacy. It has BBB+ S&P credit rating. Its cap rate is higher than Walgreens but lower than Rite Aid. Some leases may offer better rent bumps. On the other hand, some CVS leases, especially for properties in hurricane areas, e.g. Florida are not truly NNN leases where landlords are responsible for the roof and structure. So make sure you adjust the cap rate down accordingly. Some of the CVS locations have onsite Minuteclinic staffed by registered nurses. Since this clinic idea was introduced recently, it's not clear having a clinic inside CVS is a plus or minus to the bottom line of the store.
All 3 drugstore chains have similar requirements. They all want highly visible, standalone, rectangular property around 10,000 - 14,500 SF on a 1.5 - 2 acre lot, preferably at a corner with about 75 - 80 parking spaces in a growing and high traffic location. They all require the property to have a drive-thru. Hence, you should avoid purchasing an inline property, i.e. not standalone and property with no drive-thru windows. There is a chance that these drugstores may not want to renew the lease unless the property is located in a densely-populated area with no vacant land nearby. In addition, if you acquire a property that does not meet the new requirements, for example a drive-thru, you may have a problem getting financing as lenders are aware of these requirements.
If the pharmacy is opened 24 hours a day, it is in a better location. Drugstore chains do not open the store 24 hours day unless the location draws customers.
Many properties may have a percentage lease, i.e. the landlord can get additional rent when the store's annual revenue exceeds a certain figure, e.g. M. However, the revenue used to compute percentage rent often excludes a page-long list of items, e.g. wine and sodas, tobacco products, items sold after 10 PM, drugs paid by governmental programs. The excluded sales revenue could account for as much as 70% of store's gross revenue. As a result, this author has seen only 2 stores in which the landlord is able to collect additional percentage rent. The store with a percentage rent is required to report its monthly sales to the landlord. As an investors, you want to invest in a store with strong gross sales, e.g. over 0 per square foot a year. In addition, you also want to check the rent to revenue ratio. If the figure is in the 2-4% range, the store is likely to be very profitable so the chance the store is shut down is low.
It does not matter how good the tenants are, avoid investing in declining and/or low-income areas or small towns with less than 30,000 residents within 5 miles ring. In a small town, it may be the only drug store in town and captures most of the market share. However, if a competitor opens a new location in the area, revenue may be severely affected. These properties are easy to buy now and hard to sell later. In 2009 where the credit market is tight, you may have problems finding a lender to finance these properties.
Many properties have an existing loan that the buyer must assume. If you have a 1031 exchange, think twice about buying this property. You should clearly understand loan assumption requirements of the lenders before moving forward. Should you fail to assume the existing loan (assuming an existing loan is a lot more difficult than getting a new loan), you may run out of time for a 1031 exchange and may be liable to pay capital gain.
With few exceptions, drugstore chains do not own the stores they occupy for several reasons. Here are just a couple of them:

They know the pharmacy business but don't know real estate. Stock investors also don't want Walgreens to become a real estate investment company.
Owning the real estate will require them to carry lots of long term debts which is not a brilliant idea for a publicly-traded company.

About 10% of the drugstore properties for sale and typically CVS pharmacies require very small amount of equity to acquire, e.g. 10% of the purchase price. However, you are required to assume an existing fully-amortized loan with zero cash flow. That is, all of the rent paid by the tenant must be used to pay down the loan. The cap rate may be in the 7% range, and the interest rate on the loan could be attractive in the 5.5% to 6% range. Hence, the investor pays off the loan in 10 to 20 years. However, the investor has no positive cash flow. This requires you to come up with outside cash to pay income tax on the rental profits (the difference between the rent and mortgage interest). The longer you own the property, the more outside cash you will need to pay income taxes as the mortgage interest will get less and less toward the end. So who would buy this kind of property?

The investors who have substantial losses from other properties. By acquiring this zero cash flow property, they may offset the income from the drugstore tenant against the losses from other investment properties. For example, a property has 5,000 of rental profits a year, and the investor also has losses of 0,000 from other investment properties. As a result, the combined taxable profits are only ,000.
The uninformed investors who fail to consider that they have to raise additional cash to pay income taxes.

Out of the Box Thinking If you put too much weigh on the S&P rating of the tenants, you may end up either taking a lot of risks or passing up good opportunities.

Good location should be the key in your decision on which drug store to invest in. It's often said a lousy business should do well at a great location while the best tenant will fail at a lousy location. A Walgreens store that is closed down later on (yes, Walgreens closed 119 stores in 2007) is still a bad investment even though Walgreens continues paying rent on time. So you don't want to blindly invest in a drug store simply because it hasa Walgreens sign on the building.
No company is crazy enough to close a profitable location. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that a financially-weak company like Rite Aid will make every effort to keep a profitable location open. On the other hand, a financially-strong Walgreens will need justifications to keep an unprofitable location open. So how do you determine if a drug store location is profitable or not if the tenant is not required to disclose its profit & loss statement? The answer is you cannot. However, you can make an educated guess based on store's annual gross revenue is often reported to the landlord as required by the percentage clause in the lease. With the gross revenue, you can determine the rent to income ratio. The lower the ratio, the more likely the store is profitable. For example, if the annual base rent is 0,000 while the store's gross revenue is M then the rent to income ratio is 5%. As a rule of thumb, it's hard to make a profit if this ratio is more than 8%. So if you see a Rite Aid with 3% rent to income ratio then you know it's likely a very profitable location. In the event Rite Aid declares bankruptcy, it will keep this location open and continue paying rent. If you see a Rite Aid drug store with 3% rent to income ratio offering 11% cap, chances are it's a low risk investment with good returns. The weakness of corporate guaranty from Rite Aid is probably not as critical and the risk of having Rite Aid as a tenant is not really that significant.
Drug stores with new 25 years leases tend to sell at lower cap, e.g. 7-7.5% cap on new stores versus 8.0-8.5% cap on established locations with 8-10 years remaining on the lease. This is because investors are afraid that the tenants may not renew the leases. Unfortunately, lenders also have the same fear! As a result many lenders will not finance drug stores with 2-3 years left on the leases. The fact that drugstores with new leases have a premium on the price means they have potential of 10% depreciation (buying new at 7.3% cap and selling at 8.3% cap when the leases have 10 year left). Some investors will not consider investing in drug stores with 5-10 years left on the lease. They might simply ignore the fact that the established stores may be at irreplaceable locations with very strong sales. Tenants simply have no other choices other than renewing the lease.

Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know in 2011

Grass Allergies

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A Guide To High Testosterone Foods

Grass Allergies

If you are suffering from depression, lack of sexual appetite, or trouble with sexual functions, you may be experiencing low testosterone levels. If this is indeed the case, one way to address the issue is to try eating high testosterone food.

Grass Allergies

A testosterone diet is easy to maintain, as long as you are aware of what constitutes good foods to increase your testosterone levels. High testosterone foods contain good qualities of zinc. For this reason, some foods have been called aphrodisiacs.

Grass Allergies

The reality is, including these foods in your diet may help alleviate the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. In one trial, 22 men with low testosterone levels and sperm counts were given zinc every day for 45 to 50 days. Both testosterone levels and sperm counts rose.

Grass Allergies

It should not be surprising that one of the best high testosterone foods are oysters. Oysters have long been lauded as a powerful aphrodisiac, and recent studies are showing that the reason may be because they contain high levels of zinc. Oysters are a perfect testosterone enhancing food to add to your diet.

If you are a red meat lover, then you already are enjoying a version of high testosterone food. Red meat is also high in zinc, so keep enjoying those steaks, as they are a very good part of a testosterone diet.

Other suggestions for red meat lovers include wild game, ribs, roast, lamp and pork chops. All of these foods are convenient to purchase, and all are considered good testosterone food.

Poultry also pack a good wallop of zinc, and is an ideal inclusion in a testosterone diet. Chicken breasts, wings and thighs are all high in zinc, and in fact, combined with red meats, poultry makes up most of the zinc intake of the average American.

Goose, turkey, and duck are also poultry that are considered high testosterone food, and are a good part of the testosterone boosting diet. Wild poultry is also a a great choice, and you shouldn't be shy about trying some quail or pheasant either.

There are also high testosterone food items that are not considered meats. Beans are an ideal part of the testosterone increasing diet with their high zinc content. Nuts are also high in zinc and are a good dietary inclusion. In the grains family, whole grains and fortified cereals are very high in zinc and therefore are good choices.

Finally, many dairy products are testosterone enhancing foods. Milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese are all high in zinc and ideal if you're looking for so called testosterone food.

In conclusion, if you are suffering from low levels of testosterone, one of the best things you can do is include high testosterone foods in your day to day life. Focusing on ensuring that you have a good testosterone diet is a simple way to avoid problems related to low testosterone.

A Guide To High Testosterone Foods

Grass Allergies

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Pine Cat Litter - Advantages And Disadvantages

Tree Allergies

Pine cat litter is one of the newer litters on the market. Unlike traditional clay or even newer clumping litters, pine litter has its own inherent odor control because of the natural odor-killing properties of pine. Therefore, it has become popular with cat owners because it greatly reduces box odor within the home.

Tree Allergies

Many people initially are put off by the cost. And, as compared to the clumping variety, it's probably roughly twice the price by volume. However, it works by using pine pellets that are compressed wood, and as these pellets get wet, they turn into sawdust. This sawdust itself can then actually absorb even more liquid. Therefore, per use, it's about as cost-effective as more traditional types.

Tree Allergies

However there is one disadvantage and that is that many cats do not like to use it. The pellets themselves can be rough on the feet, and many cats never get used to this. Therefore, of course, your cat's opinion is going to be the most important element in the end when it comes to choosing the type of little you'll use. However if your cat seems to avoid the litter at first, you can institute a "break-in" period. Mix your cat's regular litter with pine, starting with a small amount of the pine and a larger amount of the regular litter. Gradually reduce the amount of regular and increase the amount pine used until you're using all pine litter. Many cats do get used to using pine in this way, although some do not. If your cat does not, of course, then this will not be for you. Obviously there are no benefits if you cat won't even use the box.

Tree Allergies

Some cat owners prefer to use mostly pine with a small amount of traditional litter sprinkled on top of that permanently. This gives them the odor control of the pine litter with its advantages, and yet keeps cats comfortable so that they'll use the box if they don't like pine.

One major concern about pine litter is that it smells quite strongly of pine. Although this is pleasant to humans, it can be unpleasant for cats' sensitive noses. Therefore, this litter may not be something your cat likes because of the smell it exudes. You should know, however, that there are no toxic pine oils within the litter itself anymore. They have all been removed and it is perfectly safe for cats to use.

Finally, if you live somewhere where your litter can be composted, pine cat litter is a compostable material once feces have been removed. This can be an environmental advantage to using pine over other types of litter. The final say, of course, will come from your cat. If he or she likes it, then it's a good and cost-effective way to manage odor in your home and make cleaning your box more convenient. If he or she does not, that is likely that you need to stick with your regular litter.

Pine Cat Litter - Advantages And Disadvantages

Tree Allergies

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Health Benefits of Quinoa

Grass Allergies

The ancient seed of Quinoa is so versatile and such an important source of nutrients that it has been referred to as the "gold" of the Incas. It is known to increase stamina, a useful aid in days gone by when "warriors" needed every bit of advantage they could get when their "people" were under attack.

Grass Allergies

However, such is the structure of Quinoa, it has the benefit of being a natural and complete protein. This means that it has all the amino acids like acid lysine which is very important for the repair and growth of body tissue. As shown below, it is known to be beneficial to the body in a number of ways - nature's natural remedy.

Grass Allergies

Migraines and hypertension

Grass Allergies

Riboflavin and magnesium are the natural aids in Quinoa for bad headaches. They are known to help relax the blood vessels, which reduces constriction and so eases tension. Basically they help the body to function better which in turn eases the stress the body experiences when circumstances make it over work. While no one claims it makes headaches go away, it can help and is known to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

Childhood Asthma

Many allergies are connected with grass seeds but Quinoa is not a grass. It is a plant but is not known to produce serious allergic reactions in people. Asthma is the result of breathing difficulties that are made worse by tension. It is known to have triggers and often there is a family history of asthma. It is known to have got worse over the years and many experts point to our modern living conditions as making it more prevalent. While not all asthma attacks are caused by allergies which may or may not be avoidable, it is known that Quinoa helps to reduce body stress and helps to keep the airways open. It is recommended that children with asthma eat a whole food diet. Many of the nutrients that we need are in Quinoa such as Magnesium which naturally helps to reduce spasms in the bronchial tubes. We know that many asthma sufferers are short of vitamin b, minerals like magnesium, zinc and iron all of which can be found in Quinoa. Why not check out some of the recipes and see which ones are easiest to include in your child's diet.


This is another surprising area where Quinoa is known to be useful. It may not get rid of gallstones but it can help protect their development. Indeed this is another case where a wholesome diet rich in fiber can aid in the digestion of foodstuffs. As it is a soluble fiber it speeds through the intestines and reduces the need of increased bile production. Too much bile production helps to develop gallstones so this is another natural remedy for our bodies.

Type 2 Diabetes

Quinoa is rich in magnesium which is a mineral that is essential in the body's ability to deal with glucose and insulin. Yet again there is evidence that Quinoa, as part of a whole food diets aids in the digestion of foods. It is also known to increase Insulin sensitivity while reducing triglycerides (blood fats which need to be kept low in diabetics).

Heart Disease

Quinoa is known to prevent the clogging of arteries and veins which in turn helps to relieve stresses on the heart. The fat in Quinoa is good fat in that is low in cholesterol and can help reduce blood pressure thanks to the presence of potassium and magnesium. In other words it is a good source of protein without the drawbacks of too much saturated fat and cholesterol.

Pregnant Mums

Quinoa is known to be an endurance food which gives energy. It is also known to be a good source of Iron which pregnant mums are always advised to increase in their diet. It is good for tissue repair and development of teeth and bones. Along with the other benefits of Quinoa, it is a useful source of goodness that forming babies will demand in plenty as they grow. It is also good for Mums when they are feeding as it will improve the quality of milk for new-born infants.


Quinoa is thought to help prevent cataracts and may aid those with the condition. Studies have shown that people who absorb about 99 grams of protein were only half as likely to develop nuclear cataracts(light is difficult to pass through the centre of the eye) while those with the greater polyunsaturated fats about 17 grams a day were 30 percent likely not to develop problems with the outer lens(corticular cataracts).

Nowadays, we are looking more and more to natural foods. We all know the benefits of fibre in our diet but until more recently we have forgotten about Quinoa.

Health Benefits of Quinoa

Grass Allergies

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