


Killing Fleas

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Every pet owner will have addressed the problem of how to get rid of fleas at one time or another and which products or methods are currently available for killing fleas. Many years ago there was flea powder which was like a lethal talcum powder for fleas, but the application was unpleasant for both cat and owner alike. Sprays appeared quite a few years later, but again that was nasty because it filled the air with toxic droplets which were all too easy to breath in.
Today there is much more sophistication with 'Spot On' product like Frontline and tablets like 'Program'. These work quite well but are expensive especially if you have multiple cats. It helps to ease the incessant itching for the cat but unfortunately does not last very long, probably a month in the high season.
However, there is an even bigger problem with this type of medication it does nothing to stop the fleas hiding or laying eggs in the furniture or in the floorboards. I moved about 18 months ago only to find that the floorboards had indeed been infested by the previous inhabitant's dog - yuk!!
Although I have steam cleaned and vacuumed and washed and still they appear. There is product called a FLEA BOMB here which when activated gives a slow release of noxious gas throughout the house. This is guaranteed to kill anything living including the spiders (which we like because they eat ticks and fleas) and it is apparently safe to return within about four hours. We declined. The garden does not help because we have wild deer and pigs wandering down from the woods leaving their fleas and ticks to be picked up by us our dogs and our cats.
The ONE home made remedy we have discovered to keep the problem under wraps is to create a simple trap that once sprung will 100% kill any fleas on or near the floor. All you need is a shallow dish about 10 inches diameter and a tea candle. The idea is to put about half an inch of water into the dish and place the candle in the middle. Once the dish has been placed securely preferably on the floor - beware of any sort of fire hazard with furniture and carpets - then light the candle.
Those little jumpers will soon be attracted to the heat of the candle and just jump right in. Guess what, they don't like the water and they drown - GOODBYE fleas. There are some commercial versions of this trap available in the UK, but if I find any available elsewhere I will definitely post details on the website.
At 3 years old Jan received her first kitten, a little orange tabby called Candy. Since that time there have been many more cats and many heart-breaking moments when cats have died or gone missing. Cat Secrets is Jan's way of sharing her years of knowledge to help both new and seasoned cat owners with cat issues they may be having. Fortunately, Jan has met up with another cat fanatic so there is going to be twice the advice plus a free ebook available when you visit the site [].

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