


Is There Something I'm Doing Wrong Since My Cat Is Overweight?

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You've come to the realization that your cat is a little overweight. Even though you've thought about his eating habits, you can't seem to figure out why he has become so fat! Sure, he's a little bit lazy; but, aren't all felines? Believe it or not, 48% of cats are considered to be obese. Cats were once considered to be wild animals, so keeping them indoors can't be the only reason. He wouldn't get off the couch if the door was wide open anyway. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight, so does this mean he continues to gain? So, why exactly is your cat overweight?
First of all, there are many different variables that contribute to the health of a pet cat. For instance, the type and quality of cat food plays a major role. Many brands of dry and low quality cat foods contain large amounts of corn and grains that have a negative effect on the metabolism. Being that cats are carnivorous, their stomach digests natural, raw meat easier than a plant-based protein. Consuming large portions of vegetable-based products can increase weight in a short period of time.
Not only does dry cat food hold some responsibility for your obese cat, but the amount eaten holds another large part as well. Typically, people believe that if the cat bowl is completely full, then that's the amount that should be fed. This has been proven to be false. Studies have shown that cutting food intake by half and distributing twice a day will make a huge difference within one week.
Another question to ask is, How much does my cat exercise? The answer is just as important as the question. Regular exercise is healthy for a feline physically and mentally. It also can improve the bond between you and your cat which is the best gift. The activity that is more beneficial depends on whether he lives indoor or outdoor. Chances are, if he's overweight, then he's an indoor cat. Over 65% of indoor felines are overweight by at least 5 pounds.
There are scratching posts for the vastly passive cat and a multi-post "city" complete with beds and carpeted shelves for the adventurous ones. A number of toys combine the urge to scratch with the urge to hunt (play). Throw in some of your pet feline's natural curiosity and a toy, which can be very inexpensive, is designed. Regardless of the exercise of choice, the more active the cat is the less he will weigh. Combining the extra activity with the decreased amount of food will help solve the riddle of why your cat is overweight.
The fact is, it is half your fault as to why your cat is overweight. Saving money on cat food doesn't help provide him with all the nutrients that he needs. Not making any time to interact with him doesn't assist with the life change he needs to become a skinny kitty. The only way you are able to accept full blame is if you don't take this information and apply it. Now that you've been informed, it's time to do something about it.
Raised with six (6) cats I was not really aware of many of the problems poor nutrition and lack of exercise caused. I have since discovered so much, right here.

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