


The Importance Of Vitamin B12

Today, as well as vitamins were always a problem.At least as it is clear the importance of these food ingredients are also responded to the industry, and smelled a big market. And rightly so, for in the course of time has opened up in the field of under-nutrition supplements you use a financially strong market.Filling in the gaps is actually the point of all this, but prevention, so do not even want to come is even more important.Here he continues to fall the buzzword "Healthy nutrition" because without them the body are not permanently supplied with vitamin B12.This vitamin is found primarily in animal products, available in most guts.Important is the vitamin for nerve function in the body, and also for cell division and blood formation.So if you give permanent animal products, risks of vitamin B12 is not recovered enough.A deficiency manifests itself in different ways.Often dementia diseases are the result of long years of deprivation. Less extreme symptoms such as anemia or negative changes in blood count.Also impressive pallor and fatigue may indicate a deficiency of vitamin B12.
Deficiency, however, can solve computationally well.Those who do not regularly eat offal, which is not true that everyone can perform regularly with a substitution of vitamin B12.In pharmacies, but pharmacies that food supplements you use are freely salable, therefore no prescription is available.As a rule, a dose of vitamin very quickly to an improvement of the condition and to reduce symptoms.
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Health Tips: The Cure Childhood Pneumonia At Home

According to the World Health Organization, WHO, treated at home for sick children of severe pneumonia is equally effective to do so in the hospital, as the results of a recent study demonstrated the safety and efficacy of oral antibiotics versus injectable . Only a small proportion of cases, considered as very serious, needs to be addressed in care centers. This is great news, considering that, according to the entity, pneumonia is the biggest killer of children under five in the world, most families in developing countries are not always easy access to hospitals.


To stretch muscles, joints flexible and, above all, to relax after a difficult day, do these exercises:

1) Be Sitted with your legs open. With your hands behind your head slowly tilting the trunk to the right knee, rises up slowly and repeat on the other side.

2) Start on all fours with arms extended, raise your right arm and left leg until they were horizontal. Do the same with your  other limbs too.

3) Being on all fours, sit on your heels, arms stretched forward on the floor and let your head hang between them. Stay a moment and returns to the starting position, pull the trunk forward and up, leaving arms and shoulders back.

Oats are good for health

There are many reasons to enjoy oats, both in the daily diet as in cosmetic treatments. It is known that the seeds of this plant are a tonic for the nervous system, thus improving the symptoms of exhaustion intellectual overexertion, stress, anxiety, difficulty sleeping and concentrating. Taken slightly fasting can help people with diabetes, for its hypoglycemic action, and has been used in detoxification treatments for nicotine and morphine, as well as psychotropic drugs.

look out for your eyes

Even if you have vision problems, you should visit an eye doctor regularly, and even more so if you present diabetes or hypertension. To prevent, takes note of these symptoms that can point you serious drawbacks: sudden loss of vision in one eye, sudden hazy or blurred vision, flashing lights or spots, seeing halos or rainbows around lights, loss of sight as if a curtain fell and decline in peripheral or side vision.

Vitamin D to keep from falling

Over 300 women participated in a study by Australian researchers, which found that supplements of vitamin D2-ergocalciferol, along with increased calcium intake may help minimize by 19 percent the risk of at least a fall in women between 70 and 90 years. The research was conducted in sunny days, so that protection can be given a greater degree during the winter and spring.

Do you think resorting to alternative medicine?

When it comes to protecting the health, the end justifies the means. The decisions you make in this regard are very important so if you decide to try complementary or alternative medicine the best advice is that before, seek all the information at your fingertips. Then carefully select the professional that you attend and ask about the specific treatment you require, depending on your condition and your own needs, and do not forget to inform your doctor about treatment or therapy you are using.
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How Climatic Changes Affect Childrens Health {Asthma}

Research conducted by specialists from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan, New York, has revealed that climate change could lead to the emergence of more problems with asthma in children over the next decade.

The data obtained in the study have suggested, more specifically, that the changing levels of ozone in the atmosphere, characteristic of climate change could produce a 7.3% increase in emergency assistance to children between zero and 17, by problems related to asthma.

In applied research scientists and regional atmospheric models to make their calculations.

Also, regional climate and related information on air quality in the state of New York with the existing health records and visits to pediatric emergency rooms of 14 metropolitan areas of the city of New York, and conducted a projection of the involvement of children for asthma in the future, depending on possible changes in ozone levels.

The results, which have helped to better understand the overall effect of climate change on children with asthma, indicate the need to take effective measures to reduce carbon pollution, to stop climate change, researchers say.
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Mites and Respiratory Diseases

The dust that accumulates inside homes is a complex mixture of many materials of different origin and composition: the remains of textile fibers, hair, skin scales of humans and animals, remains of insects and plants, molds, bacteria, pollens and especially the MITES

Dust mites are a microscopic animals (invisible to the naked eye), relatives of spiders. Are less than 3/100 of a millimeter.
There are many different species, two of which are the most common cause respiratory allergy.
Their scientific names are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae.
Interestingly, it is in the shells of their bodies and in their feces where the mites concentrated particles more powerful allergen. Dermatophagoides mites live in close association with man, as they feed on the flakes that flow imperceptibly from human skin. The sites are located more frequently and are found in most rooms (living rooms and especially bedrooms).

The mattresses on the beds are their favorite haunt, and that is where we lose by friction, the more skin scales. In addition, temperature (25 to 30 ° C) and high relative humidity (60-80%), occurring inside a mattress filled by a person who sleeps, offers an ideal climate for the development of mites.
Prevention and treatment of allergy to mites.

It is very difficult to completely eliminate the mites, but may reduce their numbers to avoid respiratory crisis.
Some of the recommendations to be followed are:

    * Frequent cleaning of the house, without raising dust.
    * It is convenient to use the broom and, of course, do not "shake the dust."
    * The walls should be painted, preferably with plastic, washable. Avoid wallpaper.
    * It is important and needed that the rooms (especially the bedroom) are well ventilated and sunny (sunlight kills mites). Avoid moisture.
    * Avoid excess furniture and decorative objects that collect dust.
    * Avoid sofas and armchairs that are not covered in leather or similar. The seats with wool covers are large stores of powder.
    * Avoid unenclosed bookshelves. The books accumulated dusty, difficult to clean.
    * Stuffed animals also represent a significant reservoir of mites.
    * Avoid over curtains. Be installed as low as possible and easily washable material (should wash curtains and bedding at a temperature above 70 ° C).
    * Try to do without carpets. In cases of having them, clean them frequently with vacuum
    * Especially important is the design of the bed of allergy:
    * The foam mattress is preferable to spring. Avoid wool mattresses, feathers or cotton.
    * The bedding (blankets, sheets, cushions, pillows) should be from synthetic fabric, easy to wash.
    * Decontaminate the mattress frequently (at least once a week).
    * Carefully clean the furniture, especially the head area. Better a simple furniture, unadorned that hinder cleaning.
    * In the changes of season, doing laundry (both clothing and bedding) stored before wearing to prevent dust from
    * When because of travel or vacation home has been unoccupied for some time, we must perform a thorough cleaning of the same before the allergic person comes into it. These same precautions are taken when the patient has to sleep in another house.

Enter here for a free analysis of contamination and to identify potential sources of infection of mites in your home
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What Is Soft Water

Water is the key component that will ensure our pleasant stay in it giving us relax, including pleasant sensations, but for a healthy water is necessary to think about their care and treatment that it should have. Such pools are characterized by different types of water are the result of poor sanitation or substances that alter its composition is very common to find hard water, cloudy water, red water, yellow, etc..

But within this group mentioned hard water is the most is present mostly in the pools, this evil is very easy to fight but to do so you must use the procedures as to obtain products suitable for soft water we so desire

But ... What is soft and clean water?

Before explaining the process for obtaining soft water at home we must define what is meant by this, the water-or soft-soft is one that has few mineral content, the main advantage that their properties can promote the action of detergents and chemicals used to clean the ponds. Soft water is exactly the opposite of hard water which is high in dissolved minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium, and while not a health risk, it does become a nuisance because of mineral buildup on the edges of pipes and pipes, which generates long-term "scale" difficult to remove.

Getting water "soft"

For many individuals the hard water becomes a serious problem on many occasions, often damaging the facilities and the construction material of their pools, which is why they resort to various methods to soften and preserve both the life and the of water. Through this method provides smooth and crystal clear water avoiding the skin itching and red eyes. In addition it should be noted that the chlorine is commonly used in tablets or granules is very dangerous and requires precautions for transport, storage and use.
To learn more about how to get soft water?

To learn more about how to get soft water?

The human body is composed of salt water; its normal concentration is 0.9% by weight of volume, equivalent to 9,000 ppm (parts per million), the closer is the concentration of salt in water of the pool the concentration of our body, the greater the comfort that the water you volunteer (this is explained by a fact to which we must go back with a lot of imagination: life on Earth comes from the sea, but the organic explanation of this phenomenon goes far beyond The aim of this article). If we keep the salt concentration exceeds the levels listed above, then we get soft water, the salt cloradotes generate a salt water at these levels and that is why the swimmers find it much nicer and sweeter than sea water.
Soft water prevents the formation of wrinkles and dehydration of the body, these results are achieved as long as we treat it properly, a system used to generate soft water is called "ion exchange", this is a rapid and reversible in which impurity ions present in water are removed and replaced with a resin that produces such exchange. The ion exchange system achieves soften or soften water by removing calcium and magnesium minerals, agents which cause the hardness, the hard water through tanks containing the ion exchange resin, then the sodium therein replaces the natural hardness minerals and remains soluble in ionized water. So it is freed from iron, magnesium, calcium and manganese, ie, we get soft water that will last for several weeks.
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Sensitivity to Dust Mites Of Babies Could Predict Asthma later

One study found that three quarters of those tests were positive in the two years had breathing problems for the twelve
Babies who are sensitive to dust mites have a higher risk of developing asthma when they are twelve years, new research suggests.

The study included 620 Australian children with a family history of allergy who were followed from birth to age twelve. The children were tested for skin prick six months, one year and two years of age to assess the sensitivity to different allergens, and a test of asthma at age twelve.

Asthma was diagnosed in 75 percent of children who tested positive for sensitivity to dust mites as babies, compared to 36 percent of children who had no sensitivity to dust mites.

"Our study did not show that dust mites provoke asthma, but highlighted a strong relationship between sensitivity and a more severe wheezing and asthma," he said in a news release from the University of Melbourne lead author, Dr. Caroline Lodge, Faculty of population health at the university.

Identify groups of children at high risk may help researchers learn more about the development of asthma and find ways to prevent it, he said.
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How We Poison The Air?

The smell of tiger can be fatal to enter into a stuffy room, but the World Health Organization goes to show that thousands of millions of people live in rooms with excessive levels of pollutant concentration and this contributes to disease development, with outcome or death.

The pollution is composed of many types of gases, droplets and particles that reduce air quality and good to know that it can be contaminated both the city and the countryside, where there may be such an excess of reagent nitróno. Main contaminating factor is the proliferation of transportation, but also the air quality within million homes, typically by burning used for cooking or heating.

The objective of the UN study seeks to show differences to highlight cities with more effort and encourage the rest safe to take steps, experts say. Spain and Italy exceeds 50% limit recommended by WHO microorganisms (20μg per meter cúbido) and are the Western European countries worst air they breathe. Worldwide, Botswana and Mongolia also have the uncertain privilege, exceeding ten times the limit.

How many diseases develops the air we breathe? Pollution makes the body vulnerable, as is known, colds, eye infections and allergic diseases. But a hundred scientists from 14 countries now seem to show who is responsible for 1.3 million deaths annually and that reduced the level of large particles (PM10) and small (PM2, 5), in the air we breathe, could be avoided over a million of these.

Underdevelopment is directly linked to the worst air quality and states with massive population and limited development, such as China and India, still use mostly coal to generate electricity. The development however, as seen in Scandinavia, improves air quality and health of the population, especially by public transport and renewable energies.

The global report has sought to know more environmental factors that damage the health and raise awareness of measures that, if followed, could prevent millions of deaths. Experts objections that few cities follow strictly the recommendations of WHO and Egypt, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, India, Kuwait, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, United Arab Emirates and Iran are above 100μg / m3.

Spain has in Zaragoza and Granada the worst example breathable, with 45 and 40 mg/m3 respectively, and has its cleanest air in Santiago de Compostela (18μg/m3) and Logroño (18μg/m3), but is far behind France, Germany, Denmark, Austria and the UK. It also exceeds by 33% the concentration limit of smaller particles with an average of 12.9 ug/m3, from a peak of 10μg/m3 recommended.

The report recognizes that developed countries have advanced since banned the factories in the cities and regulated the traffic and fuel, but with an unstoppable incremental concentration of population in urban centers, we see that in the future health generally will depend on how they are designed cities as primary prevention: The encouragement of public transport and walking, reduce pollution and respiratory diseases such as asthma or cancer, and reduce cardiovascular disease by more exercise.

The pollution can irritate the eyes, throat and lungs. The burning eyes, coughing and chest tightness are common to overexposure and has established a clear relationship between the level of pollution and the number of hospitalizations for two diseases at high risk for death and venous thrombosis pulmonary embolism.

People with heart disease such as angina, or lung disease such as emphysema or asthma, can be very sensitive and see their condition worsen to have to limit their activities. Children feel the effects at lower levels than adults and as a result experience more illness such as bronchitis and earaches.
What's in the air?
- Carbon monoxide is the most harmful, causing vomiting, dizziness, reduced reflexes and visual acuity.
- Bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, cardiovascular diseases and allergies, some types of cancer related to benzene and, in extreme cases, anencephaly (absence or atrophy of the brain in newborns) in cities with high air pollution index, as Cubatão ( SP) and Araucaria (PR), until not long ago.
- Nitrogen dioxide causes sore throats, cough, shortness of breath, pulmonary emphysema and allergies.
- Lead affects the nervous system (convulsions and reduced learning in children), renal system, circulatory and reproductive systems.
- The coarse particles dirty streets and roofs, reduce the absorption of sunlight, reduce visibility and cause corrosion in metals. The finest particles, called aerosols, penetrate into the respiratory system, leading to asthma and heart disease.
- When it rains, this mixture of gases and particles is taken to the ground, rivers and lakes, altering the health of plants and animals.
- The emission of these pollutants is also related to the reduction of the layer of ozone, acid rain and the greenhouse effect, all this together, encouraged one of the biggest headaches of all the environmentalists on the planet.
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Health Tips

1. - A glass of orange juice daily doubles (or more) iron in the body.
2. - Pour half a teaspoon of cinnamon coffee, even once a day keeps cholesterol low and stable levels of blood sugar.

3. - The bread has almost four times more fiber, three times more zinc and iron nearly twice the white bread. In addition, those who eat white bread increases waist an inch per year, the statistics say. Oh, and bark, eat them, which contain eight times more pronylysina, which encourages the cancer-fighting enzymes in the colon.

4. - Chew the plants for much longer. This increases the amount of anti-cancer chemicals released into the body. Chewing releases sinigrin. And how much less cooked vegetables are best preventive effect.

5. - The future is most of orange. Lessens the risk of lung cancer. Those who eat them regularly have 30% less chance of getting the disease. Better still, take tangerine juice and eat more and even a bit nuts.

6. - Eat as colorful as the rainbow. If you eat a variety of red, orange, yellow, green, purple and white in fruits and vegetables, have the best mix of antioxidant vitamins and minerals that exist.

7. - Regular cleaning of your toothbrush. The contact of germs in the cup of the brushes can be fatal. The brushes themselves can spread colds and flu. Must be cleaned four times a week, especially after illness and keep them separate from other brushes.

8. - Make puzzles, crosswords or sudoku, or learn a language, a new skill or read a book and memorize paragraphs. Stimulate your mind encourages him to form new mental pathways and strengthens memory. An active 50-year mind has a better memory than a person half his age who did not exercise.

9. - People who chew gum are more likely to suffer from atherosclerosis, as they are made narrower blood vessels, which precedes heart attacks.

10. - Laugh. 100 to 200 laughs are equivalent to 10 minutes of jogging. Low stress and awakens natural defense cells and many antibodies.

11. - Do not strip ahead of the vegetables or fruits, they should be cut and peel just before the eat. Prepare fresh food on short notice increases nutrient levels against cancer.

12. - Call telephoned his mother, relatives or friends, if any further. 90% of people who do not maintain emotional closeness with their loved ones, developed high blood pressure, alcoholism or heart disease at an early age.

13. - why not enjoy a cup of tea. The common area contains lower levels of antioxidants than green tea. With just drink a cup of green tea daily reduces the risk of heart disease. Tea drinking also increases the life after heart attacks.

14. -Try for a pet. People who do not have pets have more stress and more doctor visits than the others. Pets make you feel optimistic and relaxed one, and that lowers blood pressure. Dogs are better, but even the goldfish work well for this purpose.

15. - Put tomato sandwich. Or have a glass of tomato juice on hand, or put tomato sauce on toast. A portion of tomatoes per day 30% lower risk of heart disease.

16. - Rearranging the  fridge. The vegetables in the fridge anywhere nutrients lost due to artificial light destroys equipment of the plant flavonoids, substances that fight cancer. It is best to use the boxes below.

17. - Be a Bird when you eat. For example, sunflower seed and seed of 'Sesame' on salads and cereals are natural nutrients and antioxidants. And eating nuts between meals reduces the risk of diabetes.

18. - Take chocolate. Two bars extend week a year to live. Dark chocolate is a source of iron, magnesium and potassium.

19. -Try to be positive .. Optimistic people can live 12 years longer and better than the negative, who also gives them much more easily flu.

20. -Try To Become spiritual. True believers and those who prioritize 'to be' on 'have', are 35% more likely to live better and longer. Keep an good relationship with God.
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Fat Diet, Regulating lipid Metabolism.

The dietary fats are an important regulator of lipid metabolism. These absorbed as chylomicrons and formed in direct relation to the fat content of the diet. As an example the strict vegetarians have blood lipid values ​​that consumers in mixed diets and is also different composition of fatty acids.

Saturated fatty acids are formed by chains of carbon atoms, which are joined together by single bonds, allowing them to crystallize easily and be solid at room temperature. All animal fat other than fish are rich in saturated fatty acids. From vegetable oils only palm and coconut are rich in these substances. A high intake of saturated fats raise total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and scientific studies can relate to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

The mechanism by which some types of fatty acids may increase the concentration of cholesterol in blood is by decreasing LDL receptor expression in cell membranes especially in liver cells (hepatocytes). The lack of LDL receptors prevents cholesterol between cells and causes increased LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels.
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Energy Expenditure.

The basal energy expenditure is the energy needed to maintain vital physiological functions. Represents at least two thirds of total energy consumption with the exception of persons performing intense physical activity. The basal energy expenditure will depend on the age, size and physiological characteristics of the person .. You can estimate basal energy expenditure for different age and sex from body weight using equations that give us a consistent theoretical value in reference to various studies undertaken

After the basal metabolism, physical activity represents the second factor of energy expenditure. In rich countries or developed physical activity related to work has decreased recommend is important for its positive health characteristics and quality of life for all of us. It is relevant considering the energy requirements that result from physical activity.

Energy expenditure also increases after eating. This increase is going to depend on the amount of calories you consume and feed composition. This expenditure of energy we know as the thermic effect of food. The thermic effect of food is going to be higher for smaller proteins and for carbohydrates and fats.
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Hidradenitis and other conditions of the dermis

Hidradenitis affects the dermis. Is the infection of the sweat glands.
It is more common in the axilla, although you can see in groin. It's painful.
Its etiology is the agent is S. aureus. The predisposing factor is the use of antiperspirants, causing blockage of the outlet duct of the gland to the outside.

His treatment is based on local hygienic measures: proper washing, good drying, warm, moist compresses to open the exit of the duct and promote drainage spontaneous. Used antibiotics (ATB) systemic, as for the boil No indication of surgical drainage, because an incision and a scar that produces a level of continuity that closes by secondary intention, and breaks the sweat gland. Prophylaxis is avoiding the use of antiperspirants.

Cellulite is an entity of difficult diagnosis. DD with erysipelas.
It affects the subcutaneous tissue ..
Etiology: S. aureus and S. pyogenes.
Treatment: 1st cephalosporin. Generation to cover both germs.
Check that the lesion does not spread locally and do not invade deeper tissues.
Sometimes there are doubts about the depth of the process, what is internal to the patient

Etiology: the origin of germs is the mouth that bites (usually dog, human, horse) and the skin of the bitten so often polymicrobial infections: Gram-positive cocci, anaerobes, BGN: Pasteurella multocida.Tratamiento: ampicillin -sulbactam for 3 days, the wound is not sutured.
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Lack of physical activity. sedentary

A sedentary lifestyle is the lack of regular physical activity. It is considered that a person is sedentary when it comes to physical activity of moderate intensity for 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. It is important to know that physical inactivity is one of the factors of cardiovascular risk. Daily physical activity is beneficial to our health by improving the ability of our hearts, help us to improve the pulse and blood pressure, helps us to have good circulation. It helps reduce excess weight to avoid obesity, positive emotional factors besides stress reduction and improvement in our workplace skills.

Most people can and should do physical activity to maintain and improve their health and quality of life. If you suffer from any illness or being healthy we will perform a physical activity intensity can be previewed to attend a medical examination, for which the physician is able to indicate whether to perform these activities.

It is important to learn to take your pulse during exercise and know which are the normal values ​​and how they evolve from daily physical activity regularly
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Cholesterol. Health and physiology

Cholesterol is a fat-like organic compounds, essential for normal physiological functioning of our body cells. Cholesterol is a molecule that is not soluble in water, so that circulates in the bloodstream lipoprotein (molecules which are formed by binding of a protein with a lipid).

We can find different types of cholesterol possibly the best known are the LDL and HDL. LDL or low density lipoprotein also called "bad cholesterol" that its excess promotes clogged arteries. HDL or high density lipoprotein, also called "good cholesterol" which helps to prevent cholesterol build up in artery walls. A diet high in fat, tends to make us raise our blood cholesterol, which is harmful to health, predisposing to atherosclerosis.

The cholesterol in our body has two origins: the food we eat into that animal is exclusively and synthesizing our own body is about 70% of total cholesterol. The increase in blood cholesterol can be prevented, engaging in physical activity, reducing intake of foods that are high in fat
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Exercise is not the only key to having perfect legs. It is necessary to lead a healthy life, including adequate food and some good habits.
1.Try to take plenty of fluids, especially water and juices.
2. Do not go for  alcohol, coffee or soda.
3. Do not smoke.
4. Try to wear comfort pants. Eat low fat.
6. Try to take an  diet with plenty of fiber.
7. Avoid   sweets and non veg
8. Take daily walks: stimulate circulation and help tone muscles and prefer stairs to elevators.
9. The hot showers favor cellulite and varicose veins. Finish your daily bath with a shower of cold water, apply the spray on the legs in an upward direction from the ankle to the groin.
10. Moisturize the skin on your legs regularly.
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5 star Review of FRIENDS FOR LIFE by Readers Favorite

Reviewed by Lorraine Carey for Readers Favorite

"Friends for Life" is so much more than just your ordinary dog story. It is a heart warming tale of friendship, heroism, bravery and good values. Two orphaned puppies bond together to endure a traumatic kidnapping, encounters with a street dog gang, the dog catcher, robbers, and the prospect of searching for that ever wanted dream of adoption. Here Bo and Rico meet up with another street dog, who will steal your heart and who will school them on street life and train them to be able to live a life of freedom. There is action around every bend as the dogs must always be on guard from the dangers that lurk in the big city. Vivid details are told of each adventure they encounter that will engage every child. The story has friendships come and go as we watch the dogs grow from pups to full grown dogs. You will find yourself cheering as each dog finds their own special home.

Billi Tiner has written a tale that is so rich in doggie talk that the characters come alive and seem so very human. The names of each of the dogs will linger in your memory for quite some time as Tiner makes each one so memorable. It is such a feel good tale that you will want to mark this as one that will be a classic. As a veteran reading specialist I am sure that this is definitely one that is the perfect read aloud for classroom teachers or parents. I can just see the children begging for rereads on this one! I just know it is going to be a favorite of many.

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Review of Welcome Home by Mother Daughter Book Reviews

Book Review: Welcome Home by Billi Tiner

Title: Welcome Home
Author: Billi Tiner
Year published: 2011
Publisher: CreateSpace
Number of pages: 164
Recommended age: 8+

Child Rating: ★★★★½

Grown-up Rating: ★★★★½
Reviewed by: Renee and Danielle (Mother and Daughter)

Summary (from the back cover): Welcome Home is the story of Jake, a black Labrador Retriever mix. For as long as Jake can remember, he has been having the same dream. In his dream, he is living in a beautiful home with a wonderful owner. He has never seen the face of the man in the dream, but he knows his voice and he loves him. When it is time for Jake to be given away to a new home, he is very excited that he will finally be able to meet the man he has been dreaming of his entire life. However, when he is chosen, it is definitely not by the man from his dream! Jake is taken to a home where he is terribly mistreated. After suffering years of abuse, Jake finally escapes and embarks on an incredible journey to find the man from his dream. Along the way, Jake meets some interesting characters, survives exciting adventures, and forms some life-long friendships. Join Jake on his incredible journey.

What it’s about:This book is about A dog named Jake who goes on an adventure to find a man he has been dreaming about his entire life.
What I liked and disliked about it: I thought the story was really good. I liked that at the end Jake finally found the man in his dreams because I like happy endings in books. I liked that there were kittens in the story because I like kittens. I wish I was the man in Jake’s dream so that he would come looking for me and he would come live with me.
I was worried when bad things happened to Jake but it was still ok to read because I knew things were going to get better.

My bottom line: I love love loved this book and I think kids 7 and older would like this book!!

What it’s about: Welcome Home tells the moving tale of a black Labrador Retriever, Jake, as he follows his dream of finding his one true master – a man he can only recognize by the kindness in his voice. We are introduced to Jake as he gets adopted by a cruel man intent on raising the gentle puppy into a fighter. Jake withstands years of abuse at his owner’s hands until one day he escapes and begins his journey. Follow Jake along his adventure as he meets new friends and encounters a series of obstacles he must overcame in pursuing his dream.
What I liked and disliked about it: This story is narrated through Jake’s eyes and it reminded me of some classic films where the main character is a dog, such as Big Red and Old Yeller. The closest comparison would truly be the Incredible Journey – a book I loved, loved, loved when I was my daughter’s age. We all fell in love with Jake and it is so fitting that he was a black Labrador Retriever mix because we have friends with this kind of dog and he is just a big marshmallow – just like Jake! There is a gentleness and sweetness that comes across in the story that just melted our hearts.
Overall, the plot itself is incredibly moving and engaging. Jake has a series of adventures and meets up with an assortment of characters, both human and animal, who represent one of the two extremes: either they are trying to hurt Jake or they become Jake’s friends. The story has the right amount of tension for children aged 8+. I found myself tearing up and my voice breaking trying to read the last part of the story. I suppose this suggests that I was emotionally invested in the story!
That being said, there was one significant difference between many of the “animal” stories that I’ve read in the past and this story. This story begins with Jake suffering greatly. We are introduced to Jake when he is still with his cruel owner and the abuse he suffers is described quite graphically. I read the story to my two children and I think they were a bit taken aback by Jake’s suffering. I wasn’t sure they would last through the first few chapters. There were other incidents as the story developed, but these were balanced by more pleasant encounters with humans and animals.
My bottom line: Call me sentimental, but I really enjoyed this story if only because it reminded me of some of the classic stories with animals as main characters – Black Beauty, The Incredible Journey, Charlotte’s Web, and the Call of the Wild to name a few. I would highly recommend this book along the same vein as these books. Due to the graphic descriptions of abuse and injury, I would recommend this book to boys and girls aged 8 and up.
** Welcome Home by B. Tiner was provided to us free-of-charge by the author. **

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Pet Health Tip #11- Canine Ear Infections

Ear infections are one of the most common medical issues that occurs in dogs.  This is especially true for dogs with floppy ears during the warm weather months.  Ear infections are most commonly caused by moisture that gets trapped in the ears.  The moist environment is a breeding ground for infectious organisms.  The most common one being yeast.  Air is unable to circulate through the ear canal of floppy eared dogs, thus creating that moist environment.

Ear infections are easiest to take care of in the early stages.  Symptoms include redness, odor, excessive scratching at the ear, or tilting the head to one side.  Ear infections can occur in one or both ears.  As the infections progresses you will also begin to see a discharge.  This discharge can be a oozing pus or dark brown/black waxy build-up.

Ear infections are easily prevented by ensuring that you clean the ears with a drying solution on a regular basis; again, especially in floppy eared dogs.  During the winter, make sure you clean the ears each time the dog has a bath.  This makes sure that the ear canal is dry after the moisture from the bath enters the ear canal.  During the summer, you should clean the ears approximately every 2 weeks.  Again, this is to make sure that they remain dry.   If your dog is a swimmer, then the ears should be cleaned out after each swim.

There are several causes for ear infections.  As I stated, the most common cause is moisture in the ear canal.  However, ear infections can also be caused by a foreign object (such as a tick or grass seed) in the ear.  They can also be caused by allergies.  The skin in the ear is the most tender skin on the dogs body, so this is often where we see the inflammation of an allergic reaction manifest itself.  The most common allergies to cause ear infections are flea allergies and food allergies.

So, the most important treatment is prevention; especially, if you have a floppy eared dog.  This is accomplished with regular ear cleanings with a drying agent.  There are several good ear cleaning solutions available.  You can also use a mixture of 1/2 white vinegar and 1/2 warm water dispensed with a bulb syringe (like the ones used on babies).  This is not as effective as the commercial cleaning solutions, but can be used if you are on a budget.

If your dog is showing the symptoms mentioned above, then it is important to take it to the vet, so that a diagnosis of the underlying issue can be made.  If it is their first ear infection, then it is most likely due to moisture trapped in the ear and a 10-14 day regimen of ear medication will clear it up.  However, if your dog has been having reoccurring ear infections, then you are most likely looking at a bigger problem.  So, it is important to have a diagnosis.  Chronic ear infections are much harder to treat and the sooner you get a diagnosis, the better chances of successful treatment.
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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as prostate adenoma, is a disease that primarily affects men over 50 years and is the second most common cause of surgery in the NHS, after cataract surgery. Dr. Jose Maria Pena Outeiriño, Chief of Urology at Sacred Heart USP explains that "BPH is a noncancerous growth of the size of the prostate that can cause problems with urination."

This disorder affects 25% of men between 40 and 50 years and its prevalence increases with age to reach 80% of men 70 years.

As noted by Dr. Pena Outeiriño, "as it increases the size of the prostate, this increase compresses the urethra that makes urination becomes increasingly difficult. The bladder develops abnormal behavior and begins to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing more frequent urination. As a result of this alteration, the bladder wall becomes thicker and irritable and ultimately weakens, loses elasticity and the ability to empty completely. "


The symptoms of BPH, Dr. Pena Outeiriño continues, "are expressed by the difficulty to hold urine (urinary frequency, day and night, feeling of urgency that can even cause urge incontinence) and difficulty emptying the bladder (delay in starting urination, sensation of incomplete voiding, postvoid dribbling, decreased force of stream, intermittent urination, urinary retention, overflow incontinence, urinary tract infections). "

Photoselective vaporization (PVP) Green Laser: The Ultimate Solution

Photoselective vaporization of the prostate is a painless and outpatient removal of the prostate gland, indicated for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

PVP, says Dr. Pena Outeriño, "is done through a very thin optical system is inserted into the urethra, through which circulates a fiber laser Green laser energy applied directly to the area to be removed. The light shines in the prostate has a special affinity for blood vessels and vaporizes the prostate tissue causing symptoms, it is completely removed without causing bleeding. "

Unlike other treatments that penetrate deep into fabrics, high power green laser vaporizes tissue, but penetrates minimally in normal tissue of the prostate, with symptoms of irritation are significantly reduced and recovery is rapid and painless.

"The advantage of immediate vaporization laser photoselective vaporization method is that it produces green blood loss and leaves behind obstructing tissue that may impede the flow of urine (other treatments leave behind a significant amount of tissue, creating a minimal change in the size of the prostate). The result is an immediate improvement of the patient with the disappearance of the symptoms that prompted the intervention in more than 93% of cases, "said Dr. Pena Outeiriño.

This method was developed after five years of clinical research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, (USA). A series of further studies conducted at Oakwood Annapolis Hospital in Wayne, Michigan - confirmed that the method was extremely effective and comfortable for the patient.

Existing treatments so far

- Pharmacotherapy. - Suppressors hormone and alpha blockers. These medications should be taken continuously, are expensive. They can lose effectiveness over time or interact with other prescription drugs. They also have non-negligible side effects, including erectile dysfunction include, dizziness, headaches and fatigue.

- Invasive surgical treatments:

- Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP): A method and invasive endoscopic surgery, which requires between 2 and 6 days of hospitalization. The patient's recovery period is between 4 and 6 weeks and has significant complications such as blood loss and need for transfusions, painful urination, impotence, retrograde ejaculation, incontinence, infections, bladder neck contracture, etc..

- Open surgical prostatectomy: When prostate volume exceeds 60 to 70 cc this surgical technique is performed with open incision, requiring a longer admission (5-10 days) and presents greater risks than the RTU.

Benefits of green laser PVP

The Green Laser FVP method combines the best of both worlds for BPH patients: is minimally invasive and provides results as durable as the more aggressive surgical options. This method provides the clinical benefits of urologist TURP or open prostatectomy without the complications associated with these treatments.

According to clinical data, said Dr. Pena Outeiriño, "no other procedure for the treatment of BPH shows a relief of symptoms so immediate and dramatic as the method by KTP laser PVP Green. This technique can be administered on an outpatient basis, does not cause blood loss and recovery time is extremely fast, with excellent results. "

With three features: comfort, safety and effectiveness unmatched by any other existing technique to present the results of this technique are:

- Immediate relief of symptoms.

- Very fast recovery (3 to 20 hours) and painless

- Durable - 5-year follow-up at the Mayo Clinic no patient has required to be treated again.

- Virtually no blood loss - minimal risk of blood transfusion - ideal for patients on anticoagulants.

- Method clinic, does not require hospitalization (maximum (12 to 24 hours in exceptional cases).

- Does not require catheterization, the probe will remain for the duration of spinal anesthesia.

- Very low percentage of complications. After 5 years of follow-up at the Mayo Clinic has not been any cases of incontinence or impotence.

- Can be applied in elderly or high surgical risk, because it is a minimally invasive technique.

Results USP LVP Unit Sacred Heart

From March 2006 to March 2012 we have treated 365 patients KTP Green Laser with the following results

- No patient has had to be transfused

- At 95% of patients withdrew the catheter within 24 hours

- 95% of patients were discharged from the clinic, before 24 hours

- 0.5% of patients have had minimal urinary incontinence, which resolved within a month.

- All patients one month after the intervention had a peak flow more than 75% improvement, compared to the previous laser treatment.
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7 Reasons You Should Join The Gym

I know I've said time and again that it is not necessary to go to the gym to get a great job. I also know many of you are flat out against going to the gym and no matter what I or anyone says, it will not get a membership. That is completely fine!

I know plenty of people who are in great shape and never have risen at a gym and never will. If you are truly committed to your health and exercise regularly, then should not consider going to the gym. This article is for those who may need that extra push to exercise.

What I am saying is that if you have trouble maintaining an exercise routine, going to the gym can be beneficial. Consider these following reasons.

1. There are other people with similar goals to lose or gain weight, building muscle, improving health, etc. ..

When you are around others with the same objectives, it is likely that more motivated to continue exercising. We are products of our environment, good or bad.

2. There are more computers available for use.

Unless you have a big house where they can devote an entire room of free weights, cables, machines, banks and bars will not have access to many exercises. Therefore, you are limited to what can and can not be done in terms of getting all the benefits of each exercise.

3. You can ask questions.

Other members and coaches walking and exercise you can ask questions and get demonstrations and one on one consultation in the field. If you are watching a video, if they do not answer your question directly the chances of getting your specific question is limited.

4. You can view other exercise.

I can not tell you how many times, I learned new exercises to see other people. Not that you will do everything you see, but at least you can choose to try or not. If you see a video, often only get a view. If in person, can be seen from different points of view to make sure they are doing something right.

5. Develop a routine.

When you exercise at home, go to the park, biking, etc.. is not necessarily routine. They are places you can go anytime. When you go, there are other things besides exercise and may or may not actually exercise.

6. You have no distractions.

When you exercise other places, opens the door to several distractions if the phone rings, children, spouse or traffic. When you're in the gym, everyone is having the possibility of distraction becomes limited if not eliminated.

7. Try many of the computers without having to buy.

Gyms always get much of the best teams. When you buy from infomercials, trying to return something can be a nightmare. Equipment in your home can take up much space, especially if you use it and then can not return.

These are just some of the reasons you might want to consider going to the gym. Not that not succeed without going to the gym. However, I have to say I truly believe if the commitment and full use of the gym, then it is their purpose and will definitely benefit the long term. The choice is yours to make.
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Beginners 9 Errors In The Gym

I remember my first time in the gym, I was 14 and had no idea what he was doing. I would like to enter the gym and my workouts full of errors. Now that I'm aware of progress and error, I realized how I could have hurt me and realize that many people do, makes every beginner.

Before entering the gym must know what to avoid and what to do. Here is my nine things.

Error 1: Do not put weight back

This is the most irritating to me, the label of your bad gym. I hate the mess that puts another person or find the gym for ten minutes to the weights I need. Other members of staff gym is not your mom to clean up after, do it yourself.

Error 2: Let the elevator Ego

Never heard the saying, "Leave your ego at the door?" He was guilty of this but also a lot of new elevators. Putting too much weight and improperly using sex to impress friends, or more experienced guys. Your friends might think are cool, no matter how experienced women and men is laughing inside. The experienced man I know will cause an injury lifting a weight that is more beneficial decent bad shape and heavy weight.

Error 3: Do not use collars / clips

The most dangerous and effective is weight training. For a beginner it is even harder, especially for exercises like bench press bar, bar military press or squat. It could take your dominant hand could be lifted one hand while the other is struggling, with a slope where pesos can only slide off.

Error 4: Wipe your sweat away do you as found in the sweat of another man? I'm sure you do not (unless your fetish, then you need serious help) so why did you leave your computer on your sweat dripped to anyone? Take a second and do a shower bag, also prevents the spread of germs.

Error 5: Better

More is not always better, it is necessary to increase the weight or the representatives of each workout. Start with weight, representatives and sets that can handle and slowly work their way. In bodybuilding, I think the quality and quantity is more beneficial.

Error 6: not used properly

Using the wrong way will cause an injury or does not win anything, both are equally bad. My suggestion is if you can afford a personal trainer for a few sessions or find someone who is experienced to go with you and help you get the form. First few workouts using light weight is very beneficial when it comes to learning the proper way.

Mistake 7: Not having a proper Plan

Before entering the gym must have a plan where in the body that is working today, putting to perform many representatives and sets. You must plan ahead when you get there otherwise fall short of their training.

Error 8: Not asking for help

Fitness can be a very dangerous place and many people know, especially the experienced guys. If you need someone to identify or need someone to check the form will not be afraid to ask. The worst thing is that someone will not say "" but it will help most. Be courteous, do not go through a whole expect their little break and ask "Hey do you think you can give me a place?" It is not difficult.

Error 9: socialization

The gym is not really a place to socialize, there are bars for that. I hate when I see someone who is talking to his friend for 20 minutes on a piece of equipment I need. Your goal should go do your workout and exit.


Can avoid these nine errors bit and if you do what will help you achieve your goals, avoid injury and become a positive member of their gym.
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A 24 hour Fitness Supplement Can Promote Well-being Around The Clock

If you frequently experience a temporary increase in energy at the top of your day but then you feel weak, worried about the fog or just plain unhealthy for the day, we recommend an additional 24-hour fitness. Even if you have a regular exercise regimen to keep daily, your body may produce enough adrenaline (or energy) to make it through your workout and then sort of accident later. And most of the fitness or sports supplements on the market today work only temporarily, so you will feel only strong and clear of mind for a few hours and then your body goes cloud nine, leaving you feeling like it was in vain.

Some supplements have been well favored by many famous sports bodybuilders and athletes  because of its ability to naturally enhance physical body without harmful ingredients or unpleasant side effects. And now, with daytime and nighttime formulas, supplements to promote the adaptation of 24 hours. What does this mean? Promote good health and well being, not only during the morning or daytime hours.

Force during the day and night healing

24-hour gym can be a reality by providing daytime and nighttime power of healing. Day and night formulas usually contain ingredients to improve endurance and increase energy, such as lipoic acid (ALA), indium acetyl (L-carnitine amino acids). Both help to promote mental alertness eggplant extract. Both help the body fight infection and inflammation and promote faster healing ingredients Quercitin beta glucan.

A nighttime formula contains an additional ingredient called melatonin, which promotes REM sleep or deep sleep. With better sleep at night, the body is able to concentrate fully on healing and replacement cell. This assists the brain, organs, circulatory system, etc. All functions at its best while it also helps muscles recover after workouts a day.

Not just only for athletes

These patterns include some additional NFL players, who attribute their greater strength and endurance of the supplement, saying it helps them physically and mentally ... and even you can improve your game! But the 24-hour fitness is not just for athletes. You can help the employer has the mental agility and energy it needs to be your best every day. You can help career women perform their daily tasks at work and home and a better night's rest. A 24-hour fitness supplement can give the mom stay home endurance needed to tend to their household chores and children, and participate in physical play activities with their children without exhausting herself.

Anyone can benefit for better health. The complicated part is choosing which product to use. Study of the ingredients in a supplement and how it works to improve health.
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5 Health And Fitness Tips

Staying healthy is very important no matter what age turn out to be. It is imperative that steps be taken to work on your health and fitness throughout his life. ¿Asking where you can start? Well, here are 5 great fitness and health tips you can use to stay healthy and fit throughout their lives.

Tip # 1 - get moving - first, if you want to stay fit and healthy, you have to get moving. Each day has to think about how you can get moving to keep your body in good shape. There are many small things you can do to move all day. While the gym is a great idea, you have to spend an hour in the gym to get the movement you need. Just take the time to the pet stroller, cut your own lawn, take the stairs, park farther away in the parking lot, or even play with their children. This will help you get the exercise you need on a regular basis and is also ideal for reducing your stress level too.

Tip Tip # 2 - trim the fat - another major recall for fitness and health is to make sure you trim the fat in your diet. Bad fats can lead to a variety of different physical problems that can torment him as they age. Therefore, begin to cut fried foods from your diet and fast food and fat that is true even like sausage, bacon, salami and even ham. You should limit dairy products and eat less fatty products in place. Limit the sauces, luncheon meats, butter and mayonnaise you eat well. Try to eat lean and will definitely reap the benefits.

Tip # 3 -Stress-Home rid of some of the stress in your life. Stress can lead to a variety of health problems. Time you enjoy every day, like music, enjoy a hot bath, a walk or reading. Meditating also can help as well.

Tip # 4 - Stop smoking - one of the worst things you can do for your health is smoking. If you want to be healthier, one of the best things you can do for your health is to quit smoking. When you smoke increases the risk of a variety of nasty diseases, so take steps to leave as soon as possible.

Tip # 5 - Drink more water - most people do not drink enough water every day, and it shows in your health and fitness. If you want to be fit and healthy, then the water is an important part of their diet. You should drink at least 8-10 glasses each day and more when they exercise. The body needs water to stay healthy and drink water, will be healthier.

These are only 5 great fitness and health tips that really can make a difference in your life. Nothing can replace your health, so take your time to follow these tips to help you improve your health for life.
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5 star reviews for both Heart of a Hero and Welcome Home by b00k r3vi3ws

Welcome Home & Heart of a Hero by Billi Tiner

I have decided to review these two books together because they have a common theme and are similar in some ways.

Welcome Home is the story of Jake. Ever since he was a little puppy, he had dreamed of this nice man and has always been sure that they were meant to be together. As Jake’s ‘brothers’ are all adopted by loving families, Jake longs for the man in his dreams. Finally, he is adopted, but not by the man of his dreams. His new ‘owner’ turns out to be a cruel man who not only violent with him but also expects violence from him. Then one day, when Jake gets a way out, he snatches it to set out on a journey to find the man from his dreams. Soon he is on an adventure of his own, finding his way to his ‘home’.

Heart of a Hero is the story of Lady, who has always wanted to be a hunting dog like her mother. In the story we follow Lady’s life right from a farm life to a messenger dog to a hunting dog to girls pet. It’s a story of love, loss and hurt as Lady loses her owners to war and to death. She feels connected to Carl and Steve yet, she has to adjust over and over again in her life as she is handed over from owner to another.
The common theme in both the stories is the connection between a human and a dog. They both are very heartwarming yet sad at places. They teach us something about love and loyalty between two very different species.

The thing about books is that each reader has the option to receive it the way they want to. In this case, I choose to take away a valuable lesson that both these novels portray - that dogs are more humane than humans at times and their loyalty can never be questioned. Also, in times of war and violence, there’s still some hope for humanity.

It is really up to you too to decide how you want to take these novels. You too can learn an important lesson out of it if you want. On the other hand you can also choose to treat this as a light heartwarming story of a dog. Either way, I guarantee you, that you are going to enjoy it! So go grab yourself a copy
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5 Star Review of Welcome Home by Beachbound Books

Welcome Home
by Billi Tiner
Once again Billi Tiner has written a moving story about a special dog who longs for and deserves a loving home. Her story Welcome Home will make you laugh and cry as you follow Jake on his journey to find a place to call home.

As a puppy Jake dreams of the man who will one day take him home, but when he is adopted by a horrible man who wants to use him for a fighting dog Jake is devastated. The man continuously abuses Jake in an effort to make him fight, but Jake's loving spirit cannot be broken. I had a hard time reading about Jake's abuse and was relieved when the storm came and Jake made his escape.

Jake encounters many obstacles and setbacks and makes some very special friends along the way, but he never gives up searching for the man from his dreams.

Will Jake ever be home? I recommend reading Welcome Home. It is a heartwarming story that children will enjoy.

Welcome Home is available at
Review by Stacie Theis of Beachbound Books
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Price of cigarettes: Is There a public Health policy in Senegal?

For several days in Senegal, it is possible to buy a pack of cigarettes to a U.S. or European bargain prices, that is to say 400 francs CFA. They cost before this blessed day for major brands of cigarettes almost double. In every country in the world, at least on every other continent in the world, outside Africa still cursed, the price of cigarettes increases to discourage tobacco lovers to even poison.

We attack the evil in the wallet, and taxes collected by the IRS, we tended the sick in the lungs of smokers vice turned into serious illness is not borne by the community.

It's a real crime, particularly against the youth of this country, which was perpetrated in complete ignorance or greed by all those who have decided this fall in tobacco prices in Senegal. Europe and the United States, have long made arrangements for that advertising be banned everywhere. The Evin Law in France was even hardened, so that no event is the scene of any promotion of a tobacco brand. The lives of smokers and smoking has been complicated in these countries now becomes a real torture, so much as addicted to nicotine have preferred to surrender and stop the shame of friends, neighbors and coworkers. Because smoking was a real public health problem that was costing the community in these countries. In ours, we welcomed all the communications budget was reserved for the promotion of tobacco. Billions of dollars or euros are dumped in Africa to attract new smokers, especially young children, and the poorest. Here, we give you cigarettes, a nightclub, you encourage young women to accept their offers of gifts and cover you when you have succumbed to their temptations. There were already cigarettes at retail, which was a blatant incitement to consumption for the poorest.

Today it is almost a free package that we put at the disposal of the Senegalese-at prices that low. This is serious, as if our country had no public health policy, because the devastation is coming, and they grow up. The public health policy, it is anticipated that some bad habits have serious effects and it's not good to be different and let them manage other managers who must make do. It is with cigarettes as cooking broths responsible for many new cases of cardiovascular diseases, such as water sold on the street without any hygiene precautions.

As if poverty was in itself an incurable disease, and that everything that was added to the order of fate. No, gentlemen, this decline in cigarette prices is irresponsible, dangerous and murdered for our youth, and you need to make adjustments, because the target is already in a state of disuse, it is the youth of this country. You are liable to answer for this irresponsibility for not helping a person at risk and endanger the lives of others. So remove the decree, it will be to your credit.
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Smoking Is A Form of Slavery Imposed By Manufacturers

Tobacco introduced in developing countries is a form of slavery maintained by the manufacturers of this product, which are strongly present in Africa, argued Friday the president of the League Senegalese fight against tobacco (LISTAB), Dr. Abdul Aziz Kasse.

'' Children of the continent and the Diaspora must rise as one man to break the chains of slavery imposed by the tobacco industry, who harvest 600 billion CFA francs per year in our country'', said Dr. Kasse, when launching a campaign against tobacco, the Slave House in Goree.

The campaign conducted by the LISTAB runs until May 31, when is celebrated every year the World Day of fight against tobacco.

'' Rich countries refuse to comply with this scam and all these companies are reverting to our country, with severe local accomplices'', denounced Abdul Aziz Kasse.

The tobacco industry is, along with mobile telephony, the food industry and the banking sector, one of the fastest growing in Africa.

To launch its anti-smoking campaign, has chosen the LISTAB Goree, a place full of symbols for being the starting point for African slaves transported to America, to work on plantations, according to historians.

'' Here in Goree it all started. Indeed, Isabella of Castile, Empress of Spain, Christopher Columbus had sent him to look for spices in India. The browser has lost and brought to the Spanish court of tobacco leaves,'' said Dr Kasse.

Tobacco leaves have been used for the slave trade, he said, recalling that these slaves were also deported to the land of tobacco production.

'' This is the product of the flesh and blood of slaves that the masters we have sold to build the wealth of their empires. This crime was long and lasting hacked our flesh [...]'', he added,'' inviting the children of the continent and the Diaspora'' to'' overcome slavery imposed by the industry tobacco''.

'' [...] We reject with force and vigor that slavery imposed by the tobacco industry,'' he said, reading a statement.

'' History does not allow us any weakness. No compromise with the tobacco industry is possible and is not acceptable.''

Activists in the anti-smoking league called religious Senegalese to make each prayer a chance to say'' no to tobacco, a non at all times''.

The fight against the tobacco industry must also be a matter of policy, who have sworn to serve their nation, according to Dr. Kasse.

The State of Senegal'' the burden'', after ratifying the Framework Convention against smoking,'' bring the legislation to protect the widows and orphans,'' said Abdul Aziz Kasse ,'' which called for more vigilance around the actions of the tobacco industry.'' The President also preaches LISTAB'''' persistent effort against tobacco, which is harmful to human health.

The anti-tobacco league, which brings together 15 associations, also called the'' traditional'' communicators'' Senegalese appropriate posts to serve as a'' mirror'' decision makers'', who promised to protect their citizens harmful things like tobacco. Workers in businesses and other workplaces, must also work toward it, for landscaping of smoke-free spaces'','' estimates the LISTAB.

'' Civil society is challenged. Everyone is challenged. This is a struggle that concerns all citizens,'' said the representative of the mayor of Gorée to the launching ceremony of the anti-smoking campaign, Dr. Ndoye Mandiaye of the health committee of the council of the island.

He thanked the LISTAB for taking the initiative to start the anti-smoking campaign by the commune of Gorée. '' This act is symbolic, because of this legendary building left thousands of slaves who grew the tobacco fields in North America and Europe,'' said Mr. Ndoye.

LISTAB activists met the imam of the mosque of Goree, who in his sermon of the Friday prayer, reminded the faithful that a good Muslim should stay healthy for'' anything that [the] disturbing ' ', including tobacco.
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Tuberculosis In Children Remains A Hidden Epidemic

The childhood tuberculosis remains a hidden epidemic in most countries, argued Saturday Mbacke the Secretary, Ministry of Health and Action
social, noting that this situation is even worse than infants and children are most vulnerable to severe forms of the disease.

"To a large extent, children have been forgotten since the childhood tuberculosis remains a hidden epidemic in most countries," said Moussa Mbaye who presided Mbacke, in Diourbel, the World Day to Combat against Tuberculosis.

This year's Day celebration held on March 24 of each year has been postponed due to the holding of the second round of presidential elections on the same date.

BCG, the only currently available vaccine for tuberculosis, are not protected for life against the pulmonary form and can be used safely in children living with HIV / AIDS, according to Moussa Mbaye who represented the Minister of Health and Social Action at the ceremony held in the public square of the city.

Thus, the general secretary of the Department of Health and Social Action, "it is time to act and therefore aggressively tackle this disease."

Level of Senegal, the number of cases reported each year in health facilities remained stable since 2002, and close in 2011, 12,000 cases all forms combined with infectious pulmonary cases of 7772, or 67% of cases.

For the year 2011 the NTP has reported 403 cases have been reported in children under 15 or 3% of the cases.

Now, for the Minister's representative, "it is established that for the management of this vulnerable faces in a screening and an insufficient prevention especially for children in contact with relatives with the disease."

"It is therefore fitting that this year's campaign calls on health authorities to focus their actions on child protection through a proactive approach to end the suffering and deaths from tuberculosis in this segment of the population," Moussa Mbaye pleaded.

Before the governor of the region, religious, health and local, he stressed that the theme of this year (growing up without tuberculosis), launched by the Partnership "Stop TB" of the World Health Organization, invites to act so that children can live in a mode without tuberculosis.

What constitutes "a major challenge because the current situation is very worrying," he added. Launched globally, the global partnership indicates that a third of the population is infected with TB and every year nearly a million cases are recencés in children under 15.

According to the WHO Representative, Dr. Domingo Bacaray Sambou, at least one million children will die of this disease over the next 5 years. This number could increase if the concrete and effective actions are not taken from now.

In Africa, the disease is gaining ground and becoming more deadly with at least 600 deaths per day, with 80% of victims aged 15 to 45 years.

World Day of fight against tuberculosis commemorates the presentation by Dr. Robert Koch discovered the bacillus in 1882 in Berlin.

This phase coincided with an important period in efforts to diagnose and treat this disease. But it's also a day to "raise awareness of the global TB epidemic and efforts to overcome the disease."

Progress has been made with the mortality rates fell by 40% over 1990. Millions of lives were also saved as the Head of "Stop TB" WHO, according to his representative.

The choice of Diourbel, health district and the city of Mbacke to hold this ceremony was not done randomly because Day is both a time to celebrate success and an opportunity to revive and strengthen actions against the disease, according to district health authorities.
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