


Who Can Acquire Adult Onset Asthma

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The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report
Adult onset asthma debunks the belief that asthma only appears when we are still children. Recent Asthma diagnosis has concluded that even adults, 20 years and above, can have asthma. This type of asthma is more common to women than men. It was also found out that it occurs less than child-onset asthma. This article will provide you the characteristics of this type of asthma.

Many of the known types of asthma are known to develop during childhood. But adult onset asthma manifests when you get older. You develop this asthma when you turn 20 or even beyond 50 years old. This is most common to women, however, this has not been explained why women are the most likely to develop this type of asthma. Although some findings points to heredity and some points to environmental factors, there is really no silver bullet to stop it from happening.

Asthma diagnosis have linked this type of asthma to both allergy and not. About half of adult onset asthma has been caused by ones exposure to specific materials such as cigarette smoke, mold, dust and many more. This means that the environment of an adult can greatly affect his chances of developing asthma. The other half points to non-allergic causes which can be derived from ones genes or caused by heredity or can be caused by your physical changes. This is known to be the intrinsic cause of asthma. It negates the idea that asthma is only caused by your environment.

Women are most commonly known to develop adult onset asthma when they reach 20 years old. Hormonal changes play a major role why women will likely to develop this than men. A woman’s hormones will likely to change every now and then. An example for this is during and after pregnancy; women’s hormones change inconsistently. A woman’s monthly period can also trigger asthma. These characteristics of hormonal fluctuations make it more common to women to develop asthma even for the first time.

Although this is common to women, men can also develop adult onset asthma. Although men have no hormonal fluctuation the same with women, they will nevertheless have the tendency to develop asthma. This is caused by several reasons. Heredity could be the reason; if asthma is predominant to your family, it is more likely that you will have asthma. Aside from intrinsic causes, external factors such as allergy to certain objects could also be the cause. If you are exposed to materials which triggers allergy to yourself, this could led you to have asthma even if you haven’t had it when you were a child. Lifestyles can also be the reason; being obese or a smoker can also cause asthma.

Adult onset asthma defies our pre-conceived beliefs if you won’t develop asthma if you haven’t had it when you are a kid. Asthma diagnosis can help you prepare yourself in controlling this disease. Being able to know that it is common to women makes women careful with it. Having the knowledge that it can be caused by your environment or your lifestyle can help in preventing it. Asthma is not dangerous when we know who can acquire it.

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