


Nocturnal panic attacks treatment

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Half of panic disorder sufferers require nocturnal panic attacks treatment. While night attacks account for just 10% of attacks, sufferers are more worried about these. Night attacks can be a little more difficult to diagnose since they can be mistaken for other reasons. One misconception is that attacks are awakenings from bad dreams. It’s true that bad dreams can cause symptoms of panic and anxiety but they are triggered by entirely different reasons.

A person might awaken in sweats, with extreme fear and pounding heart. Nightmares are distinguishable in most cases because the person is usually able to recollect memories. panic attacks treatment isn’t the solution when there is another cause for attacks other than panic disorder. Medical conditions such as Gastroesophogeal and Reflux Disease and Laryngospasm, although uncommon can cause disruptive sleep at night. Sleep apnea is perhaps the most common disorder that causes mistaken panic attacks.

Although not dissimilar in symptoms, sleep related night disturbances do not cause the intense and frightening anxiety symptoms related to an anxiety disorder. The precise reasons for panic disorder are not known, however there are recognized causes for panic disorder. It’s been known that people who have this disorder are much likely to have a family member with the same disorder. Panic disorder also develops in people as a learnt condition.

Studies show that those with panic disorder have a hypersensitive response to anxiety and stress. In a majority of cases panic attacks treatment in the case of psychotherapy has been successful. Through gradual reprogramming of beliefs and behaviors a person can overcome their fears and anxieties.

Nocturnal as well as daytime panic symptoms generally reduce as a result of panic attacks treatment for sufferers. For sufferers, nocturnal attacks, although less recurrent, are usually more terrifying and worrying than day attacks. An out of the blue night attack is like waking to the sound of your fire alarm going off next to you head, accompanied with extreme feelings of dread and unreality. Being suddenly jolted into consciousness in the middle of the dark night, with a racing heart is enough to put anyone at unease.

However in most instances it can be much worse. In some cases, sufferers describe having what seem like heart attacks. Severe anxiety sensations can occur such as depersonalization and feelings of going crazy. The seemingly randomness of attacks can make sufferers feel anxious and fearful about going to sleep. As well as therapy and medication sufferers can employ some self help methods to reduce the occurrence of panic attacks.

Most sufferers have a constant flow of stress hormones in the body that increases physical stress symptoms such as tension and agitation. This is why deep relaxation and stress relieving techniques can be a great help. Through exercise a person can burn excess adrenaline and relieve tension. Moreover, good sleep habits should be followed such as avoiding stimulants and physical activities, and getting relaxed and prepared for sleep.

Struggling to find Panic Attacks Treatment that works? Read real testimonials for an incredible program to stop anxiety at the Panic Attacks Help blog.

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