


How Do You Cure Asthma Fast?

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By Eddy Kong

The question goes: How do you cure asthma fast? Well the answer is plain enough; you don’t. Sadly all the medical research and clinical trials that have been conducted on the behalf of asthma have brought forth numerous medicines and treatments that are indeed effective in controlling and preventing further attacks, but not cure it.

But this is no reason to fret, asthma may be incurable (for now), but it does not mean that those who have this condition have no way of living normal and happy lives. This just means that you will need to be a little more mindful of the things that you do to prevent aggravation of your condition. The aim of course is to avoid or lessen flare-ups and attacks while trying to build your immune system through treatments and exercises so that long term relief can be achieved.

In fact, thousands of asthmatics are already enjoying their lives to the fullest. They live without worrying about when the next asthma attack would come because they have successfully controlled their condition up to a point that it is almost nonexistent. This, of course, is achieved through proper medication, treatment, and proactive action by the asthmatics themselves. Actions such as avoidance, proactive participation in the treatment process, research, healthy living, and exercising of all sorts can help improve your condition and make you resilient to attacks in the future.

Understand that medications can only make you better. If you need improvement, you have to take action. Exercise, for instance, yoga, paced walking, or jogging can be difficult when you are starting out since this can trigger an attack. But if you stick to it, you and your immune system will eventually become stronger. It may take a while, but there’s a big payoff waiting for you at the end.

You can also try alternative treatments such as Buteyko, Pranayama, and Papworth. These brething techniques are widely used for their effectivity in relieving asthma without the help of medications. You can also learn to start “breathing properly” and it can help prevent asthma attacks. Just be sure to check with your doctor if you would like to try something new. So, we ask the question again. How do you cure your asthma fast? The answer: you don’t; but you can achieve a near cure by doing everything that you can. It won’t be fast, but it will be worth it. – 29313

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