


Asthma And Smoking Cigarettes

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How bad is smoking cigarettes when you have asthma?
i was born with asthma and i smoke cigarettes. i smoke about four cigs a day, non filters. i have constant asthma trouble because of it, but the pains never too bad, just wheezing and shortness of breath. what additional damage is this doing to me? im not going to quit right now, but i do plan quitting as i grow older, ill probably be done woth it by age 30
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Smoking slowly damages your lung tissue, making it black and literally peels away your lungs, making them weak and hard to breath through. With Asthma, it’s worse. People without asthma that smoke usually need to get a tube stuck into their throat and out their neck; they need assissted breathing. With asthma you WILL die. I’m sorry to say it so matter-of-factly, but it’s true. Smoking weakens the lungs and heart of a normal person and kills them, with asthma it will kill you three times as fast. You’ll probably not make it to age 30. Start quitting now. It takes 15 years for your lungs to recover, and still then they could be weak. If you stop at 30, the effects would still last until age 45. I’m assuming you’re around 20, so if you stop now, your lungs would be almost recovered by 30.

It’s not hard to quit. Physically, sure. But mentally? If you really lack THAT MUCH self respect, then it’s probably hard to quit smoking. But if you look forward to a healthy family with a healthy life and no problems, and you respect yourself and your body, then it’s easy to stop. Just whenever you get headaches or huge temptations to smoke, do something else. Go skiing. Go sailing. There’s so much you can do in life. Is smoking really worth that little transitory? That little 30 minute light headed feeling? No it’s not. You could go skydiving and boy, i can tell you, that’s the biggest high you’ll ever get.

15 year old who DID quit smoking at 13. My parents were smokers. Oh and did you know if one of your parents smokes, you’re 4 times as likely to smoke at a young age? Yep. Well guess what? I’m a logical FIFTEEN YEAR OLD that chooses my life over chemicals. Grow up. You’re an adult, and you’re honestly so stupid. That’s coming from me.

I smoked from bad example. Now think of your 7 year old son picking up a cigarette and getting addicted for the first time. That was me. That could be your son. If you survive until then.

Asthma attack information If you have asthma, any exposure to cigarette smoke can lead to an asthma attack. Most

asthma and smoking cigarettes

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