


Gardening With Allergies - How to Make Gardening Enjoyable When You Suffer With Seasonal Allergies

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Tree Allergies

Garden of allergy can be a wonderful experience with some planning. The low allergy garden is full of beautiful plants, the only thing in common. They are pollinated by insects, plants, remove pollen to the wind. There are many, many trees, shrubs and perennials that are pollinated by insects, which is the low allergy garden, well-rounded.

Tree Allergies

All herbs, like rosemary, lavender, thyme, oregano, sage, mint and chives arewelcome, as well as vegetables and fruit.

Tree Allergies

Land cover are most effectively used. Covering the ground with climbing plants reduces dust in the garden and landscape. Wise decisions are creeping thyme, mint course, Ajuga, Pachysandra, Phlox and Vinca.

Tree Allergies

Avoid wet areas and reduce the use of natural mulch (wood chips, shredded bark, compost, a mixture of manure, etc.) to produce the wind carried the spores of the fungus. Instead, use creeping ground cover or gravel. XeriscapeGardening is a great alternative.

Select perennials and shrubs, colorful flowers are used to produce in order to attract hummingbirds, butterflies, bees and other insects. The choices are yarrow, cloves, echinacea, St. John, Russian sage, daylilies, Tiarella, Heuchera, Veronica, sage, hosta, Monarda, roses, Sambucus, Weigela, Viburnum, Hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) and hydrangeas.

Low-allergy trees include apples, plums, magnolias, dogwood, crepe myrtle, poplar, cistenaPlum and cherry.

Mow the lawn often keeping the lower area of ​​need. The grass is cut only two inches, is less likely to produce seeds. It is usually too short to take the pollen to the wind.

Go to your garden or landscape to pull or spray weeds regularly. Weeds are often the cause of allergy problems in most garden plants.

Hedges can be a problem for allergy sufferers because they are dust, pollen and molds collect. Keep them trimmed and made to clarifyreduce such as build up.

Some plants that will wreck havoc with allergy suffers are ornamental grasses, most lawn grasses (mow frequently), conifers, aspen, oaks, ash, elm, birch, walnut, and willow, evergreen varieties and broad leaf evergreens. One exception to this is boxwood. As long as boxwoods are pruned hard so that they don't flower, they can be added as low allergy plants.

Visible pollen isn't irritating as it comes from insect pollinating plants and is too heavy to be carried by the wind. The lightweight, invisible airborne pollen is the pollen that causes allergies.

When in doubt about selecting plants for low allergy gardening, go with plants that produce brightly colored blooms so that they attract birds and insects. When plants are noted as being female, choose it. Male sexed plants produce airborne pollen.

Here is a link to the University of Vermont Extension site with an article on Gardening with Allergies. It may be short, but this article is full of useful information for the allergy suffer who wants to not only garden, but just enjoy being outdoors.

Gardening with Allergies

Follow our tips and suggestions and you, too, will be enjoying the outdoors this spring and summer.

Gardening With Allergies - How to Make Gardening Enjoyable When You Suffer With Seasonal Allergies

Tree Allergies

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