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Grass Allergies
Although there are many disorders of the skin of the dog, the 5 following tips will help you identify some of the most common dog skin:
Grass Allergies
1 chips. The best way to identify a flea problem is to check the area of the abdomen and hind legs of the animals inside. The hair is thinner and lighter in this area is fleas and flea dirt instead. The same chip is brown or copper color and the size of a pinhead. Flea dirt seems to pepper spray. Ruffling the hair onDog back and along the base of the tail is also an easy way to find fleas and flea droppings. Often, dogs develop an allergy to flea hair loss around the base point (above) of the queue. There are several options for fleas and ticks.
Grass Allergies
. 2 Food Allergy Dermatitis: Although food allergies can appear in young animals at 5 or 6 months, dogs may also develop in adults over 11 or 12 years later. The most common symptoms of food allergy dermatitisby itching, excessive scratching, hot spots and skin infections. Dog owners should realize that there is a clear difference between allergies and intolerances. As people are the classic symptoms of food intolerance, gastric problems and diarrhea. All foods are not consistent in all dogs. Pink Bismuth is a sure remedy for digestive disorders and diarrhea in dogs. Food allergies require slowly eliminating foods and changing your diet.
Grass Allergies
3 atopicDermatitis, a condition caused by environmental allergens. Dogs with allergies often air rubbing her face against the side of a sofa or carpet. As in the case of food allergies, dogs chew their feet. With atopic dermatitis, is common for dogs to develop yeast infections. Pollen, trees, grass, dust and wool fabric are just some common allergens that some dogs are sensitive. Antihistimines are oftennecessary.
Acral lick dermatitis 4 (Lick granuloma). This increases the lesion is red, and usually without hairs on the leg of the dog. This neurological disease is self-induced licking continues. Possible causes are anxiety, boredom and stress. The treatment is to identify the problem (fear, etc.), the restriction of the region and often lick drugs for behavior modification.
5 hot spots. Medically calledAcute eczema, these injuries typically occur during hot weather. In addition to, the sides of the chest and hips around the head area of the most common hot spots. These moist and hairless inflammations are painful for the dog that bind to specific site to lick, chew and scratch on him. Continuous licking in one area is an important factor in the development of hot spots. These lesions can be very large. The position of the hot-spot isto determine what the problem might be one; anal gland problem, ear problem or a problem with fleas. A veterinarian will clean the hair around the site of clips with a medical solution, antibiotics and analgesics.
Determine the origin of the dog skin problems is often difficult. However, skin diseases, unpleasant and painful, so dog owners should not give up until you know where the problem is.
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