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Tree Allergies
Food allergies are food-specific IgE antibodies, which has developed a person for any reason, because (s) of your body uses food as a protein misunderstood foreign invasion. The presence of specific IgE antibodies to food a person is allergic to the results of an immediate immune reaction of the body when food is consumed. The IgE antibody binds its specific food proteins and triggers the body's reactions to chemicals such as the releaseHistamine, which can produce symptoms of itching, swelling, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, rash, urticaria and, if severe, shock and death if not reversed. Vomiting and diarrhea can occur but are less common.
Tree Allergies
In the investigation of an allergy to a food or food can be made by a blood test or skin test, or both. One of the most common blood test is the RAST test, which looks for the presence of specific IgE antibodies triggers of food allergies and other foodon a story that suggests that food is particularly suspect. Skin test is the injection or the use of extracts of the City and all suspect foods bite (s), or the skin into strips and diagnostic research "hive" that the answers given to the location of the suspect food. The most common food allergens are peanuts, cow's milk, wheat, corn, soy, shellfish, eggs, nuts, chocolate, pork, tomatoes and citrus fruits.
Tree Allergies
Terms of food intolerance and sensitivity are often used interchangeably. Theirrefer to a group of food reactions, IgE antibodies is not caused. In general terms, refers to any unpleasant or negative reaction that occurs after a meal is consumed.
Tree Allergies
The reactions are not allergic can cause a variety of causes. Do not tolerate a particular food, because they are not sufficiently digested by an enzyme deficiency. Digest lactase, the enzyme that converts lactose or milk sugar, is on the surface of cells lining the intestine. LactaseThe deficiency may be congenital or acquired. It often occurs when the intestinal lining is damaged. Since the enzyme lactase, which are on the outer surface of the 'gut, are more vulnerable to injury. For example, after the stomach flu, or untreated celiac disease, lactose intolerance is common. Other enzymes, sugars may be defective or intestines can be easily overwhelmed by the overload of sugar at a time. A classic example is the "Big Gulp" syndrome, if someone drinks aGiant-Cola drink was then known "well enough" on the huge amounts of fructose. Large amounts can not be handled in the intestine and causes swelling of an emergency, and terrible diarrhea.
A deficiency of digestive enzymes may be released in the intestine lead to poor digestion of food. For example, if the pancreas is damaged (pancreatitis) chronic, usually from chronic alcohol abuse, or is congenitally deficient or dysfunctional (eg cystic fibrosis). TheThe lack of pancreatic enzymes resulting in malabsorption occurs, particularly for fat, causing symptoms of diarrhea and weight loss. Abnormal levels and types of bacteria in the intestine, also known as dysbiosis and abnormally high levels of "bad" bacteria or the presence of bacteria in the small intestine, where they may have little or no bacteria that normally occur (bacterial growth ) in the result of absorption digestion or interfere with the digestion of food due to symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating, gas andDiarrhea.
Some foods and food additives have a direct toxic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Additives such as MSG and sulfites can cause symptoms such as flushing and diarrhea, or "Chinese restaurant" or "salad bar" syndrome.
All foods contain proteins known as lectins. Some of these proteins are very resistant to digestion and are toxic to the human gut, especially if they are pre-treated by soaking, cooking, good or removal of toxic components. For example,baked beans sufficiently hardened and cause food poisoning like illness. There are many foods that lectins are poorly tolerated by many people and are lethal to insects and parasites. A researcher Loren Cordain PhD., Author of Paleo Diet, has extensive research on how the human intestine is not "developed" Most of the food we eat now published tolerated, but not in the old "hunter-gatherers" time, saw something to eat a lot of illness in modern societiesand the growing epidemic of autoimmune diseases. Some of the "modern" foods that are not part of the old regime, but they provide much of our food is now well recognized toxic proteins called lectins, or poorly tolerated. Examples include wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) are peanut casein (milk protein), agglutinin (PNA), soybean agglutinin (SBA) and tomato lectin (TL), in studies in animals have shown they are toxic to the gut human. There are few published studies and little activityResearch on the role of dietary lectins in health and disease.
If toxicity is an immune system reaction to a food protein was often intestinal lesions, which are often "leaking and" called, because the symptoms of malabsorption or the entry of toxic food protein and / or bacterial products into blood leads to various health problems. This reaction can lead to autoimmunity in a body attack in the intestine and distant organs or tissues.This reaction can be promoted by abnormal types of bacteria and / or levels in the gut (dysbiosis). Symptoms frequently over time and the light scattered in a few hours to develop up to three days after eating the offending food and more food is eaten.
Like protein in the diet is usually the cause and how proteins can be hidden in other foods, especially processed foods, and toxicity is a cumulative and delayed immune reaction, it is very difficult for the person who suffers underthis to identify the specific foods as the cause. For example, gluten (protein in wheat) and casein (cow's milk protein) are found in many foods and toxic for many people. Over time, people with sensitivity to food proteins are generally sicker and may develop enough intestinal damage, blood tests for other types of antibodies, IgG and / or IgA, may be added to foods or certain food proteins, blood , feces or saliva detected.
Delayed immune response to proteinsFood (wheat, cow's milk), which is the intestinal lesion, gastrointestinal symptoms and gastrointestinal and autoimmune diseases is not increased very-well-recognized in celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disease produced by the ingestion of wheat gluten and products made from wheat flour (or gluten-like proteins in barley and rye). Previously, she was considered a rare disease of children and, especially in the United States. However, studies of blood tests documented that in itself1133-1, about 100 people worldwide, although most of those affected are diagnosed and treated. It is diagnosed with a positive test for blood screening and confirmed by a characteristic abnormal intestinal biopsy to relieve the symptoms and the return of normal bowel movements adhered to a gluten-free diet. Untreated, it is with higher rates of cancer, including lymphoma, osteoporosis, anemia and other complications resulting in reduced life expectancy associated with malabsorptionLife expectancy. It 'a life without gluten-treated. Less degrees of gluten intolerance or sensitivity can not be strong enough to abnormal blood tests or diagnostic biopsies, but lead to symptoms, or improve, to fix a diet free of gluten and I may be an increase in antibodies or saliva testing because can be detected.
Although the violation of the colon tissue may appear as visually abnormal tissue can be seen in endoscopic procedures such results are not specific forthe cause. The fabric is often normal, and often is not made by biopsy, but can occur under the microscope to be seen, but no specific cause or food. If the doctor or is ignorant, food intolerance or non-routine biopsy normal-appearing intestinal tissue for signs of food intolerance, the breach can not be found.
Food allergies are based on the immune system often associated with many symptoms that can satisfy both the gastrointestinaland outside of the intestine and nausea may flatulence, diarrhea (and sometimes constipation), abdominal pain, fatigue, gain, headaches, joint and muscle pain, rashes, weight loss or weight gain, anemia, malnutrition, irritability, depression, brain fog and pain belong to the nerves (neuropathy). These symptoms may be misdiagnosed or mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, reflux, ulcer, and fibromyalgia, etc., without thinking of the patient or the doctor whoFood intolerance can cause and the elimination of certain foods can heal. The most common food allergies are the most common causes of food intolerance reactions.
In general, most doctors in the practice of most common food allergy symptoms and how to test and when. However, several studies, most people find that most doctors no confirmation of the common symptoms of celiac disease are available, the blood test for antibodies andhigh-risk genes, and can and are often diagnosed in adults. For this reason, the diagnosis is delayed on average more than 11 years in most adults, after many of them have fatal complications such as osteoporosis, cancer or other autoimmune diseases. The awareness and acceptance of intolerance to gluten protein is not gluten sensitivity and other food in the medical community is even worse.
Therefore, food intolerance or sensitivity is often overlooked and untreated. Many patients areforced by accidentally discovered the link between their symptoms to specific foods, often diagnosed as a result of an elimination diet recommended by a doctor or help friends / relatives, or search the Internet or doctors to help themselves. I hope that by reading this article now better understand food allergies and intolerances, because they are often overlooked, and is a frequent cause of many symptoms, not only in the intestine, which generally improvesif not solve, if the food or foods are eliminated from the diet.
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