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Tree Allergies
Celiac disease, gluten intolerance can be made sensitive to cow's milk protein and food allergies and digestive many non-gastrointestinal symptoms. Among the most frequent non-gastrointestinal symptoms include headaches, tiredness or fatigue, bone pain, joint and / or muscle pain, a reduction in attention or mental fog, nerve pain (neuropathy), and rash, painful or severely irritating. The most common symptoms are gastrointestinal feelings of excessive fullness with mealsor thereafter, and bloated stomach bloating, diarrhea, flatulence or a foul too, constipation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
Tree Allergies
Assessment of the severity and frequency of the common symptoms, particularly on the development and monitoring of your own "Top Ten Symptoms" will be very useful for you and your doctor, especially if combined with a detailed food diary of symptoms. In addition to medical tests such as blood tests, stool samples and endoscopic examinations, assessment of severity of symptoms andFrequency before, during and after an elimination diet critical essay. This helps determine whether certain foods cause or aggravate the symptoms.
Tree Allergies
The foundation of the treatment of food allergies usually includes an elimination diet. Before an elimination diet, a food diary is usually kept and examined the trends by a doctor. As part of your medical history, symptoms, family history and medical evaluation of a medical examination is generally recommended, and may include bloodFecal tests, skin tests for food allergens, and the scope of investigations of the upper and / or lower digestive tract. Her medical examination can be a very different experience from your doctor, your specialty, remaining on food allergies or intolerances, and medical history, symptoms and age.
Tree Allergies
Before seeing a doctor for an evaluation for possible food intolerances or allergies, you must first sign of a list that includes the initial assessment of the frequency and severityTheir symptoms. This should be done before any change in diet or eating habits. A scale of 1-5 or 1-10 is commonly used to assess symptom severity and frequency. Within 2-3 weeks I will publish a diary of symptoms, the food very cheap. You can try to write in a notebook, and monitor what you eat at least once a week, your personal "Top Ten" list of the most disturbing symptoms or severity and frequency. With a written document, you and your doctor can more easily followThe progress and potential trends.
For 28 days, I recommend eliminating all dairy products and legumes, cereals and processed foods. Foods in these categories are the most common foods that cause problems for people. In these categories, you can find foods that are often dietary proteins, lectins, gluten and casein, which are known or suspected to have identified to cause symptoms. The foundation stone for the elimination diet is commonly known as the Paleolithic, Neanderthal hunters and gatherers knownCaveman or simply as a diet popularized by researcher Loren Cordain Paleo Health, Diet, Ph.D., in his numerous scientific publications and book The Paleo.
The basis of the diet is the first allergy lean meat and fish (except fish), fruits and vegetables eliminating other foods according to personal history. For example, remove all food, especially for you based on known food allergies, intolerances or food allergies because of the suspicionYour genetics, family history, presence of nasal, skin allergies or pollen or before a medical. In particular, some foods are known to have documented reactions in some people, allergies to cause the grass, weeds, and / or tree pollen, dust mites and latex. This association is also a sensitivity to food clinically as oral allergy syndrome (OAS) approved. The change in the Paleo Diet is based on individual assessment, I called the neo-paleoSpecial diet.
4 weeks or 28 days after your Neo-Paleo Diet is a specialist before reintroducing foods one at a time recommended every week to two weeks while continuing to pursue the symptoms. This period allows the intestines to heal and long enough to eliminate a pattern of adequate nutrition and models to make an assessment of symptoms. In theory, this should allow people with good food induced injury or irritation associated with a "leaky gut"Ready to heal quite abnormal immune response and food intake and / or proteins derived food and reduce intestinal bacteria. It may take some time, the hidden sources of food to identify potential problems and adapt to your new eating habits.
You should also be aware that some people like the classic symptoms of abstinence during the first 3-7 days of the removal of certain foods, particularly cereals and dairy experiment. Gluten in wheat products, andCasein products containing substances such as morphine, cow's milk. It can be addictive.
The key to whether certain foods, how you feel and the type of problem is an appropriate assessment of the record of elimination of what they eat and how does it feel to contribute together. A commitment of 4 weeks strongly recommended the elimination of food on your specific assessment being recorded exactly what you eat and how you feelwill help you stay motivated and models, to eliminate, reduce or rotate regularly all the food problem.
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