


Looking for recipe ideas, food allergies

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Tree Allergies

It seems that (are specifically designed for people who have written a food allergy), a couple of recipe books seem to offer little value for money. The especially annoying when you simply rehashing regular recipes, but add the side line "get a [insert food allergy] free replacement" in the ingredients to complete each meal.

Tree Allergies

But the Internet, there is plenty of food allergy recipe information, allowing those of us with a breakSweet tooth, but a food allergy, which can sometimes be limited.

Tree Allergies

So, here's your quick three-step guide to free online recipes food allergy research:

Tree Allergies

1) Visit many sites with reputable cuisine. In fact, most of the large kitchen or under website, we have created for you automatically enter you are sure that some foods from the meal is not in the ingredients.

2) Always check the details. For example, if a recipe simply says to addButter or oil, you must be sure that the products sold are free of nuts.

3) Find a recipe for the use of a regular web surfing. Build your own recipe cards that you will not if you feed your sweet tooth!

They have not an idea recipe?

As adults, people with allergies to peanuts themselves (which is also a great cook!) Do not have my sweet tooth, for fear of what may be left in cookies or cakes. Instead, I looked for recipes that allow memake a big peanut free cookies and cakes.

In fact, here is one of my favorite recipes. Carried away, but be careful, at 83 calories per cookie, you can also use!

Cookie Recipe Peanut

Servings: 4 dozen cookies

The nutritional value of a cookie, 3.8 g fat, 83 calories 84 mg of salt


3 / 4 cup soy nut butter - butter, soy nuts, peanut butter is a good alternative, because it does not contain peanuts or nuts. Vegetable oil 1 / 2 cupTrim - Please note that there is always the type of vegetable oil that is used to verify. If vegetable oil is not clearly identified, how to avoid the producers may have used peanut oil. 1 1 / 4 cup well packed brown sugar 3 tablespoons soy milk 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar 1 egg Soy flour 1 / 4 cup 1 1 / 2 cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 / 2 cup roasted, salted soy nuts (for garnish)

Preheat oven to 375 F.

Put the soy nutsButter, vegetable fat, soy milk, brown sugar and vanilla in a bowl.

Ingredients of a soft dough, then the eggs.

Mix the eggs in the ingredients.

Now add the flour, salt and yeast, and mix the ingredients into the bowl.

Drop teaspoonfuls of mixture on the type of baking paper and paper form, as required.

Top each cookie with some of the salted soy nuts.

Finally, in the oven for 8-10 minutes until golden brown,then can be cooled completely before eating.

Looking for recipe ideas, food allergies

Tree Allergies

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