


The symptoms of allergy to grass

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Tree Allergies

Many people die due to hay fever in spring and especially in autumn, do so because they are allergic to pollen. These small particles are an essential part of the reproductive phase of flowering plants and trees. Many of these plants the advantage of the wind for pollination and why the seasons listed above are primary breeding periods, the concentration of pollen in the air and shoots dramatically can also vary on a daily basis. These tiny grains into the air to land on differentParts of the body responsible for many symptoms associated with allergies.

Tree Allergies

When pollen comes into contact with eyes, itching and look red and irritated. Similarly, the inhalation of pollen in the race, stuffed nose and itching, which can clog the strong, forcing you to breathe through the mouth of lead. In severe cases, can also cause asthma attacks, inhaled pollen.

Tree Allergies

People develop hay fever are often allergic to pollenin itself, regardless of tree or plant, is produced. However, there are people that are specifically affected by grass pollen produced. If the grass allergies usually peaks in spring and early fall, but they are perennial allergens, and have the potential to cause an allergic reaction at any time of 'years.

Tree Allergies

People who are allergic to grass pollen will be difficult to engage in everyday activities such as mowingLawn or even when you are sitting or lying in the grass. This activity is usually the eruption of the skin in the hives, itching great cause. This reaction is known in medical circles as "contact urticaria."

There are a variety of herbs, and produce pollen allergies. North and South herb herbs - these herbs are all basically divided into two categories depending on their location. Quackgrass is the main allergen in the southHemisphere during the northern hemisphere some types, such as Kentucky bluegrass, sweet spring, rye, red top and orchard.

As with other causes of pollen allergies is the best way to treat allergies to grass, to avoid them. This can be done with some preventive measures. For example:
Ask someone to mow the lawn or use a mask when you do. In any case, make sure your lawn is kept short. Take advantage of alternative investments and coversground. Irish moss and size are perfect for hedging purposes and not to put the pollen in the air. Use a dryer to dry, hanging clothes to dry on the outside can lead to grass pollen grains produced for the collection of clothing and interior shots. Try to schedule outdoor activities and activities for the time of sunset. This is when pollen grains are at their lowest level. Showers also help reduce the set of pollen grains makes it safer for you to getout. Do not leave home at 10 because the pollen on a large scale at the time of the day he flew to keep the windows and doors closed and the air conditioning turned on to minimize the contribution of pollen in the house. Ensuring that people and animals that have just arrived from outside, as they have pollen on their body can be avoided.

Immunotherapy is the best chance of long-term solution. Antihistamines are suitable for short-term treatments. Immunotherapy is often argued, andunder the supervision of a physician and the immune system include desensitization to allergens with the introduction of small amounts over a longer period.

The symptoms of allergy to grass

Tree Allergies

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