


Staying healthy during allergy season

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Tree Allergies

Spring is just around the corner and be with flowers and plants on the verge of full bloom, hay fever, hives and other allergic reactions follow soon. If you're like me, try to avoid the necessary drugs and over-the-counter, as much as possible. Although there may be times when we need to use certain drugs to treat health, there are several remedies that help prevent or reduce the effects of allergies century. Supplements and herbs can helpInflammatory response and act as natural antihistamines.

Tree Allergies

Allergies are the result of an acquired hypersensitivity to certain drugs, food or environmental substances. You can start at any time and are more often associated with stress and repeated exposure to a toxin. In addition, there is a proven genetic link: The children can inherit the tendency to develop allergies Increasing incidence of allergy has been associated with the air, contaminated water, and at the same time.Food, decreased incidence of breast feeding and early introduction of solid foods to babies genetically modified plants and eat the same food every day. If you eat the same food day after day, your body can build up an intolerance.

Tree Allergies

Seasonal or environmental allergies may be caused by molds, yeasts, dust and pollen from ragweed, trees and other plants. They are usually triggered by the hair and animal hair, dust mites, wood stoves and coal,and cigarette smoke. If you are interested, avoid these sources, if possible. Below is a compiled list of supplements and herbs that can be useful in the treatment of your allergies this season. I have included a precautionary measure, we note with each herb / supplement, if any. Please refer to the treatment of a qualified health professional for specific doses of these herbs and not them.

Tree Allergies


or rosehips: Note: Generally considered safe.

or nettle: Note:Nettle can be allergic reactions in some people.

Fennel or: Note: The fennel can cause allergic reactions in some people.

Garlic or: Note: Put the garlic directly to the cause of the skin
Blisters and a burning sensation. High doses can interact with the blood of Coumadin.

Turmeric or: Note: The root of turmeric should not be used by people with gallstones or obstruction of the biliary tract.

or Valerian: Note: Although this may generally have a calming effect, valerian actas a stimulant for some people. Long-term use should be due to alkaloids that can damage the liver should be avoided.


or bromelain (pineapple enzyme)

Digestive enzymes or

or Omega-3 fatty acids

or quercetin (bioflavonoid from citrus fruits and buckwheat)

or vitamin A

or Vitamin C

or zinc

How do you know if you have food allergies

Food allergies are on the rise and the United States, about 6 millionPeople suffer. Many suffer in silence because they do not realize that they are allergic. The largest contributors of food allergies are flour, white sugar and processed foods with little nutritional value have been refined. However, Americans are eating these foods more than ever.

To make matters worse, fewer people eat different types of food. Too many people do not change their diets tend to consist mainly of wheat, corn, milk, sugar, caffeine, meat, eggs andCitrus. Eating the same food every day the immune system fails to respond properly and can cause allergic reactions. Other common causes of allergies are added preservatives, additives, dyes, glutamate (MSG), aspartame, saccharin, pesticides and other chemicals in food.

The inflammation may be the symptom most commonly associated with allergies, occur anywhere in the body. When inflammation of the joints, can be rheumatoid arthritis, occurs in the head, can lead to chronic sinusitis or migraine. The symptoms associated with multiple food allergies and may include, among other things: acne, asthma, depression, fatigue, irritable bowel, insomnia, eczema, urticaria, anxiety, ulcers of the mouth, teeth grinding, diarrhea, flatulence, colic, constipation , arthritis, headaches, sinusitis, skin rashes, chronic bladder infections, developmental disorders and nocturnal enuresis.

If you think you have to eat> Allergies may occur with an elimination diet. But do not try this diet if you have severe reactions to foods, such as difficulty breathing or severe asthma that the reintroduction of the offending food can cause anaphylactic shock in some people. The following information will lead to how to implement the elimination diet.

First, identify the foods that you may be allergic. The most common are wheat products, dairy products, cereals, citrus fruits, and peanuts. If you do not knowElimination of all treated by them with food, artificial food dyes, preservatives, additives, coffee, sugar and alcohol. Check the ingredients of packaged foods and dietary supplements listed. Drink filtered water and eat organic foods whenever possible. Follow the diet for 2-3 weeks. After 3 weeks, if your allergy symptoms have disappeared. Otherwise can ou allergic to something that does not eliminate it, you can not stay on a diet, or you have another medical condition.

If yourThe symptoms have disappeared, to introduce food at a time and see the reactions. Eat a lot of suspect food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Symptoms of recording in a diary. If you do not have symptoms within three days, probably are not allergic to food. After 3 days, reintroduce other foods. If you have symptoms, stop eating the suspected food, as you are probably allergic to it. Wait until the symptoms go away before trying a different food.

After determining which foods areallergic, cut from your diet completely for 3-6 months, then introduce them. You may find that your allergy is gone. At the same time, be sure to eat whole, unprocessed foods, and rotate the selection, do not eat the same foods more than two or three times a week. Even a qualified health professional like a doctor who specializes in treating allergies, and when your allergies are severe.

Staying healthy during allergy season

Tree Allergies

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